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Digital self
Digital self is what we are inside the digital world, Digital defined as those capabilities
possessed by individuals who are living, learning and working in a digital society.
Today, technology is everywhere. Most of us use technology because we think that it is
really beneficial to us and make us life easier but in technology, we are also creating this digital
self. Adolescents are exposed to a technology revolution with the computer use and
accessibility, the amount of time to spend online can have both positive and negative impact,
sometimes people share very personal things about themselves. Technology can also be ugly,
people have witnessed rude language, harsh criticism, anger, hatred, even threats online. First
The term digital identity refers to anything that describes an individual presents across all the
digital spaces. Second self-presentation is a range strategy that people adopt to shape what
others think of them. Third the personal boundaries are the set of guidelines, rules or limits that
a person created ways for people to behave towards them.

I, me, myself and my user ID online identity (Louvhel)

Digital identity (DI) it refers to anything that describes the persona an individual
presents across all the digital spaces that he/she represented in.

I, me, myself and my user ID online Identity or the Digital identity It's all about to your
information or my information in a digital form and it also identify the data that uniquely
describes a person or a thing, just like a username by which a person is identified a user online.
Digital ID are used for a security of other information or data.

Selective self-presentation and impression management; (Annie)

Self-presentation refers to how people attempt to present themselves to control or
shape how others (called the audience) view them. It involves expressing oneself and behaving
in ways that create a desired impression
Self-presentation is part of a broader set of behaviors called impression management.
Impression management refers to the controlled presentation of information about all sorts of
things, including information about other people or events. Self-presentation refers specifically
to information about the self.

Impact of online interactions in the self (Jade)

Online interaction can be both rewarding and challenging. Students often have
preferences for online or offline learning interactions, and they may select one learning
environment over the other for varying reasons. Interestingly, the online environment can
increase interactions for quieter students, who may not feel comfortable speaking up in the
traditional classroom in the midst of other learners. A group of learners may be present
together with that same student online, but the familiar feeling of perceived anonymity online
creates a nonthreatening environment where participation can flow. Engagement is central to
learning in the online environment. It is essential to become comfortable in the virtual
environment to learn effectively there. Certain approaches can facilitate your online class
interactions and communication.

Online interaction for have good and bad effects, good in a way that i can connect to the
people far away, in me, especially in the midst of pandemic, on the other hand, it has also a bad
effect like stress, loneliness, misunderstanding especially news, and lack of privacy.

Negative effect
* It will not be effective because of the absence of sincerity or genuineness.
*Dissemination of false info, Distraction

* Sociable
Boundaries of self-online: private vs. public; personal/individual vs. social identity online;
gender and sexuality online (Earl)
Boundaries of the Self-online

 Personal boundaries are the set of guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to
identity reasonable, safe and permissible ways.
 People may interact with each other in real time.
 Not having to cope with someone’s immediate reaction disinhibits people.
Private vs. Public

 Private mode: Nobody can judge the statements and images because of the cloak of
 Public mode: the post will be treated as open book.
 In virtual interactions, people cannot always be sure when/where someone is present.

Personal/Individual vs. Social Identity Online

 Identity is made up of both personal identity and social identity.

 According to Sherry Turkle, people have different roles in different settings.

Gender and Sexuality Online

 Researchers have found that the problem behaviors often characterize highly masculine
 Gender intensification hypothesis
 Study: Gender Stereotype in Facebook Profiles: Are Woman More Female Online?
 Study: Gender Identity
 Sex is explicitly portrayed in movies, TV shows, videos, lyrics of popular music, MTV and
internet sites.

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