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Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

Thursday 1st October 2020

at 7.00pm
(Meeting held on Zoom)
Fr. Philip, Patricia Westwater (Chairperson), LIz Gronkowski, Joan Howell, Craig Doidge,
Jacqueline Crawford, Pat McAuley, Sally McElroy, Jane Miezitis, Jane Robertson (Minute
Andrew Hume
The meeting was opened by Patricia Westwater who welcomed everyone to the meeting
especially the two new members JM and SMcE. It was noted that the meeting will be held
on Zoom for the foreseeable future.
This was followed by Sunday’s Gospel reading shown on the screen for everyone to follow
and read by Fr Philip. Members reflected on the reading and what it meant to them. This was
then followed by a prayer.

Matters Arising
A member of the pastoral council intimated that the minutes should be available to read by
the parishioners by publishing them on the parish website. Paper copies of the minutes
should also be made available at the back of the church for anyone who wishes to read
Members are asked to submit a photograph of themselves so that a poster can be made to
enable parishioners to identify members.
It is envisioned that more members would join the Pastoral Council in the future. Present
members were asked to pray for this and names of suggested volunteers given to Fr Philip
for him to reflect on.

Small Sparks project is now on hold due to the Coronavirus. There is now no deadline for
entries if we wish to apply. Once the project has been approved by their committee the
project will not have any health and safety issues applied to them as the projects should
manage themselves. 
The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and a discussion took place regarding the
minutes. Various points were raised and it concluded with them being agreed with one

Care for Creation team

Parishioners are to be encouraged in the newsletter to read Laudato Si and information was
sent out about Care for Creation along with the parish newsletter. Parishioners were asked
to send in photographs of their home grown produce. JM reported that SCIAF had produced
extensive amount of resources available on their website which can be used by the Parish
abut Care for our Common Home. Resources have also been sent by the Archdiocese to
schools to encourage them to get involved. Suggestions had been made at the group
meeting about getting more people involved by making raised beds in the church grounds. It
was suggested the “Mens Shed” may be able to assist us with this. Members of the creation
team are willing to use their knowledge, skills and experience to assist in any way which
could to help with this project. It is hoped that more people will be encouraged join the group
as it evolves. There are plans to develop this by the group and more information will be sent
out in the future. A reading group on Laudato Si will begin on 29th October 2020 at 7.00 p.m.
on Zoom.
Liturgy Group
It was suggested that liturgy is celebrated in all three churches of the parish would give us a
more cohesive approach as a parish. The group looked at how welcoming we are.
Suggestions have been put forward for having screens up in the churches with the words of
hymns, scripture and also pictures. The practicalities of this is still to be explored and
members of the parish have to be available to operate this effectively for it to work. Mass is
now being recorded at Chapel Royal and posted on Facebook so that parishioners who are
not able to attend Mass can access this in their own homes. So far there has been a very
favourable response.

Parish Mission/ Vision Statement

A total of three responses to the Smart Goals were received from parishioners. Comments
sent reflected issues and themes which came up during the Divine Renovation meetings.
More information and better communication is required for the congregation in the future.
This is a work in progress.
The Mission Statement sent to members by Fr Philip was discussed. We need to try to
define our purpose and the reason we are here, how we see ourselves and to try and put
things into practice. We need to produce a short Mission Statement which defines what we
are about as a Parish. It was suggested that a few different ones, perhaps three in total, be
produced and involve the parishioners in deciding which one they feel suits the parish and its
goals. This will need to be considered and suggestions put forward as drafts for the next

Planning events to the end of the year taking Covid 19 restrictions into account
A memorial Mass on All Souls Day has been arranged for the bereaved and the families
have been invited to attend in a safe, socially distanced manner. It was reported that this
event is usually well attended.
Advent – a suggestion of a wreath, a Jesse Tree could be given out to be made by families.
Members feel that toy donations are still important at this time. One of the members will
contact Salvation Army to check if this is still being done this year.
Glenrothes Foodbank should also be supported more than ever. It was suggested that a
‘Reverse’ Advent Calendar is produced. Instead of a calendar where you open a door to a
chocolate or picture, you give instead. Each day during advent you put aside a food donation
which is on that door so, by the end of December, you have a collection of goods ready to
drop off to your local Foodbank.
Help for those not able to attend Mass. A suggestion was made that we produce a Parish
greetings card which could be sent to those who are in lockdown to let them know they are
not forgotten. It was raised here that we still do not have the full contact details of all
parishioners and there is a concern we are not reaching everyone during this time of
lockdown measures.
Masses for Christmas. Fr Slavin has been approached to help as Fr Philip hopes to extend
the number of Masses available for Christmas Eve/Day. Details of the times and booking
arrangements will be made available.

Parish Project money has now been finalised and banked. Unfortunately, the Bishop in
Uganda has now retired and the parish priest moved on. Some consideration now has to be
made about what will happen to the money collected. This will be reflected on by Fr Philip,
Fr Hand and discussed with all members of the Parish project team. JM will also discuss
with SCIAF.

Date of next meeting is Wednesday 11th November 2020 by Zoom on at 7.00pm.

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