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type, n.
Pronunciation: Brit. /tʌɪp/, U.S. /taɪp/
Forms: Also 15–16 tipe.
Frequency (in current use):
Etymology: < French type (16th cent. in Littré) or Latin typus, < Greek τύπος impression, figure, type, <
the root of τύπτειν to beat, strike.


a. That by which something is symbolized or figured; anything

having a symbolical signification; a symbol, emblem; spec. in
Theology a person, object, or event of Old Testament history,
prefiguring some person or thing revealed in the new
dispensation; correlative to antitype. in (the) type, in symbolic

▸ ?a1500 R. HENRYSON tr. Æsop Fables: Cock & Fox l. 587 in Poems (1981) 26 Suppose this
be ane fabill, And ouerheillit wyth typis figurall.
1590 ‘HOBYNOLL’ To Learned Sheph. v, in Spenser's F.Q. Pref. Verses That fare Ilands right,
Which thou dost vayle in Type of Faery land, Elizas blessed field, that Albion hight.
1607 S. HIERON Abridgem. of Gospell in Wks. (1620) I. 104 The people of Israel were a tipe of
Gods people: Canaan a tipe of heauen.
1654 BP. J. TAYLOR Real Presence v. 103 He offered wine not water in the type..of his bloud.
1706 M. PRIOR Ode to Queen xxxiv The British Rose, Type of sweet Rule, and gentle Majesty.
a1785 J. W. FLETCHER Posthumous Pieces (1791) 280 [Marriage] the most perfect type of our
Lord's mystical union with his church.
1819 H. B. HENDERSON Satires in India iv. 52 The Hookah's monstrous snake..: That type of
eastern Luxury's excess.
1851 KINGSLEY in Life (1878) I. 255 It is only in proportion as we appreciate and understand
the types that we can understand the anti-types.
1863 M. HOWITT tr. F. Bremer Greece & Greeks II. xii. 29 A river is always the type of human
1875 H. E. MANNING Internal Mission of Holy Ghost i. 15 Ceremonial actions, and washings,
and purifications, which were the types and shadows of things to come.

b. An imperfect symbol or anticipation of something. nonce-use.

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1754 S. FOOTE Knights I. 4 The very Abstract of Penury! Sir John Cutler, with his
transmigrated Stockings, was but a Type of him.


a. A figure or picture of something; a representation; an image or

imitation. Obsolete. rare.

1559 W. CUNINGHAM Cosmogr. Glasse 10 This Type do represent the world.

1559 W. CUNINGHAM Cosmogr. Glasse 156 Wherfore behold the tipe before placed.
1572 G. GASCOIGNE Voy. to Holland in Hearbes 7 I must endite..A tipe of heauen, a liuely hew
of hell.
1774 J. BRYANT New Syst. II. 445 Lunar amulets, or types of the Ark in the form of a crescent.

b. Numismatics The figure on either side of a coin or medal.

1785 T. HOLCROFT tr. Comtesse de Genlis Tales Castle (ed. 2) I. Notes 292 On the two sides..of
a medal..are distinguished the type, and the inscription or legend. The type, or device, is
the figure represented.
1853 H. N. HUMPHREYS Coin Coll. Man. vi. 61 The crab, being perhaps at an early period made
sacred to the river deity, became the principal type of the money of this city [Agrigentum].
1904 W. M. RAMSAY Lett. to Seven Churches xix. 262 Homer is one of the most frequent types
on coins of the city.

3. A distinguishing mark or sign; a stamp. rare.

1595 SHAKESPEARE Henry VI, Pt. 3 I. iv. 122 Thy father beares the type of king of Naples.
1623 SHAKESPEARE & J. FLETCHER Henry VIII I. iii. 31 Tennis and tall Stockings, Short
blistred Breeches, and those types of Trauell.
1692 M. PRIOR Ode Imitation Horace viii. 28 Heav'n as plainly pointed out the King, As when
he at the Altar stood, In all his Types and Robes of Powr.
1862 J. H. BURTON Book-hunter (1863) 11 The types of a really hospitable country house were
an anker of whisky always on the spigot, a caldron ever on the bubble with boiling water.
1862 J. H. BURTON Book-hunter (1863) 44 All these things were the types of an intellectual

4. Pathology. The characteristic form of a fever; esp. the character

of an intermittent fever as determined by its period. Cf. type-fever
n. at Compounds 2. [So Latin typus.] Obsolete or merged in sense

1601 P. HOLLAND tr. Pliny Hist. World II. XXII. xiv. 122 The fever also, Of what type or kind it

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1601 P. HOLLAND tr. Pliny Hist. World II. XXVI. xi. 260 Some are wont to give of Cinque foile
three leaves in a Tertian, and foure in a Quartane, and so rise to more according to the
period or type of the rest.
1778 W. CULLEN First Lines Pract. Physic (ed. 2) I. I. i. §29 With respect to the form, or Type,
of fevers.
1818–20 E. THOMPSON Cullen's Nosologia (ed. 3) 187 [Fever] with intermission, varying (a) in
type or period.
1858 J. COPLAND Dict. Pract. Med. I. 937/2 The type of masked ague is generally quotidian.


a. The general form, structure, or character distinguishing a

particular kind, group, or class of beings or objects; hence transf. a
pattern or model after which something is made.

1843 J. S. MILL Syst. Logic II. IV. ii. §3 219 When we..see a creature resembling an animal, we
compare it with our general conception of an animal; and if it agrees with that general
conception, we include it in the class. The conception becomes the type of comparison.
1849 J. H. PARKER Introd. Study Gothic Archit. i. 3 The original type of all Christian churches
is universally acknowledged to have been the Roman Basilica.
1857 F. D. MAURICE Epist. St. John i. 3 The type upon which the whole was constructed.
1860 J. L. MOTLEY Hist. Netherlands (1868) I. i. 15 His face had lost all resemblance to the
type of his heroic family.
1864 Soc. Science Rev. 3 Diseases are founded on types like animals, plants, systems of worlds
1874 J. S. BLACKIE On Self-culture 4 The fundamental unity of type which the Divine reason
has imposed on all things.
1877 F. T. ROBERTS Handbk. Med. (ed. 3) I. 12 A few diseases exhibit well-marked types.
1880 Mem. J. Legge vi. 76 Every creature has a type, a peculiar character of its own.

b. Church History. [Greek τύπος τῆς πίστεως type of the faith.]

An edict of the Emperor Constans II, promulgated A.D. 648,
prohibiting further discussion of the Monothelite controversy.

1728 E. CHAMBERS Cycl. Type, is also a Name given to an Edict of the Emperor Constans... It
had the Name Type, as being a kind of Formulary of Faith.
1854 H. H. MILMAN Hist. Lat. Christianity II. IV. vi. 130 The Ecthesis of Heraclius was
replaced by the Type of Constans. The Type..aspired to silence by authority this
interminable dispute.
1902 H. K. MANN Hist. Popes I. I. 381 Paul caused the Emperor Constans to issue the ‘Type’...
The ‘Type’ ordered the Ecthesis to be taken down, and forbade anyone in future to speak
of either one or two wills or operations in Our Lord.


a. A kind, class, or order as distinguished by a particular

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1854 D. BREWSTER More Worlds iv. 73 On a planet more magnificent than ours, may there not
be a type of reason of which the intellect of Newton is the lowest degree?
1855 MACAULAY Hist. Eng. IV. xx. 531 The Queen was sinking under small pox of the most
malignant type.
1879 M. ARNOLD Porro unum est Necess. in Mixed Ess. 152 The instruction in both is of the
same type.
1888 J. BRYCE Amer. Commonw. II. xlviii. 220 Three types of rural local government are
discernible in America.
1897 D. W. FORREST Christ of Hist. & Exper. i. 31 It is a different type of moral character:
another order of humanity.
1898 Jrnl. School Geogr. (U.S.) Oct. 306 The dominant weather type was clear, with light
southerly winds and temperatures between 50° and 55°. This type was interrupted by two
spells of cloudy weather, with northerly winds.

b. Preceding a noun with ellipsis of of, = type of. Cf. -TYPE suffix 2.
U.S. colloq.

1966 Word Study Dec. 2/2 He could not pick out things like a bridge from ‘this type distance’.
1979 Nature 22 Nov. p. xvii/1 The 110C systems may be used with virtually any type projector.

7. transf.

a. A person or thing that exhibits the characteristic qualities of a

class; a representative specimen; a typical example or instance.

1845 J. C. PRICHARD Nat. Hist. Man (ed. 2) 333 The Tahitians are considered by Lesson as the
type of the whole Polynesian race.
a1854 H. REED Lect. Brit. Poets (1857) v. 172 Shakspeare may be contemplated as the type of
modern intellect and the representative of the European mind.
1865 DICKENS Our Mutual Friend II. III. viii. 67 It is a type of many.
1873 J. RUSKIN Fors Clavigera (1896) II. xxxiv. 236 Sir Roger de Coverley is a character, as
well as a type.

b. spec. A person or thing that exemplifies the ideal qualities or

characteristics of a kind or order; a perfect example or specimen of
something; a model, pattern, exemplar.

1847 R. W. EMERSON Goethe in Wks. (1906) I. 392 He is the type of culture.

a1853 F. W. ROBERTSON Wordsworth in Lect. 228 Arnold of Rugby is the type of English
action; Wordsworth is the type of English thought.
1858 J. H. NEWMAN Hist. Sketches (1873) III. II. i. 221 Plato is the very type of soaring

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c. A person of a certain (specified or implicit) character; one's

type, the sort of person to whom one is attracted (usually in neg.
or interrog. contexts). Also simply, a person; as a gallicism, also
with pronunciation /tiːp/, derogatory. colloq.

1922 J. JOYCE Ulysses III. 606 She also was Spanish or half so, types that wouldn't do things
by halves, passionate abandon of the south.
1930 R. KIPLING Limits & Renewals (1932) 327 I played piquet with our schoolmaster... That
was a type upon whom our War had done bad work.
1931 K. BOYLE Plagued by Nightingale xv. 123 Luc could fish with Nicholas... It's exactly what
the poor type would prefer anyway!
1933 ‘G. ORWELL’ Down & Out xxix. 216 ‘Low types,’ said the old Etonian, ‘very low types.’
1934 F. B. CUTHRELL Innocent Bystander vii. 130 Richardson did not interest her, he was not
her ‘type’.
1942 T. RATTIGAN Flare Path II. i. 127 You're the actor type, aren't you?
1948 ‘N. SHUTE’ No Highway ii. 41 It didn't do Fisher any good with the R.A.F. types.
1951 J. C. FENNESSY Sonnet in Bottle I. v. 28 ‘Oh, by the way, do you know these types?’ and he
introduced the two men with him.
1956 ‘A. BRIDGE’ Lighthearted Quest 199 I went to look for Colin in that red-haired type's
1962 A. LURIE Love & Friendship xiii. 250 You wouldn't like him... He's not your type. He's a
little fat man.
1965 R. MORRIS & D. MORRIS Men & Snakes i. 16 Although an intrepid explorer type, he made
a hasty exit.
1968 M. JONES Survivor iii. 51 ‘I'm asking you if you think she's at all his type.’ Stuart
shrugged. ‘I shouldn't care to say what Martin's type is. Come to think of it, I'd say he has
no type.’
1971 D. E. WESTLAKE I gave at Office 136 I was not alone in the room. Three army types were
there..tall, fat, khaki-uniformed.
1974 J. AIKEN Midnight is Place iv. 142 That type... He is a brigand!
1979 R. JAFFE Class Reunion II. ii. 145 I've always thought you were very beautiful, Annabel.
You always were just my type.
1979 A. FRASER King Charles II vii. 102 These were scarcely the types to risk life and limb.
1981 ‘M. HEBDEN’ Pel is Puzzled xi. 113 ‘Type over here... He recognises it.’ The ‘type over here’
was a man about thirty-five with long blond hair.

8. Technical uses from senses 5 – 7.

a. Natural History, etc. A certain general plan of structure

characterizing a group of animals, plants, etc.; hence transf. a
group or division of animals, etc., having a common form or

1850 J. MCCOSH Method Divine Govt. (ed. 2) II. ii. 162 In the organic kingdoms, there is an
all-pervading system of types: there is a type for every particular species of plant and
animal; a type for every leaf and every limb.
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1850 TENNYSON In Memoriam liv. 78 So careful of the type she seems, So careless of the single
1866 DUKE OF ARGYLL Reign of Law iv. 215 The adaptability of the one Vertebrate Type to
the..variety of Life to which it serves as..a home.
1872 D. OLIVER Lessons Elem. Bot. (new ed.) II. 122 You must try to refer to its type every
flowering plant you meet with.
1877 T. H. HUXLEY Man. Anat. Invertebrated Animals i. 49 Such types or common plans as
those of the Arthropoda, the Annelida, the Mollusca [etc.].
1878 H. P. GURNEY Crystallogr. 30 By the type of symmetry of a crystal we mean the number
and arrangement of its symmetral planes.
1892 B. F. WESTCOTT Gospel of Life 10 The product of any particular seed is fixed within the
limits of a type.

b. Natural History. A species or genus which most perfectly

exhibits the essential characters of its family or group, and from
which the family or group is (usually) named; an individual
embodying all the distinctive characteristics of a species, etc., esp.
the specimen on which the first published description of a species
is based.

1840 W. WHEWELL Philos. Inductive Sci. I. VIII. ii. 476 A Type is an example of any class, for
instance, a species of a genus, which is considered as eminently possessing the characters
of the class.
1851 S. P. WOODWARD Man. Mollusca I. 61 The type of each genus should be that species in
which the characters of its group are best exhibited, and most evenly balanced.
1858 R. G. MAYNE Expos. Lexicon Med. Sci. (1860) Salicornieus,..a tribe of the Chenopodeæ
established by C. A. Meyer, having the Salicornia for their type.
1893 O. THOMAS in Proc. Zool. Soc. 242 The following are..the definitions now suggested for
the different terms: A Type is a single specimen either unaccompanied by others at the
time of description, or else deliberately selected as such by the author out of a series.
1951 G. H. M. LAWRENCE Taxon. Vascular Plants ix. 205 The term type, used alone and
unqualified, generally refers to the holotype.
1964 Internat. Code Zool. Nomencl. xiii. 59 The ‘type’ affords the standard of reference that
determines the application of a scientific name.
1970 Watsonia 8 156 A herbarium sheet be the ‘type’, however, quite different.

c. Chemistry. A simple compound taken as representing the

structure of more complex compounds.

1852 H. WATTS tr. L. Gmelin Hand-bk. Chem. VII. 15 Dumas' Theory of Substitution and of
1857 W. A. MILLER Elements Chem. (1862) III. 48 Water, hydrochloric, and hydrosulphuric
acid are, therefore, the patterns or types upon which these several bodies are formed.

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1868 H. WATTS Dict. Chem. V. 926 Bodies analogous in constitution, and exhibiting analogous
reactions, are said to belong to the same type... In a wider sense, the formula HCl may be
taken as the type of chlorides, bromides, iodides, fluorides, and cyanides.

d. Mathematics. (See quots.)

1891 Cent. Dict. Type 12. In math., a succession of symbols susceptible of + and − signs.
1909 Webster's New Internat. Dict. Eng. Lang. Type,..6. Math., the simplest of the forms
equivalent with respect to a group.

e. Semiotics, etc. A sign representing a category or set of

instances, as opposed to the individual tokens by which the
category is instantiated. Cf. TOKEN n. 1f.

1908 C. S. PEIRCE Coll. Papers (1958) VIII. 240 I devoted much study to my ten trichotomies
of signs... Actisign a Token, a Famisign a Type.
1966 Publ. Amer. Dial. Soc. XLVI. 13 The incidence of tokens is..equal to the sum of all forms...
The incidence of equal to the number of different forms.
1976 Biometrika 63 435 Shakespeare's known works comprise 884 647 total words, of which
14 376 are types appearing just one time, 4343 are types appearing twice, etc.


a. A small rectangular block, usually of metal or wood, having on

its upper end a raised letter, figure, or other character, for use in
printing. in types, in type (see 9b). Also fig.

1713 tr. J. de La Caille Hist. Art of Printing 54 Christopher Plantin..printed..that fine

Bible..whose Types were casten and made at Paris.
1728 E. CHAMBERS Cycl. at Printing The Printing Letters, Characters, or Types as they are
sometimes call'd.
1751 G. BERKELEY Let. 30 Mar. in Wks. (1871) IV. 327 They are going to print..two editions..of
Plato's works, in most magnificent types.
1799 Monthly Rev. 30 290 A method of printing maps and charts of any size by means of
moveable types.
1829 MACAULAY Westm. Reviewer's Def. Mill (ad fin.) The preceding article was written, and
was actually in types, when [etc.].
1849 J. RUSKIN Seven Lamps Archit. v. 138 The types which once had the die of thought
struck fresh upon them.
1880 ‘V. LEE’ Stud. 18th Cent. Italy III. ii. 102 Musical types had..been invented by an Italian.

b. singular. Types collectively; letter. in type, set up ready for


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1778 V. KNOX Ess. xxxviii. 305 To trace the art in its gradual progress from the wooden and
immoveable letter to the moveable and metal type.
1784 J. BELKNAP Belknap Papers (1877) II. 179 I believe some brethren of the type are
offended at it.
1837 F. PALGRAVE Merchant & Friar (1844) Ded. 4 The work..had been kept in type for nearly
a twelve-month.
1852 DICKENS Let. 22 Nov. (1988) VI. 809 This story goes straightway into type.
1869 J. TYNDALL Notes 9 Lect. on Light §71 Compositors arrange their type in this backward
fashion, the type being reversed by the process of printing.
1882 J. SOUTHWARD Pract. Printing (1884) 9 A bill of type is a table showing the number of
each of the several sorts in a fount.
1904 R. J. FARRER Garden of Asia 63 Not China, but Korea, was the inventor of movable type,
and the true parent of printing.

c. transf. A printed character or characters, or an imitation of


1785 W. COWPER Task V. 419 To read engraven on the mouldy walls [of the Bastille] In
stagg'ring types, his predecessor's tale.
1831 D. BREWSTER Treat. Optics xxxviii. §183. 320 To see small objects distinctly..such as..a
small type.
1841 J. T. J. HEWLETT Parish Clerk I. 125 It was directed in the well-known type of Davy
1872 J. RUSKIN Fors Clavigera (1896) I. xvi. 321 Here it is in full type, for it is worth careful


C1. General attributive. Also TYPEWRITER n., etc.


type-animal n.

1850 Jrnl. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 19 35 This rare and beautiful creature [the giraffe], type-animal
of their land.
1850 Jrnl. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 19 36 The elephant is evidently with these people, the type-

type category n.

1947 Amer. Jrnl. Sociol. 52 293 Kinship, its relationships and institutions, are the type
categories of experience and the familial group is the unit of action.

type-character n.
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1931 Times Lit. Suppl. 5 Nov. 865/3 Mr. Strauss hits off the foibles of his type-characters with
wit and acumen.

type description n.

1905 C. SCHUCHERT & S. S. BUCKMAN in Science 9 June 900/1 For the sake of accuracy we
suggest that the original description by words (type-description) be called the protolog.
1962 J. A. FORD Quantitative Method for deriving Cultural Chronol. iii. 16 Other workers have
sought to achieve greater precision by dealing not with types but with various elements,
attributes, or ‘modes’..that are usually hidden away in the type description.
1967 J. DEETZ Invitation to Archaeol. 51 An artifact type description is..a statement of a set of
somewhat variable attributes which can be observed to occur together in the majority of

type-figure n.

1897 Westm. Gaz. 16 Mar. 2/1 Mr. Meredith..has himself drawn the great type-figure of modern
fiction..‘The Egoist’.

type-fossil n.

1854 R. I. MURCHISON Siluria iii. 52 The type-fossils..have not yet been detected.

type index n.

1943 Mind 52 271 In Principia the need to avoid a small number of objectionable trains of
argument is made the occasion for wholesale elaboration of symbolism (the introduction of
1973 A. DUNDES Mother Wit 114 These tools include various tale type indices and motif
indices... By using tale type and motif indices, Dorson is able to demonstrate the European
provenience of the greater portion of the tales.

type-man n.

1871 T. L. CUYLER Heart-Life 37 He is the type-man for thorough-going fidelity.

1906 DUKE OF ARGYLL Autobiogr. I. ii. 32 The type-man was Wolfe Tone, the unscrupulous

type-name n.

1928 L. P. SMITH Words & Idioms 40 Some of these type-names give evidence of the impression
made on foreigners by the travelling Englishmen of rank.
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1974 Encycl. Brit. Micropædia X. 219/2 Type names,..those names given by the dramatist to
characters in his play so that their personalities may be instantly ascertained.

type-number n.

1871 C. KINGSLEY At Last xiii The nut ought to have..not one ovule, but three, the type-number
in palms.

type-phase n.

1911 Edinb. Rev. July 103 Isolated..caprices rather than type-phases of animal literature.

type-phenomenon n.

type-sample n.

1894 Daily News 12 Sept. 7/1 Type-samples of unmanufactured tobacco sent for trade purposes.

type-series n.

1887 J. G. WOOD in 19th Cent. Mar. 395 I would have a type-series of the vertebrates, so that in
going through the galleries the visitors would recognise the creatures they had seen

type-set n.

1867 W. T. BRANDE & G. W. COX Dict. Sci., Lit. & Art (new ed.) III. 726/2 The type-set message.

type-ship n.

1901 Feilden's Mag. 4 421/1 The type-ship, which has been tried on the measured mile.

type-symptom n.

1899 T. C. ALLBUTT et al. Syst. Med. VII. 591 All the type symptoms of cerebellar abscess were

type-theme n.

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1901 Daily Chron. 14 June 3/4 In ‘Rosmersholm’ Ibsen has seized upon one of the great type-
themes of modern life.

type-tragedy n.

1931 S. BECKETT Proust 7 The tragedy of the Marcel-Albertine liaison is the type-tragedy of the
human relationship whose failure is preordained.

b. (In sense 9.)

type-arrangement n.

1877 W. BOYD Descr. Model Newspaper A sheet..regarding type-arrangement, Excellent.

type-body n. BODY n. 11.

1895 I. K. FUNK et al. Standard Dict. Eng. Lang. at Point system Under this system the old
names of type-bodies, as nonpareil (now 6-point), bourgeois (now 9-point), etc., are in

type-case n.

1891 Cent. Dict. Type-case.

1909 H. HART in Periodical Feb. 294 A double-windowed room..was fitted up with compositors'
frames and type-cases.

type-composition n.

type-foundry n.

1809 T. JEFFERSON Let. 28 June in Writings (1904) XII. 295 The foundation of the
1843 Penny Cycl. XXV. 454/1 The first and most important operation of a type-foundry is the
formation of the punches.

type-mould n.

1843 Penny Cycl. XXV. 454/1 A type-mould [illustrated].

type-punch n.

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1888 Arts & Crafts Catal. 94 The current hand-writing may be elegant enough to be..used as a
model for the type-punch engraver.

type-size n.

1922 D. B. UPDIKE Printing Types I. ii. 32 It [sc. the point system] placed type sizes upon a basis
comprehensible to the meanest intelligence.
1978 Early Music 6 597/3 The physical presentation of Clementi is also gratifying. Type sizes
are unusually ample.

c. Objective, instrumental.

type-founder n.

1797 M. L. WEEMS Let. 13 July in Ford's M. L. Weems: Wks. & Ways (1929) II. 84 A letter was
written..containing an order on Mr. Baine the Type Founder for some money.
1801 Philos. Mag. 10 270 A new art, that of the type-founder.
1888 J. W. BURGON Lives Twelve Good Men I. iii. 349 A heavy assortment of great and small
pica, newly arrived from the type-founder.


type-composing n.

1878 W. S. JEVONS Polit. Econ. 71 Some compositors still object to work in offices where type-
composing machines are introduced.

type-creating n.

1854 M. EVANS tr. L. Feuerbach Essence Christianity vii. 75 Mind presenting itself as at once
type-creating, emotional, and sensuous, is the imagination.

type-distributing n.

1875 E. H. KNIGHT Pract. Dict. Mech. 2676/1 Type-distributing machines have frequently been
invented as companion machines to those for composing.

type-founding n.

1839 T. C. HANSARD Treat. Printing & Type-founding (1841) 222 The invention of the art of
type-founding was a very early consequence of the discovery of the rude art of taking
impressions from laboriously excised letters of wood and metal.
1875 W. BLADES Some Early Type Specimen Bks. 4 The first positive notice we have of type-
founding in England is the fount of Saxon cut by John Day for Archbishop Parker and used
in 1567.
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type-making n.


type-blackened adj.

1900 R. KIPLING in Daily Express 26 June 4/6 Allen wagged a type-blackened forefinger across
the table.

type-marked adj.

1866 G. M. HOPKINS Jrnls. & Papers (1959) 137 Hawthorn especially when thrown up with may
is very clearly type-marked.


type approval n. (see quot. 1979).

1967 Economist 15 Apr. 270/1 The Europeans are used to the ‘type approval’ on which most
Continental governments insist before [motor] models can be sold.
1979 Gloss. Terms Quality Assurance (B.S.I.) 11/2 Type approval, the status given to a design
that has been shown by type tests to meet all the requirements of the product specification
and which is suitable for a specific application.

type area n. (a) the part of a page covered by print; (b) the
location of a type-specimen or an area taken as typical of a
particular group; Geology = type site n. below.

1916 W. H. HAZELL et al. Estimating for Printers 19 Before an estimate..can be worked out, the
following points must be decided: Number of words in bookwork..; size of type,..and type
area of page.
1937 Burlington Mag. June 309/2 Consideration of primitive work as no
more essential for an æsthetic evaluation than the geographical location of type-areas.
1969 Proc. Geol. Soc. Aug. 146 Customary stratigraphical usage should be maintained by placing
the marker-points as near to the stratigraphical correspondence with traditional
boundaries as possible, although not necessarily in the traditional type-area.
1973 S. JENNETT Making of Bks. (ed. 5) xvi. 338 There is a theory that the type area should be
about 50 per cent of the page area.
1975Type area [see type site n.].

type-ball n. a spherical ball on certain kinds of electric typewriter

on which all the type is mounted; = golf ball n. (b) at GOLF n.
Compounds 2.

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1971 Computers & Humanities 6 43 The character limited to the Selectric type-balls
specified by the scanning service.
1977 Daily Tel. 3 Aug. 3/5 There has been a real search for a type ball from one of the IBM
electric typewriters that were in the office.

type-bar n. (a) a line of type cast in a solid bar, as by the

linotype; (b) in a typewriter, each of the bars carrying the letters or

1886 Science 17 Sept. 252/2 As the type-bar of a type-writer is connected with its key.
1891 in Cent. Dict.

type basket n. the assembly of type-bars in a typewriter.

1931 M. CROOKS Bk. of Underwood Typewriter ii. 10 Above and behind the keyboard,
occupying practically the centre of the framework, is the type—this part of the machine is
known as the Type-Basket.
1968 Typing (‘Know the Craft’ Series) 4/1 Every machine has a type basket and a carriage.

type-block n. a block having raised characters on its face, used to

impress words or figures, as in gilding (E. H. Knight Pract. Dict.
Mech. 1875).

type-blow n. the impact of the type on the paper in a typewriter.

1901 Phonetic Jrnl. 15 June 371/1 electrical typewriter..the type-blow, or the hammer-
blow, will be automatic.

type-carriage n. in a printing-machine, a frame carrying the


1825 ‘J. NICHOLSON’ Operative Mechanic 307 By the farther motion of the type carriage, the
ink-table is caused to pass under four small elastic rollers.

type-chart n. a chart or outline of a typical object or structure.

1887 J. G. WOOD in 19th Cent. Mar. 386 There are type-charts of each organ.

type-copy v. arch. transitive.

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1890 H. JAMES Let. 10 Nov. (1981) III. 307 A shorter story..which I am just sending off to be

type-copy n. (arch.) a typewritten copy.

1893 H. JAMES Let. 2 July (1981) III. 416 I have determined to dispatch by the same post as this
note, in another cover, a fresh type-copy of the said first act.

type-cutter n. one who engraves the dies or punches from which

types are cast; a punch-cutter.

?1881 Census Eng. & Wales: Instr. Clerks classifying Occupations & Ages (?1885) 51 Type
cutter, founder.
1890 Athenæum 1 Mar. 281/3 He was a die-sinker and type-cutter.

type-cutting n.

type-cylinder n. the cylinder on which the types or plates are

fastened in a rotary press.

1839 T. C. HANSARD Treat. Printing & Type-founding (1841) 156 An inking apparatus was
applied to the type-cylinder, and the paper was to be impressed by passing between the

type-desk n. a desk or table at which typewriting is done.

1901 F. HARRISON in 19th Cent. June 918 Every girl at a type-desk or a telegraph office may live
to reside in Fifth Avenue.

type-dressing n. the scraping, polishing, etc., of newly cast type:

in quot. attributive.

1875 E. H. KNIGHT Pract. Dict. Mech. 2676/1 Type-dressing machine..passes the type set up in
rows between a pair of knife-blades set in exact parallelism.

type face n. a set of printing type of a particular design; cf. FACE

n. 21, FOUNT n.

1887 T. B. REED Hist. Old Eng. Letter Foundries i. 40 It now remains to trace briefly the origin
and development of the leading type-faces used in English Typography.
1923 S. MORISON On Type Faces p. v The choice of type face is always a matter of immediate
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1980 B. CRUTCHLEY To be Printer v. 65 Bodoni..produced in his lifetime over four hundred type

type facsimile n. a copy of a piece of printing which is either a

page-for-page copy using type as close as possible to the original or
an exact photographic reproduction.

1900 (title) Type Facsimile Society. Publications of the Society for the year 1900.
1966 Eng. Studies 47 298 It [sc. old spelling] does no harm, provided the reader is not misled
into using the book as a type-facsimile.

type-fallacy n. Logic the fallacy or mistake of including amongst

the members of a type or category something belonging to another
type or category (see quot. 1908).

[1908 B. RUSSELL Logic & Knowl. (1956) 75 The division of objects into types is necessitated by
the reflexive fallacies which otherwise arise. These fallacies..are to be avoided by what may
be called the ‘vicious-circle principle’; i.e., ‘no totality can contain members defined in
terms of itself’.]
1935 Mind 44 150 Now, of course, the word ‘about’ is very ambiguous; but, in one sense of it, to
say that a proposition is about itself is to commit the simplest of type-fallacies.
1952 Mind 61 130 The type-fallacy that only moral goodness itself is good.
1967 Philosophy 42 3 A transition from one to the other would then become tantamount to a
category-mistake or type-fallacy.

† type-fever n. Obsolete an intermittent fever, an ague.

1819 SIR A. BOSWELL in Poet. Wks. & Mem. Introd. 33 Being infected with the type-fever the fits
have periodically returned.

type-form n. (a) = FORM n. 20a; (b) a typical or representative


1839 A. URE Dict. Arts 1035 To adapt this method of inking to a flat type-form machine.
1875 R. HUNT & F. W. RUDLER Ure's Dict. Arts (ed. 7) III. 660 Mr. Applegarth..decided on
abandoning the reciprocating motion of the type-form.
1900 F. H. STODDARD Evol. Eng. Novel 218 Mankind demands that it shall show conformity to a
certain type-form.
1901 Nature 19 Dec. 168/1 The author divides the species into the type-form and four varieties.

type-gauge n. (a) a gauge used by type-founders to test the size

of type-bodies; (b) a type-measure ( Encycl. Dict., 1888).

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type-genus n. the genus which most perfectly exemplifies the

essential characters of the family to which it belongs; esp. the genus
from which the name of the family is taken.

1840 W. WHEWELL Philos. Inductive Sci. I. VIII. ii. 477 The type-species of every genus, the type-
genus of every family, is, then, one which possesses all the characters and properties of the
genus in a marked and prominent manner.
1896 Guide Fossil Reptiles & Fishes Brit. Mus. 65 Dr. Filhol records the type-genus from the
Upper Eocene Phosphorites of France.

type height n. = HEIGHT n. 1c.

1905 C. T. JACOBI Printers' Handbk. (ed. 3) 22 There is some uncertainty as to what is type-
height, and therefore all those engaged in supplying the printer should remember
that type-height is ·9175 inch.
1931 R. R. KARCH Printing & Allied Trades iii. 9 Type heights differ in foreign countries. In
England the height is ·917; France, Germany and Spain ·928.
1973 S. JENNETT Making of Bks. (ed. 5) ii. 40 Type height, or height to paper, is not the same
thing as height of face.

type-high adj. and adv. (a) adj. of the standard height of type
(i.e. in Great Britain formerly ·9175 in., now and in U.S. ·918 in.);
(b) adv. as high as, so as to correspond in height with, type.

1890 W. J. GORDON Foundry 213 The copper electro is mounted type-high, and becomes the
block from which the printing is made.
1896 T. L. DE VINNE in Moxon's Mech. Exerc.: Printing (new ed.) II. 406 Brass Rule..cut in
strips type-high.

type-holder n. an instrument for holding types, used for

stamping or lettering books ( Cent. Dict. 1891).

type-larval adj. of or pertaining to a type larva, i.e. one which

exhibits features characteristic of the group to which it belongs,
which do not appear in the adult form.

1884 HYATT in Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 5 Mar. 122 Their embryonic history has no stage
which exhibits..a distinct type-larval stage.

type-letter n. each of the types or letters of a typewriter.

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1876 Nature 18 May 43/2 Two keys struck at the same time must consequently cause two type-
letters to clash in their attempt to reach the same spot, the centre of the circle.

type-lever n. a lever by which a type or character is impressed, as

in a linotype.

1908 Daily Chron. 26 Aug. 5/2 The typist has at his disposal all kinds of type on type wheels
which are fixed at the end of type levers.

type locality n. = type area n. (b), above, type site n. below.

1934 Webster's New Internat. Dict. Eng. Lang. Type-locality.

1937 Brit. Birds 31 10 Dr. Ticehurst has given as type-locality Lincolnshire.
1940 Chambers's Techn. Dict. 874/2 Type locality, the locality from which a rock, formation,
etc., has been named and described, usually because of its characteristic occurrence there.
1962 R. M. GORDON & M. M. J. LAVOIPIERRE Entomol. for Students of Med. liii. 325 The locality
from which the holotype was collected is known as the ‘type locality’.
1969 Proc. Geol. Soc. Aug. 159 Donovan..stated Watchet to be the type-locality of the index
species of the zone, but gave no type-locality for the zone itself.

type-matter n. printed matter, letterpress.

1892 Advt. in Photogr. Ann. II. p. clxiv Phototype Prints are the best for reproducing Portraits
[etc.]..Type Matter requires a second printing.

type-measure n.

type-measurer n. a rule showing the depth of the various kinds

of type, used in calculating the number of lines or ems in composed
type; (E. H. Knight Pract. Dict. Mech.).

type-metal n. an alloy of lead and antimony, sometimes with tin

or bismuth, of which printing types are cast.

1800 tr. E. J. B. Bouillon-Lagrange Man. Course Chem. I. 445 Antimony and lead form a most
valuable mixture; it is that used for printing-types, and is called Type-Metal.
1818 H. J. TODD Johnson's Dict. Eng. Lang. at To stereotype To make type-metal plates to print
from at the letter-press.
1850 D. T. ANSTED Elem. Course Geol. §475 [Antimony] is used in the manufacture of type
metal, of which it forms from one fourth to a twelfth part, the rest being lead, with a little
tin, bismuth, and copper.
1882 J. SOUTHWARD Pract. Printing (1884) 15 Type metal is of two kinds, ordinary and hard.
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type-music n. music printed from types.

1882 J. SOUTHWARD Pract. Printing (1884) 342 This system undoubtedly brings type-music
into disrepute.

type-page n. the page of type or letterpress as distinct from the

paper-page on which it is printed.

1910 Athenæum 19 Mar. 348/1 The relation of type-page to paper-page is..still open, within
certain limits, to individual taste.

type-paper n. paper suitable for typewriting.

1906 Daily Chron. 27 Jan. 6/4 They make the better-class papers known as ‘banks’, ‘type’
papers, ‘drawing’ papers, and high-class writing papers.

type-printed adj. printed from types; also, type-written.

1892 Daily News 26 Feb. 7/3 I searched Sampson before leaving..and found..two type-printed
statements relating to the charge.

type-printing n.

1839 T. C. HANSARD Treat. Printing & Type-founding (1841) 59 There does not appear to be any
vestige of an art in any degree similar (such as block-printing) having been practised prior
to the introduction of type-printing.
1876 Nature 18 May 43/1 The sewing-machine or the more novel type-printing apparatus.

type-psychology n. psychological study or theory based on the

classification of people or phenomena by type.

1932 Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. July 77 The considerable growth of ‘type’ psychologies has been a
leading characteristic of recent psychological and clinical study and speculation.
1952 H. READ Philos. Mod. Art iv. 83 The science of typology—or type-psychology as it is more
often called—is comparatively modern.

type-rule n. ( Funk's Stand. Dict. 1895).

type-scale n. = type-measure n. ( Cent. Dict. 1891).

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typescript n. and adj. [compare typoscript n. at TYPO- comb.

form ] (a) n. type-written matter or copy; (b) adj. typewritten.

1893 A. ESTOCLET in Nation (N.Y.) 6 July 10/3 Writing..concerning a typewritten document.., I

half apologetically used the word ‘type~script’.
1906 N. W. THOMAS Kinship Organisations Pref. He has read twice over my typescript MS, and
my proofs.
1907 H. WYNDHAM Flare of Footlights xxix Adrian recognized it as the typescript of his one-act

typescript v. (transitive) to record in typescript.

1976 Amer. Speech 1974 49 19 H. Rex Wilson..was probably the first linguistic geographer to
propose typescripting entire interviews.

typescripted adj.

1979 Amer. Notes & Queries Mar. 106/1 Nor did Fisher ever mention to Crane or to me his
Plowshare publications of Greenberg, which included ‘The Charming Maiden’ (June 1918)
‘Serenade in Grey’, ‘Regret At Parting’, and ‘Where Sweepest Thou’ (January 1920), all later
typescripted by Hart Crane.
1980 Amer. Speech 1976 51 204 A typescripted record represents several weeks of tedious work.

typescripting n.

1981 Amer. Speech 56 258 The typescripting or computer-taping and indexing of LAGS field
records are now considered supplemental descriptive components of the atlas.

typeset adj.

1903 Westm. Gaz. 17 Nov. 2/1 A type set of the collections representing the massive rocks of the

typesetter n. a compositor; also, a composing-machine.

1867 W. T. BRANDE & G. W. COX Dict. Sci., Lit. & Art (new ed.) III. 726/2 Ten type-setters under
Bonelli's system can compose at least 300 despatches per hour.
1888 Cassell's Encycl. Dict. VII. Type-setter, 2, a type-setting or composing machine.
1899 Daily News 24 June 4/4 When women first began as type-setters in Boston, the male type-
setters struck.
1911 T.P.'s Weekly 29 Dec. 844/1 Young's Patent Composing Machine..was the name of the first
practical type-setter, seventy years ago.

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typesetting n. and adj.

1846 S. F. SMITH Theatr. Apprenticeship ii. 30 She..would then dismiss us to our type-setting.
1848 Commerc. Rev. South & West July 52 But the printer is too have his
usefulness set aside by the multiplication of type-setting and press-working machines.
1867 W. T. BRANDE & G. W. COX Dict. Sci., Lit. & Art (new ed.) III. 726/2 Converting the
telegraph stations..into so many type-setting workshops.
1875 E. H. KNIGHT Pract. Dict. Mech. Type-setting machine, a composing-machine for type.
1886 Science 17 Sept. 254/1 Justification will be as easily accomplished as in ordinary type-

type site n. Archaeology Geology etc., a site the features of

which are used to define, or are paradigmatic of, a culture,
stratigraphic level, etc.

1935 Proc. Prehistoric Soc. 1 6 The Late Bronze Age assemblage to which the type site offers no
significant parallel.
1959 J. D. CLARK Prehist. Southern Afr. vi. 159 Bambata is the type site for the Stillbay Culture
in Rhodesia.
1969 Proc. Geol. Soc. Aug. 157 Table the sequence of stages so far defined for the
Quaternary of the British Isles. The stage names are based either on type-sites or type-
1975 J. G. EVANS Environment Early Man Brit. Isles i. 8 Each interglacial is named after a type
site or area where deposits of that stage occur.
1981 P. SALWAY Roman Brit. 7 A ‘type-site’ is, in archaeological jargon, the site after which a
culture is named, often the site at which it was first discovered or recognized as distinct.

type-slug n. = type-bar n. (a) ( Funk's Stand. Dict., 1895).

type-species n. Natural History a species which most perfectly

exemplifies its genus; esp. the species on which the genus is based.

1840 W. WHEWELL Philos. Inductive Sci. I. VIII. ii. 476 All the species which have a greater
affinity with this type-species than with any others, form the genus.

type-specimen n. (a) Natural History a specimen or individual

on which the species is based, and from which the specific name is
taken; also fig.; (b) a printed sheet or booklet showing the variety
of type-faces a printer or founder has available.

1875 W. BLADES Some Early Type Specimen Bks. 3 When printers were their own type-founders
their works were their own type-specimen.
1891 Cent. Dict. Type specimen.
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1894 Geol. Mag. Oct. 435 J. Sowerby's type-specimens of Ammonites Brocchii are much more
inflated than the present species.
1904 G. L. KITTREDGE Eng. & Sc. Pop. Ballads p. xxvi ‘The Hangman's Tree’ is a survival of an
archaic type-specimen.
1922 D. B. UPDIKE Printing Types I. xi. 133 A few ‘type specimens’ were issued by founders, and
some by printers.

type-sticker n. a compositor (slang).

1842 H. GREELEY Corr. R. W. Griswold (1898) 104 Which you will keep out of the dirty hands of
all type-stickers.

type-system n. a system of teaching by types or representative


1901 Nature 26 Sept. 526/1 Prosecuting a more detailed study of individual forms, as with the
now universal type-system.

type test n. (esp. Aeronautics) a test conducted to determine

whether a new piece of equipment meets its specifications; also

1922 Flight 14 267/1 The Bristol ‘Lucifer’ engine..has successfully passed its type-tests in
accordance with British Air Ministry Type-Test Schedule of May, 1920.
1978 Proc. Internat. Conf. Noise Control Engin., San Francisco 743 Because of the complexity
and cost of conducting certification type tests, a study was undertaken to determine the
feasibility of using an alternative scheme to obtain approach and takeoff noise levels.
1979 Gloss. Terms Quality Assurance (B.S.I.) 11/2 Type test, a test or series of tests directed
towards approval of a design, conducted to determine whether an item is capable of
meeting the requirements of the product specification.

type-test v. (transitive) .

1946 Sun (Baltimore) 17 May 6 (advt.) For sale: Stinson cabin monoplanes... Have been type-
tested and declared eligible for certification by CAA.

type-theory n. Chemistry the theory of the derivation of

compounds from types (sense 8c) by substitution.

1868 H. WATTS Dict. Chem. V. 927 The law of substitution is the expression of facts, which the
type-theory was intended to explain.

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type–token n. attributive in Semiotics, etc., pertaining to types

and tokens, involving the relationship of type to tokens (see TOKEN
n. 1f, sense 8e above).

1960 G. HERDAN (title) Type-token mathematics: a textbook of mathematical linguistics.

1971 Computers & Humanities 5 133 A type/token ratio is computed for each text, where type is
the number of different words occurring in the text and token is the total number of
occurrences of all words in the text.
1979 Sci. Amer. Feb. 61/2 The type–token ratio, a parameter that reflects the size of the
vocabulary employed by the author, was determined for each text.

type-transliteration n. transliteration into modern type or


1896 Periodical No. I. 4 The unique MS...has been photo-facsimile and type-

type-value n. value as a type or standard of comparison.

1909 R. R. MARETT Threshold Relig. Introd. (1914) 25 When..a set of useful contrasts is
obtained by means of such bundles, each said to have ‘type-value’.

type-wash n. a washing medium for type or plates (Webster,


type-wheel n. a wheel with raised characters on its periphery, as

in the printing telegraph and in some typewriters.

1849 H. M. NOAD Lect. Electr. (ed. 3) viii. 381 The rotatory motion given to the type wheel..until
the required letter arrives opposite the paper.
1886 Science 17 Sept. 252/2 Fitted in vertical grooves in the periphery of the type-wheel are a
number of steel types.

type-work n. letterpress; also type-setting, composing.

1910 H. C. G. MOULE in Fundamentals II. vi. 107 The compositor ‘justifies’ a piece of typework,
when he corrects, brings into perfect order, as to spaces between words and letters, and so
on, the types which he has set up.


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ˈtypeful adj. nonce-word having the quality of a type; typical;


1889 LUCIA E. F. KIMBALL in Chicago Advance 16 May How typeful this lovely blossom of the
rare, sweet souls who make the bare, ugly places brighter and better.

typefy v. Brit. /ˈtʌɪpᵻfʌɪ/, U.S. /ˈtaɪpəfaɪ/ nonce-word

(transitive) to put into type, to print.

1856 J. STRANG Glasgow & its Clubs 25 The blatant blusterings of every charlatan..must be
pencilled and typefied, before the lapse of a few hours.

ˈtypeless adj. nonce-word untyped, unprinted.

1845 R. FORD Hand-bk. Travellers in Spain II. x. 708 Many authors..content to
typeless obscurity.


type 1 adj. Pathology designating or pertaining to some forms of

diabetes, esp. insulin-dependent diabetes (see insulin-dependent
adj. at INSULIN n. Additions).

1977 Lancet 19 Mar. 638/1 Type I includes classic insulin-dependent juvenile-onset diabetes,
insulin-dependent diabetes presenting in later life, and diabetes initially adequately
controlled..but with islet-cell antibody (I.C.A.) in the serum.
1986 New Eng. Jrnl. Med. 22 May 1366/1 So I believe there is something unique about Type I
diabetes. Maybe it is more akin to polymyalgia rheumatica, which responds to some safe
therapies that we have now.


type 2 adj. Pathology designating or pertaining to some forms of

diabetes, esp. the non-insulin-dependent type (see non-insulin-
dependent adj. at NON- prefix 3b).

1977 Lancet 13 Aug. 325/2 Although juvenile-onset diabetes is predominantly type I and adult-
onset diabetes is predominantly type II, the inaccuracies inherent in this oversimplification
must have vitiated earlier attempts at genetic analysis.

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1987 J. WEATHERALL et al. Oxf. Textbk. Med. (ed. 2) I. ix. 53/2 It is probably preferable to use
the type I, type II scheme, in that considerable confusion arises from the term ‘insulin-
dependent’, which is often equated in practice with insulin-treated, which will depend on
clinical practice and the state of the patient at a particular time.

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