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In Instructional Skills, please make examples on the following:

a. Planning:
Every teacher is an adept planner and this is evident every day they plan on how
to effectively deliver a certain topic and the set of activities in order to attain the desired

b. Presenting:
The ability of teachers to present the complex topics with coherence. This is an
important skill they exercise every day when they present new lesson and also try to
integrate it with previously learned lessons. He presents with confidence and is able to
gain the attention of his learners.

c. Direction-Giving:
This skill is visible when teachers try to give instructions which are clear and is
free of vague areas and devoid of errors which may lead to confusion and

d. Demonstrating:
The teacher is showing the students how to use the microscope. He does this
efficiently because he is well-versed in what is a microscope, its parts, and their

e. Questioning:
The teacher asks questions to students before, during, and after a discussion. It
is done sometimes to lead to further understanding.

f. Evaluating:
The teachers conduct a quiz or test, or simply asks questions to gauge the level
of understanding of the lesson taught.

2. Describe the interrelation of Instructional Models, Instructional Strategies, Instructional

Methods and Instructional Skills.

These are parts of Instructional Decisions that the teachers needs to consider in
the Decision making process, and the four concept above provides for the conceptual
basis or framework that will help teachers come up with strategic decisions to
effectively facilitate learning and attain maximum achievement of goals. The
interrelationship forms a cohesive bond within each other that will also serve as a guide
for teachers so that they will not become astray and for them to effectively and
efficiently do their job.

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