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Universidad Juárez autónoma

de Tabasco.
División académica de ciencias básicas.

Alumno: Diego Rodríguez de la cruz.

Matricula: 182A20200

Materia: Lengua extranjera.

Grupo: a distancia.

Licenciatura: Químico farmacéutico Biólogo (QFB).


Fecha: 15-11-2020.
Tarea calificable 13. LA GRAMÁTICA EN UN CHISTE.
a) Sentence structure

Del chiste “two little boys in a hospital”, elige 6 oraciones

desglosadas de acuerdo a las siguientes columnas. Este
ejercicio te ayuda a fijarte en los detalles importantes para
armar oraciones para comunicarte.

Subject Verb Complement

1 Two little boys are in a hospital and are lying next to each othe

2 “I’m in here to get my tonsils out and I’m a little nervous”

3 I had that done to me once.

4 The first boy says, “You’ve got nothing to worry about.

5 I couldn’t walk for a year!!!

6 I have got black eyes

Subject Verb Complement

7 Augusto arrived at his grandfather’s house today.

8 He teachs french at school

9 I study history in my class

1 I leave Madrid tomorrow morning

1 She practises sports whit her friend
1 He drinks orange juice
1 Antonia called her friends to tell them she would be late
1 They dance in the club
1 I have lunch at seven
b)Prepositional phrases

New phrase prepositio Noun phrase Meaning

Under the table under the table Abajo de la mesa
into his backyard into his backyard En su patio
1 Little Johnny asked his in the dark El pequeño Johnny le
father, "Dad, can you write preguntó a su padre:
in the dark?" "Papá, ¿puedes
escribir en la
2 She really looks like like The mother. Ella realmente se
her mother. parece a su madre.

3 Don't use the glass as as the glass ¡No utilice el vidrio

an ashtray! como un cenicero!

4 I need to finish my project by my project Necesito terminar

by Easter mi proyecto
para Pascua.
5 I can't wait until tomorrow. until The tomorrow No puedo esperar
hasta mañana.

6 She studied Art for for Estudió arte por

four years. for four years. cuatro años.
7 They met during the war. during during the war Se conocieron durante
la guerra.

8 I can't see the screen. the screen No puedo ver la

You are standing in front of in front of. pantalla. Estás de pie
it. delante de ella
9 My wife sat down opposite the dinner table. Mi esposa se sentó
opposite me at the dinner frente a mí en la mesa
table. de la cena.

1 Jane speaks French, so as she acted Jane habla francés,

0 she acted as an por lo que actuó
interpreter. como intérprete.
1 They have an like an enormous house Tienen una casa
1 enormous house. enorme. Es como un
It's like a palace. palacio
1 the Prime Minister about the unemployment rate El Primer Ministro habló
2 spoke about the sobre la tasa de
unemployment rate desempleo
1 I wake up at 6am at at 6am every morning Me despierto a las 6
3 every morning am cada mañana
1 What do you do before bafore go to sleep ¿Qué haces antes de
4 you go to sleep? irte a dormir?
1 what is behind the door? behind the door ¿Qué hay detrás de
5 la puerta?
1 the guest was inside inside the room El invitado estaba
6 the room dentro de la
1 I just moved into a into I just moved Acabo de mudarme a
7 new apartment un apartamento nuevo
1 The button of the watch of watch is broken El botón del reloj
8 is broken está roto
1 your cat was on the roof on the roof Tu gato estaba en
9 el techo
2 there is a dark cloud over us over there is a dark cloud Hay una nube
0 oscura sobre

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