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Part 1 E

The self in western and Oriental/ Ea

stern Thought
Group 4
Individualistic vs. Collective self

•Individual Self
- The individual self concept is generally thought of as our individual
perceptions of our behaviors, abilities and unique characteristics a mental picture
of who you are as a person.
- it is learned, not inherent
•Collective Self
- The collective self is based on impersonal bonds to others that are shared
identification with a social group. The collective self has been linked to individuals
reactions and behaviors toward other people especially to the other groups.
The Social Construction of the self in
Western Thought

The construct that is the self, plays a central role in

almost all perspectives of intellectual inquiry. To recall,
the self has been an area of interest by the French and
English philosophers and an entity whose proof of
existence is most challenging as is ascertained in the
early Greek philosophies of Socrates and Plato.
The Self as embedded in
relationships and through
spiritual development in
Confucian thought
The worldly concern of Confucianism
rests upon the belief that human beings
are fundamentally good, and teachable,
improvable, and perfectible through
personal and communal endeavor,
especially self-cultivation and self-
creation. Confucian thought focuses on
the cultivation of virtue in a morally
organised world. Some of the basic
Confucian ethical concepts and
practices include Yi,Li and xiao it is the
essence of the human being which
manifests as compassion. It is the
virtue-form of Heaven.

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