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7. You can borrow my dictionary .
8. I promise I will come to Bucharest this weekend.
9. I suggest we should have a party next Saturday .
10. I am feeling better and I will soon come back to work .

2. How are you getting along with our landlady?
3. You can come visit me tonight.
4. You should do all the work by yourself.
5. I forgot to bring you the English textbook.
6. I will let you know we will come back from Austria tomorrow.
7. What did you visit in Luxembourg?
8. Prepare an essay on Modern Art for the next class.
9. I was sure you will not have any problems translating the text into Spanish.
10. I can help you .

1. I can go feed the cats , he said.
2. Why are our neighbors noisy all day , he complained.
3. We should go visit the new zoo , he suggested.
4. I promise we will go to the movies tomorrow , he promised.
5. This cut really hurts , he groaned .
6. Do you have a cat , she asked.
7. This cat is very angry , he explained.
8.Tomorrow we will have a new visitor , he announced.
9. I declare you the new king , he declared.
10. We should have a tea party , he requested.
11. You always talk gibberish , he commented .
12. Can you give me that paper , he whispered .
13. I hate you , Anne , he shouted.
14.This should be banned , he protested.
15. That shouldn’t be there , he objected.

1.I can help her!
2. I am very sorry , tonight I am having dinner with some old friends.
3. I’m sorry , you can’t smoke here , can you smoke outside?
4. Oh , I’m sorry , I thought you were someone else .
5. We should go out tonight.
6. I am very proud of you son , you always have good grades in school.
7. Wow , I didn’t think I would see you here , this place is very far from your home.
8. Dog , I am very disappointed in what you’ve done , you ate from the trash can and now trash
is everywhere .
9. Karen , this was a very good meal , can you give me the recipe because I loved it.
10. Thank you very much for the help you’ve given me today , I will make it up for the help
you’ve given me.

-Yes? Hello ! Who is on the phone?
- It’s Maria . I have a serious problem . Can you help me , I don’t know what to do ?
-Calm down! Can you tell me what happened because I can’t help you if you don’t tell me?
-I think my kitchen sink is clogged up again , and also the bathtub. What do I do in this case?
-I don’t what to do in such problems , but my brother can take care of them.
-I am really lucky ,can you ask your brother what do I have to do?
-It’s ok , I can send him to your apartment so he can see what can be done.
-That’s perfect! Thank you!
-I will tell my brother about the problem , he should be there in about one hour.
-I will wait for him , and I hope nothing else happens until he arrives.
-Don’t worry , everything will be fine.
-Thank you so much, I really appreciate your help , I will now be waiting for him.
-Talk to you soon! Goodbye.

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