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Pathophysiology and Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis

Bruce R. Line

Lower-limb deep venous thrombosis (DVT) affects be- studies are the most commonly used noninvasive mo-
tween 1% to 2% of hospitalized patients. These thrombi dality. Other procedures are occasionally used to diag-
disrupt the vascular integrity of the lower limbs and are nose DVT, including impedance plethysmography, com-
the source of emboli that kill approximately 200,000 puted tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
patients each year in the United States. The causes of US examinations are noninvasive, they are rapidly ob-
thrombosis include vessel wall damage, stasis or low tained, and they can be performed serially. In symptom-
flow, and hypercoagulability. These factors favor clot atic patients, venous US is sensitive and specific for
formation by disrupting the balance of the opposing proximal DVT; however, US is insensitive to calf vein
coagulative and fibrinolytic systems. The symptoms thrombosis and to asymptomatic DVT occurring after
and signs of venous thrombosis are caused by obstruc- surgery. Patients with symptoms of recurrent DVT also
tion to venous outflow, vascular inflammation, or pul- can present a difficult diagnostic problem. Only about
monary embolization. About 70% of patients referred 20% to 30% of these individuals actually have the dis-
for clinically suspected venous thrombosis, however, do ease; the rest have symptoms arising from chronic
not have the diagnosis confirmed by objective testing. venous insufficiency or from any of the causes of lower
Among the 30% w h o have venous thrombosis, about extremity pain. After an acute episode, up to 50% of
85% have proximal vein thrombosis, and the remainder patients have compression ultrasound abnormalities for
have thrombosis confined to the calf. Physicians cannot 6 months that are indistinguishable from the original
rely on signs and symptoms to make the diagnosis of findings of DVT. Hence, there are a significant number of
DVT and must depend on imaging studies to guide patients and clinical circumstances in which the diagno-
treatment. Patients with proximal vein thrombosis w h o sis of DVT is difficult, sSmTc-radiolabeled peptides that
are inadequately treated have a 47% frequency of recur- target the molecular biology of thrombosis should aid in
rent venous thromboembolism over 3 months. In con- the management of the disease, particularly in asymp-
trast, clinically detectable recurrence occurs in less than tomatic patients at high risk, in patients with recurrent
2% of patients with proximal vein thrombosis if an symptoms, in patients with active DVT in the calf and/or
adequate anticoagulant response is achieved. Of the pelvis, and in patients with intermediate- or low-proba-
diagnostic procedures for DVT, venography is the only bility lung scans.
invasive test of proven value, and ultrasonographic (US) Copyright 9 2001 by W,B. Saunders Company

OWER-LIMB DEEP venous thrombosis (DVT) fibrin clots (Fig 2). Coagulation may be initiated
affects between 1% to 2% of hospitalized by tissue factor released by vascular wall damage, 5
patients.l The true incidence of DVT in the popu- by cytokine activation of endothelial ceils, or by
lation is unknown because many cases without activated monocytes responding to vascular in-
symptoms pass undetected. However, many fatal j u r y . 6 The initial platelet cluster on the vessel
emboli originate from thrombi in the proximal builds and grows toward the center of the vessel
lower limb or the pelvis, and each year in the lumen, alternating layers of fibrin and red cells that
United States approximately 200,000 patients die are trapped between layers of platelets. 7 As the
as a result of thromboembolism. 2 It is useful to first thrombus grows out into the bloodstream, it is bent
explore the natural history of venous thrombosis in the direction of flow and extends across the
from a molecular and pathophysiologic perspective lumen. The flow around the thrombus becomes
to provide the basis for understanding the clinical turbulent and gradually decreases. When the vein
and diagnostic aspects of DVT. is completely occluded, there is usually rapid
extension of a jellylike red thrombus up to the
NATURAL HISTORY OF VENOUS mouth of the next major tributary. If this tributary
THROMBOEMBOLISM becomes occluded, the propagated thrombus con-
Most deep vein (Fig 1) thrombi develop in the
calf, with common sites of origin in the soleal From the University of Maryland Medical College, Division
sinusoids and behind the venous valves. 3 Sevitt has of Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland Medical Systems,
suggested that the eddy currents occurring as blood Baltimore, MD.
passes a valve encourage the deposition of throm- Address reprint requests to Bruce R. Line, MD, Department
bus within the valve cusp. 4 Vascular compression of Diagnostic Radiology, 22 South Greene St, Baltimore, MD
accomplished by exercising muscles may wash Copyright 9 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company
away these small deposits. Alternatively, they may 0001-2998/01/3102-0001535.00/0
provide a nidus for the generation of thrombin and doi:l O.lO53/snuc.2001.21406

90 Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, Vol XXXl, No 2 (April), 2001: pp 90-101


segment clot lysis was noted in 44% of the limbs

with acute DVT, and almost all affected limbs
showed some lysis by 30 days. After 90 days, only
14% of the originally thrombosed segments con-
tinued to obstruct venous flow. Within 1 week of
the initial diagnostic study, 17% of limbs with
acute DVT showed reflux in 1 or more venous
segments. And by 1 year, two thirds of the limbs
had incompetent valves. 8
Kakkar et al prospectively followed 153 patients
for 2 years from the onset of DVT and found that
plethysmographic evidence of venous obstruction
correlated well with the distribution of disease by
venography. 9 Despite anticoagulation with heparin
or aggressive thrombolytic therapy, 60% of limbs
with thrombi confined to veins below the knee and
87% with combined calf and iliofemoral thrombo-
ses had moderate to severe hemodynamic abnor-
malities. Other investigators using noninvasive
techniques to follow patients treated with antico-
Postedor Antmtor agulants for DVT also have reported the persis-
Fig 1. Anatomy of the deep venous system. The deep
tence of venous obstruction and valvular incompe-
veins of the lower limb consist of paired anterior tibiel, tence in a large proportion of limbs. 8.~~
posterior tibial, and peroneal veins that parallel the course of
the arterial system. These veins join the popliteal vein. Once
the popliteal vein passes through the adductor canal, it
becomes the femoral vein. The deep femoral vein is s branch Virchow's triad of the causes for thrombosis
of the femoral vein.
includes (1) changes in the lining of the vessel wall
(wall damage), (2) changes in the flow of blood
tinues to extend proximally and may reach several (stasis or low flow), and (3) changes in the con-
feet in length. 8 stituents of the blood (hypercoagulability).~3 These
When a thrombus adheres to the endothelium, it factors favor clot formation by disrupting the
stimulates a hyperemic inflammatory response that balance of the opposing coagulative and fibrino-
begins the processes of organization. The clot is lytic systems.
invaded by granulomatous host response cells and
is replaced by fibrous tissue. Where the thrombus
remains loose within the lumen, polymerization
and maturation of the fibrin within the thrombus
cause it to retract. Thrombus retraction and orga-
nization eventually lead to recanalization and en-
dothelialization. This process destroys all the
valves in the affected segment of the vein and is
accompanied by an enlargement of the collateral
venous channels. There is a considerable danger
Aggregation ~ Propagation ---,,- Embolization ~ r g a n i z a t i o n
of embolization until a nonadherent, nonocclusive
thrombus begins to contract. Contraction normally Fig2. Netursl history of DVT. The eddy currents thet occur
occurs 5 to 10 days after thrombus formation. 8 as blood passes a valve encourage the deposition of throm-
bus within the valve cusp. The initial platelet cluster on the
Serial clinical studies have attempted to docu- vessel builds and grows toward the center of the vessel
ment the natural history of DVT. The rate of clot lumen. When a thrombus adheres to the endothelium, it
lysis or retraction and the incidence of venous stimulates a hyperemic inflammatory response that begins
the processes of organization. Thrombus retraction and orga-
valvular incompetence have been evaluated by nization destroys the valves in the affected segment of the
duplex ultrasonic scanning. After 7 days, venous vein.

Flow Reduction and Stasis Disorders of Coagulation

Venous return from the legs is enhanced by Coagulation Cascade
contraction of the calf muscles, which propels
blood upward from the extremities. Venous stasis A low level of activation of blood coagulation
contributes to thrombogenesis by allowing acti- occurs continuously in healthy patients. 28 Under
vated coagulation factors to accumulate. 14 Venous normal circumstances, activated coagulation fac-
stasis is produced by immobility, venous obstruc- tors are diluted in the flowing blood and are
tion, increased venous pressure, increased blood neutralized by inhibitors on the surface of endo-
viscosity, and venous dilation. thelial cells or by circulating antiproteinases. 29
Prolonged immobility and bed rest have been However, activated clotting factors that escape
well documented as risk factors for the develop- regulation can trigger the coagulation system,
ment of DVT. 15-17 Eddy currents and vortices thereby leading to fibrin formation. 3~
within the valve pockets encourage platelet depo- Coagulation in vivo is initiated via the extrinsic
sition and thrombus formation. 18-2~ McLachlin et or tissue factor pathway. In the tissue factor path-
al showed that contrast media remained in valve way, activated factor VII binds to tissue factor at
sinuses for 30 to 60 minutes if calf muscles were sites of vascular injury. The tissue factor-factor
not exercised. 21 The calf pump does not function VIIa complex then activates the coagulation cas-
during general anesthesia, and the reduction of calf cade, which results in the conversion of prothrom-
blood flow may persist for 7 days after an opera- bin to thrombin. Thrombin then converts fibrino-
tion. 15,22 Long periods of immobilization may ex- gen to fibrin and activates the platelets. Tissue
plain the "economy class syndrome," suggesting factor is strongly expressed in all solid tissues,
that people who travel long distances by air are at forming a hemostatic envelope around blood ves-
a higher risk for DVT and embolism, even in the sels; if a vessel is injured, the exposed tissue factor
absence of a previous history of cardiovascular triggers coagulation. 31
problems.23,24 Hypercoagulability, either at a local or distant
Immobility contributes to the high incidence of site, is critically important in the initiation of DVT.
postoperative venous thrombosis in patients who Clinical risk factors that predispose to venous
have undergone hysterectomy, transabdominal thromboembolism by activating blood coagulation
prostatectomy, hip surgery, knee surgery, or sur- include malignancy, extensive surgery, trauma,
gery for fractures of the lower limb. Furthermore, burns, myocardial infarction, and possibly local
preoperative immobility is associated with a higher hypoxia produced by venous stasis. 14 Activation of
frequency of perioperative venous thrombosis. The blood coagulation also increases with age in pa-
prevalence of venous thrombosis found at autopsy tients over 45. Diseases that increase blood viscos-
is markedly increased in individuals who were ity also raise the risk for DVT. Such diseases
confined to bed for more than a week before include polycythemia rubra vera, leukemia, multi-
death. 25 ple myeloma, and other macroglobulinemias.
Venous obstruction contributes to the risk of Postoperatively, there is an acute phase re-
venous thrombosis in patients with pelvic tumors. sponse, which results in an increase in the platelet
Furthermore, a raised central venous pressure pro- count, a decrease in fibrinolytic potential, and an
duces venous stasis in the extremities, which may increase in the concentration of coagulation factors
explain the high prevalence of venous thrombosis (including fibrinogen). 32 The fibrinogen half-life
in patients with heart failure. Venous stasis can also decreases, which is presumably a reflection of
be caused by venous dilation or increased blood the increased turnover of coagulation factors. 33'34
viscosity, due to an elevated hematocrit (polycy- The rise in plasma fibrinogen concentration also
themia), hypergammaglobulinemia, dysproteine- increases blood viscosity, which in turn slows
mias, or an increased fibrinogen concentration. The venous circulation. 35
ability of estrogen to cause venous dilation may In vivo activation also is increased above normal
help explain the increased prevalence of thrombo- in some patients with hereditary deficiencies of
sis during pregnancy, 26 or in individuals taking antithrombin, protein C, and protein S, 28 as well as
estrogen-containing oral contraceptive pills z6 or in patients with activated protein C resistance. 36
estrogen replacement therapy. 27 Antithrombin deficiency (antithrombin III deft-

ciency) appears to be transmitted as an autosomal factor, either directly by endothelial cells or by

dominant and is estimated to occur in 1 of every monocytes that are attracted to the site of damage.
2,000 families. 37,38 Acquired antithrombin defi- Furthermore, the exposure of blood to subendothe-
ciency can develop in patients with the nephritic lium leads to platelet adhesion and aggregation. In
syndrome (ie, as a loss of the protein in the urine). addition to activating coagulation, tissue damage
It can also be caused by increased consumption in can also lead to impaired fibrinolysis because
patients with an acute venous thrombosis and in inflammatory cytokines induce endothelial cell
those receiving heparin. 39 It can develop postoper- synthesis of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. 46
atively4~ and in women who are taking oral Endothelial cell stimulation (seconds to min-
contraceptives. 42 Activated protein C resistance utes) causes a retraction of endothelial cells from
may be a very common contributor to risk for DVT. each other, which exposes the underlying suben-
Dahlbeck43 showed that activated protein C resis- dothelium. This is accompanied by translocation of
tance was present in 40% of a population with DVT. P-selectin, release of von Willebrand's factor, and
secretion of platelet activating factor. 5~ Endothelial
Fibrinolytic System cell activation (4 to 6 hours) causes progressive
The fibrinolytic system is responsible for throm- transcription of many genes, including cytokines
bus and clot breakdown. The basic reaction of the (IL-I, IL-6, IL-8) and tissue factor, which is the
plasma fibrinolytic system is the conversion of main initiator of coagulation.
plasminogen to the active enzyme plasmin. Plas-
min hydrolyzes fibrin and various plasma coagu-
lation proteins, including fibrinogen. Two endoge- Symptoms and Signs of DVT
nous plasminogen activators, tissue plasminogen The symptoms and signs of venous thrombosis
activator and urokinase, are synthesized by and are caused by obstruction to venous outflow, vas-
released from endothelial cells. Tissue plasmino- cular inflammation, or pulmonary embolization.
gen activator is released in response to a number of Unilateral or asymmetric swelling suggests venous
different stresses, including stasis, adrenaline, and obstruction and is one of the best signs of DVT.
exercise. 44 Defective production or release of acti- Bilaterally symmetric edema is more likely to be
vator from the vein wall has been found to be caused by a systemic problem, such as congestive
associated with recurrent DVT. 45 heart failure, but it can occur in inferior vena cava
Decreased fibrinolytic activity occurs in the obstruction. Ordinarily, circumferences measured
early postoperative period 46 in individuals taking at the same level in the lower extremities should
oral contraceptives, 47 during the last trimester of differ by no more than 1 cm. Edema caused by
pregnancy, 47 and in obese patients. 48 Fibrinolytic acute venous thrombosis usually decreases when
activity in the leg veins is less than that in the arm the limb is elevated and increases when the limb is
veins, which may partly explain the greater ten- dependent. Swelling may persist for weeks or
dency for venous thrombosis to occur in the lower months after the initial episode and may never
extremities. The relative reduction in fibrinolytic disappear entirely. Easily pitting edema suggests
activity in the leg veins is more marked in the that the swelling is reversible and of relatively
elderly and declines with age as the risk of post- short duration. 5j A palpable cord with localized
operative DVT increases. 49 inflammation is indicative of superficial thrombo-
phlebitis; deep veins are seldom felt. Homan's
Vessel Wall Damage sign, defined as pain in the calf with dorsiflexion, is
Although the normal endothelium is nonthrom- not only insensitive to DVT but is also very
bogenic, damage or injury to the endothelium can nonspecific, occurring in many patients on bed
trigger the activation of platelets and coagulation. rest. 52 Most limbs with acute DVT are nearly
The vascular endothelium can be damaged by normal in color or have a faintly cyanotic discol-
direct trauma, thrombin, or low oxygen tension. It oration caused by congestion of the cutaneous
can also be damaged by exposure to endotoxin veins. 5~
or inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-I In seriously ill hospitalized patients, physicians
(IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor. make the correct diagnosis of DVT by using signs
Vascular injury leads to the expression of tissue and symptoms in half of their patients. 5~.53 Predic-

tion criteria based on clinical data 53 can be used to embolism, and 1% to 5 % die as a result. 8 Until
place ambulatory patients in low- (5% probability), they embolize, the vast majority of these thrombi
medium- (33% probability), or high-risk (85% are completely asymptomatic.
probability) groups. 53 Although these probability After 3 months of anticoagulant therapy, the
assessments can be used to classify a patient's risk, recurrence rate is 5% to 10% in the following
they are not sufficiently exact to exclude or con- year. 55,56 Patients whose first episode of venous
firm DVT and cannot replace imaging studies. thrombosis was idiopathic and those who have
Table 1 lists some of the conditions that may ongoing risk factors, such as prolonged immobili-
mimic DVT. Because venous thrombosis can co- zation or cancer, are at higher risk of recurrence.
exist with any of these conditions, objective testing About 70% of patients referred for clinically sus-
for DVT may be required even when an alternative pected venous thrombosis do not have the diagno-
diagnosis appears likely. The conditions that most sis confirmed by objective testing. 57 Among the
frequently simulate venous thrombosis are a rup- 30% who have venous thrombosis, about 85%
tured Baker's cyst, cellulitis, muscle tear, muscle have proximal vein thrombosis and the rest have
cramp, muscle hematoma, external venous com- thrombosis confined to the calf. 57
pression, superficial thrombophlebitis, and post-
phlebitic syndrome. Clinical Complications of the Disease
Pulmonary Embolism
Risk Factors
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is the most common
The risk of DVT increases with age, but there is preventable cause of death in the hospital, s8 In the
no difference between the sexes, and the risk in absence of prophylaxis, the frequency of post-
children is small, al,54 Between 10% and 40% of operative fatal PE is 0.1% to 0.8% in patients
patients over 40 who undergo major abdominal or undergoing elective general surgery, 0.3% to 1.7%
thoracic surgery develop calf vein thrombosis; 2% in patients undergoing elective hip surgery, and 4%
to 8% develop proximal venous thrombosis; 1% to to 7% in patients undergoing emergency hip sur-
8% develop clinically evident pulmonary embo- gery. 58 Most cases of clinically significant and fatal
lism; and 0.1% to 1% develop a fatal pulmonary PE probably arise from thrombi in the proximal
embolus. In high-risk patients and those undergo- veins of the legs. Although PE may result from calf
ing orthopedic surgery of the lower limbs, the vein thrombosis, these emboli tend to be smaller and
incidence of calf vein thrombosis and proximal occur less commonly than in patients with proximal
venous thrombosis jumps to 40% to 80% and 10% vein thrombosis. 59 Asymptomatic PE is detected by
to 20%, respectively. Approximately 4% to 10% of perfusion lung scanning in about 50% of patients
patients in this category experience a pulmonary with documented proximal vein thrombosisP 9
Untreated or inadequately treated venous throm-
Table 1. Conditions That May Mimic Acute DVT
bosis is associated with a high complication rate,
which can be decreased markedly by adequate
Muscle strain or blunt trauma
anticoagulant therapy. About 20% of untreated
Ruptured muscle with subfascial hematoma
Spontaneous hemorrhage or hematoma silent calf vein thrombi and 20% to 30% of
Ruptured synovial cysts (Baker's cysts) untreated symptomatic calf vein thrombi extend
Arthritis, synovitis, or myositis into the popliteal vein. When extension occurs, it is
Cellulitis, lymphangitis, or inflammatory lymphedema associated with a 40% to 50% risk of clinically
Superficial thrombophlebitis
detectable PE. 9
Arterial insufficiency
Pregnancy or oral contraceptive use
Acute Recurrent DVT
Lipedema Patients with proximal vein thrombosis who are
Chronic venous insufficiency or venous reflux syndromes inadequately treated have a 47% frequency of
Extrinsic venous compression: lymphadenopathy, tumors,
lymphomas, hematomas, abscesses, right iliac artery recurrent venous thromboembolism over 3 months.
Systemic edema: congestive heart failure, metabolic, Patients with symptomatic calf vein thrombosis
nephritic syndrome, postarterial reconstruction who are treated with a 5-day course of heparin
Dependency or leg immobilization (casts) without continuing oral anticoagulants have a re-
Arteriovenous fistula
currence rate greater than 20% over the next 3

months. 1~ In contrast, clinically detectable recur- The risk of PPS in patients with symptomatic DVT
rence occurs in less than 2% of patients with is 22.8% after 2 years, 28% after 5 years, and
proximal vein thrombosis if an adequate anticoag- 29.1% after 8 years.' 2 When symptoms are acute or
ulant response is achieved, and the recurrence rate subacute in onset, a diagnosis of PPS should be
during the subsequent 3 months of treatment with considered only after recurrent venous thrombosis
oral anticoagulants is 2% to 4%. 55.60 has been excluded by objective tests. Other causes
A patient with a history of DVT who returns of recurrent leg pain or swelling include recurrent
with acute swelling or pain in the leg, which muscle strain, internal derangement of the knee or
suggests a recurrent episode of thrombosis, pre- hip, recurrent cellulitis, extrinsic compression of
sents a difficult diagnostic problem. Only about the vein, lumbosacral disk disease, and sciatic pain.
20% to 30% of these patients actually have the
disease; the rest have symptoms arising from Venous Thrombosis in Subclavian
chronic venous insufficiency or from any of the or Axillary Veins
causes of lower extremity pain (see Table l). 61"62 Although thrombosis of the subclavian or axil-
Anticoagulants are administered when fresh clots lary veins most frequently occurs as a complication
are identified or when there is any question of clot of a chronic indwelling catheter, it also may occur
activity; otherwise, the patient is treated for as a consequence of local malignancy and is a
chronic venous insufficiency. A diagnostic prob- well-documented complication of mastectomy and
lem arises, however, when the age of the thrombus radiation therapy. 67 Subclavian vein thrombosis is
is uncertain. particularly common in children with indwelling
central venous catheters; this complication devel-
Postphlebitic Syndrome ops in up to 20% of children who have catheters
Postphlebitic syndrome (PPS) is a major cause placed for chemotherapy or parenteral nutrition.
of morbidity that develops within 3 years in about Patients with subclavian or axillary thrombosis
2 out of 3 patients who have acute DVT below the experience pain in the axilla and develop edema
knee. 63 About 20% of these patients have symp- and cyanosis of the ann. If thrombosis extends into
toms severe enough to interfere with dally life, and the superior vena cava, patients can develop edema
10% to 14% are incapacitated to the extent that and cyanosis of the face, neck, and upper extrem-
they are unable to work. The symptoms of the ities.
syndrome include pain in the calf that is relieved
with rest and leg elevation; pigmentation and DIAGNOSTIC MODALITIES AND PARADIGMS
induration around the ankle and lower third of the Objective tests are necessary to confirm the
calf; and ulceration, which usually occurs in the clinical diagnosis of DVT. Of these diagnostic
region of the medial malleolus. Patients with ex- procedures, venography is the only invasive test of
tensive thrombosis involving the iliofemoral vein proven value, and ultrasonographic (US) studies
frequently have greater disability and may even are the most commonly used noninvasive modal-
have venous claudication, which is characterized ity. Other procedures are occasionally used to
by incapacitating, bursting pain with exercise. 64 diagnose DVT, including impedance plethysmog-
PPS is caused by venous hypertension, which is raphy, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic
usually the result of valve destruction. 65 Valve resonance imaging (MRI).
destruction results in malfunction of the muscular Plethysmography measures electrical impedance
pump mechanism, which leads to increased pres- to detect calf blood volume changes induced by
sure in the deep calf veins during ambulation. The inflation of a thigh cuff. Blood volume change is
high pressure ultimately renders the perforating reduced by obstruction of the popliteal or more
veins of the calf incompetent, so that blood flow is proximal veins. The test is not specific for throm-
directed from the deep veins into the superficial botic obstruction to venous outflow. Thus, false-
venous system during muscular contraction. This positive results may be obtained during pregnancy
leads to edema and impaired viability of subcuta- if a patient is positioned incorrectly, if the vein is
neous tissues and can lead to venous ulceration. 66 compressed by an extravascular mass, or if venous
The symptoms and signs of PPS may be delayed outflow is impaired by increased central venous
for 5 to 10 years after the initial thrombotic event. pressure. The reported sensitivities and specifici-

ties for the diagnosis of symptomatic proximal intramuscular sinusoids, the profunda femoris
venous thrombosis range from as low as 65% to as vein, and the internal iliac vein, all of which are
high as 95%. 68,69 The test may not detect large, areas that may harbor thrombi.
nonocclusive proximal vein thrombi and fails to
detect most thrombi within the calf. Because ve- Ultrasound
nous reflux is easily recognized with Doppler US B-mode, duplex, and color-coded duplex US
or duplex Scanning, these modalities are preferred examinations are the most commonly used proce-
over impedance plethysmography. dures to evaluate lower-limb DVT. The studies are
CT may be used to diagnose venous thrombosis noninvasive, and they can be rapidly obtained and
in pelvic and abdominal veins, to determine the performed serially. Nonocclusive clots and clots
cause of leg swelling, or to evaluate a soft tissue with free-floating tails are readily identified and
mass, but it is rarely used to diagnose DVT. Like easily distinguished from those that are completely
venography, CT has a disadvantage in that it obstructive or adherent to the venous w a l l . 75,76
requires the intravenous administration of a con- Extrinsic compression that is caused by hemato-
trast medium. MRI shares with ultrasound the mas, lymphadenopathy, or tumor masses can be
ability to identify cysts, hematomas, tumors, and differentiated from intrinsic obstruction; condi-
other masses that may be responsible for venous tions such as intramuscular bleeding and popliteal
obstruction or leg swelling. Like US, MRI is cysts can be diagnosed even in the presence of
noninvasive, but it can image both extremities c o n c o m i t a n t D V T . 75,77-8~
simultaneously and examine veins in the pelvis, US studies are performed with a 3- to 7-MHz
abdomen, and thorax, unencumbered by the pres- real-time transducer, with the appropriate gain
ence of gaseous interfaces. 7~ However, MRI is settings so that normal vessels are free of internal
expensive, it may not be available in emergency echoes. The examination depends primarily on
room settings, and it is impractical for critically ill vein compressibility to detect lower-limb DVT. 81
patients.7O, 71 Normal veins have thin walls, appear to be empty,
Contrast venography (CV) is considered the and collapse completely when light pressure is
gold standard for the detection of DVT. Lower- applied with the probe. 82,83 Moderate transducer
limb CV is performed on a fluoroscopic table with compression completely collapses the normal ve-
the patient in a semiupright position and bearing nous lumen, whereas DVT prevents this. Blood
weight on the leg that is not being examined. 72 flow often produces visible echoes during low-flow
During fluoroscopy, radiographic contrast material states when acceleration or deceleration oc-
is infused into the deep venous system via a curs. 75,84 Diameter changes coinciding with respi-
catheter placed in the foot. The primary veno- ration may be observed. Valsalva's maneuver,
graphic criterion for the diagnosis of DVT is an coughing, proximal limb compression, and down-
intraluminal filling defect in the deep venous con- ward tilting all tend to increase the diameter of
trast column. A less specific finding is the abrupt normal veins. 75,84
cutoff of a deep vein with the development of Some consider the response to compression to
collateral circulation. The accuracy of lower-limb be the most sensitive and specific method of
CV is difficult to determine. In one early study, z5 identifying or ruling out venous thrombosis. 85,86
postmortem venograms showed a sensitivity of However, several important venous segments are
95% and a specificity of 97%. However, observers resistant to compression even when no clot is
may disagree about the presence of a thrombus in present. These include the profunda femoris vein at
as many as 10% of examinations. 73 Extensive its junction with the common femoral vein, and the
collateral development and recanalization may superficial femoral vein within the adductor ca-
make phlebographic findings difficult to interpret. nal. 87-89 Compression US may be used best in
The deep venous system may be inadequately conjunction with a clinical prediction rule. Data
visualized in 20% to 25% of patients because of from a prospective trial of US highlight the advan-
previous thrombosis, dilution of contrast material tage of incorporating the clinical probability of
in the proximal lower limb, and difficulties with DVT in nonhospitalized patients. 9~ In a patient
venous access related to obesity, severe edema, or with low clinical probability and negative US, the
cellulitis. TM Particularly difficult to show are the probability of DVT was less than 1%. In high

clinical probability and negative US, the likelihood Table 2. Errors and Limitations of US Studies

was 24% in the proximal lower limb. In low Technically difficult in obese patients and patients with
clinical probability but positive US, the likelihood swollen limbs. Other factors that may interfere with the
exam include muscle spasm or contraction, gross edema,
was 57%, and in high clinical probability with and excess obesity.
positive US, the likelihood was 100%. Accuracy below the knee is poor. Because of their small
Duplex and color Doppler US examinations size, complicated anatomy, and depth, calf veins are less
easily examined than thigh veins; consequently, full
often are used to verify the findings obtained by the visualization may be inordinately time consuming and
compression technique. 88,89 One can use color flow frustrating.
Doppler to differentiate blood vessels from non- Low sensitivity in asymptomatic, high-risk patients.
vascular structures and to readily distinguish veins Difficulty differentiating between acute recurrent venous
thrombosis and old organized thrombus.
from arteries. Flow patterns are visible simulta- May miss DVT in duplicate veins.
neously in multiple vessels. Thus, color decreases Clot visualization can be subjective. Fresh clot is often
the need to assess venous compressibility and to anechogenic.
evaluate Doppler flow patterns. Presence of bowel gas may obscure veins lying proximal to
the inguinal ligament.
Clot morphology and echogenicity can be used The inability to compress normal veins in the adductor canal
to differentiate old from new thrombi. Fresh clots region can lead to false-positive errors unless this
have an acoustic density only slightly greater than limitation is recognized. Duplication of the superficial
femoral and popliteal veins is not uncommon.
that of flowing blood and may be practically in- False-negative results can occur when a patent vein is found
visible. Shortly after a thrombus has formed, there paralleling an occluded channel.
is a period of decreasing echogenicity, after which Studies are compromised when the patient is apprehensive
or in pain. A complete exam may not be possible in limbs
the clot becomes progressively more reflective. 91.92
with fresh surgical wounds or when cases, traction, or
Clot retraction begins within a few hours of onset, splints limit access to underlying veins.
leaving a thin gap between the vein wall and the Operator dependent. Accuracy depends on the quality of the
thrombus. Aging clots contract, become quite firm, study. The necessary skills are not easily or quickly
and are totally incompressible. The diameter of a Probe compression as a method of diagnosing DVT carries
chronically involved vein is frequently reduced, the very slight risk of dislodging a fresh clot.
and its wall appears to be thickened. Thickened,
contracted, rigid valve cusps, frozen in the open
position or adherent to the vein wall, are indicative however, US is insensitive to calf vein thrombosis
of chronic venous insufficiency. and to DVT occurring after surgery. 93 Most of
Actual visualization of a clot is the most specific these thrombi are nonocclusive and not symptom-
sign of venous thrombosis. Unfortunately, fresh atic. There is clear evidence from data combined
clots are sometimes difficult to see because their from multiple studies that US procedures show
acoustic properties are similar to those of blood. reduced sensitivity in asymptomatic patients
Failure to detect blood flow is diagnostic of venous (Table 3). Even with color Doppler US, DVT in
obstruction even though the vein appears normal the calf usually remains undetected. This is also a
on the B-mode scan, which is a frequent occur- significant problem in postoperative patients who
rence in acutely thrombosed veins with hypoecho- may have thrombi in both pelvic and calf
genic clots. A continuous flow pattern implies veins. 94.95 The sensitivity of US for clinically im-
obstruction of the venous channel above the site portant calf thrombosis can be increased, and the
being studied. Killewich et al found the presence or safety of diagnostic strategies that do not include
absence of phasic flow to be the most sensitive venography in patients with suspected calf vein
(92%) and specific (92%) criterion for establishing thrombosis can be improved, if US is repeated 7
the diagnosis of DVT with the duplex scanner. 75 In days after the initial study. This strategy detects the
the series of limbs that were studied, clot visual- 10% to 30% of calf vein thrombi that extend prox-
ization, although quite specific (92%), had a sen- imally. If the test remains negative after 7 days, the
sitivity of only 50%. Compressibility was neither risk of clinically important proximal extension is
very sensitive (79%) nor specific (67%). negligible, and it is safe to withhold treatment. 57.68
US studies are limited under the circumstances Patients with symptoms of recurrent DVT can
shown in Table 2. In symptomatic patients, venous present a difficult diagnostic problem. Up to 50 %
US is sensitive and specific for proximal DVT; of patients have compression ultrasound abnormal-

Table 3. Accuracy of US in First DVT in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Patients

Positive Negative
Sensitivity Specificity PredictiveValue Predictive Value

All Proximal Distal All All Proximal All Proximal

Symptomatic 89 97 73 94 94 97 90 98
Asymptomatic 47 62 53 94 80 74 82 95
NOTE. Accuracy (comparison with CV) in prospective cohort studies and randomized comparison studies identified from Medline
search. Values are weighted mean of study results. Data from Kearon et al: Ann Intern Med 128:663-667, 1998.

ities that are indistinguishable from the original new abnormalities. Both acute and chronic thrombi
findings of DVT for 6 months after the acute often are present in the same limb. In fact, Rollins
episode. Thus, it may not be possible to distinguish et al found ultrasonic evidence of chronic thrombi
new acute DVT from old. Like other flow-depen- in 48 (76%) of 63 limbs with acute venous throm-
dent methods, Doppler US can detect only those bosis. 96 Only 13% of the patients in this study had
thrombi that involve the major deep veins that exist a history of DVT.
in continuity from the ankle (or wrist) to the heart. Venous scintigraphy should enhance the diagno-
Isolated thrombi within tributaries, such as the sis of recurrent venous thrombosis and help to
internal iliac, profunda femoris, gastrocnemial, and reduce false-positive results caused by PPS. Most
soleal veins, will escape recognition. The problem patients with a history of venous thrombosis who
is more serious in the calf. Isolated calf vein develop new-onset leg pain are not found to have
thrombi occur in 20% to 46% of limbs with DVT. recurrent DVT when investigated with the appro-
Unfortunately, the peroneal veins, which are in- priate diagnostic tests. Some of these patients have
volved in 81% of limbs with calf vein thrombosis, PPS, whereas in others the pain is unrelated to
are difficult to examine. DVT. 61
Venous scintigraphy should allow improved
I n d i c a t i o n s for V e n o u s S c i n t i g r a p h y visualization of DVT that affects the calf veins.
Although the diagnostic modalities for DVT Limiting a US study to the popliteal and more
have greatly enhanced the management of patients proximal veins may simplify the examination, but
suspected of having the disease, there are a signif- it sacrifices one of the unique advantages of imag-
icant number of patients and clinical circumstances ing, ie, the identification of calf vein thrombi. About
in which the diagnosis of DVT is difficult. As is 20% to 40% of clots that are responsible for symp-
discussed elsewhere in this issue, 99mTc-radiola- tomatic DVT are isolated to the infrapopliteal
beled peptides that target the molecular biology of veins and would not be detected by this approach.
thrombosis may complement a negative or equiv- Calf vein thrombi are not benign. About 20%
ocal ultrasound study, particularly in patients who propagate into the popliteal or more proximal
have undergone surgery, patients with intermedi- veins. 57,68 Even those that remain isolated may
ate- or low-probability lung scans, and patients occasionally be responsible for pulmonary emboli,
with active DVT in the calf and or pelvis. Venous and perhaps a significant number may serve as the
scintigraphy may add specificity for the diagnosis nidus for subsequent, more extensive thrombosis.
in symptomatic patients who have had previous Moreover, there is evidence that valvular destruc-
episodes of DVT and equivocal results on com- tion caused by calf vein thrombi may play a major
pression US. role in the development of chronic venous insuffi-
A scintigraphic molecular imaging approach ciency. 65
may be of significant value in the diagnosis of Venous scintigraphy may play an important role
acute recurrent DVT. The diagnosis is difficult to in patients suspected of having a pulmonary em-
make because the clinical manifestations of recur- bolism. It is disturbing that fewer than 10% of
rence are nonspecific. In addition, all of the vali- patients dying of a pulmonary embolism have
dated diagnostic tests for acute venous thrombosis clinical manifestations of DVT, and that Doppler
have limitations in this setting because the venous survey results are positive in only 23% to 61% of
occlusion that is produced by the initial episode of patients with documented pulmonary emboli. 8 Be-
venous thrombosis makes it difficult to identify cause approximately 90% of these emboli originate

in leg veins, clots are either being missed or, reported by Kiilewich et al. 75 Thus, despite the
having broken away, are leaving only small, non- high sensitivity of this modality, most patients with
detectable residues. Cheely et al found abnormal pulmonary emboli had negative noninvasive find-
Doppler flow patterns in the legs of only 23% of ings. If the venous coagulation disorder persists
patients with angiographically shown PE. Simi- and requires therapy, venous scintigraphy should
larly, only 7 of 16 patients (44%) with anglo- allow detection of the ongoing thrombus well
graphically proven PE had leg vein thrombi dem- before the clot mass causes symptoms, obstructs
onstrated color flow duplex scanning in the study vascular flow, or compromises venous valves.

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