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Организационный момент (2 минут)

Teacher: Good morning! Sit down, please. My name is… Today I will teach you
English. Your English teacher is unfortunately ill. I hope we'll get along just fine.
Who is the school attendant today?
Pupil: I am a school attendant today.
Teacher: Is anyone missing today?
Pupil: Yes, Anastasia is missing. She's sick.
Teacher: I hope she will join us in the next lesson. What's the date today? Speak
English, please.
Pupil: Today is September 22.
Teacher: What day of the week is today?
Pupil: Today is Tuesday.
Teacher: The rag is very dry. Please wet a rag and bring new chalk.
Pupil: Okay.
Teacher: Thank you. What is your task for today?
Pupil: We have written an essay on "My favorite time of year".
Фонетическая зарядка (3 минуты)
Учитель знакомит учащихся с явлением "Content Words" в английском языке;
приводит примеры. На экране представляет другие примеры словосочетаний,
озвучивает классу, просит учащихся повторять за ним.
Teacher: Now then, have a look at the screen. Try reading these words, word pairs
and sentences correctly. Listen and repeat after me.
Practice Sentences
1. skinny;
2.a skinny man;
3.a young skinny man;
4.I see a young skinny man;
5. I see a young skinny man with a punk hairstyle;
6. I see a young skinny man with a punk hairstyle in the street;
7. I see a young skinny man with a punk hairstyle in the street, who looks like
Подведение к теме урока (5 минут)
Teacher: Today we have a chance to go on a virtual excursion to a famous town,
the capital of the USA. Have a look at the map. The capital of the United States
Washington is situated in the district of Columbia.
Teacher: You have a card with the words on your Desk. Take it. What do you
know about Washington? It was founded in 1790. More than 6 thousand people
live in Washington. More than 400 thousand visitors come to the city every day.

1 упражнение (5 минут)
Teacher: Open your books in page 22 number 2. Read and translate this text.
Washington is the capital of the United States of America . It is situated in the
District of Columbia and is like no other city of the USA . It’s the world’s largest
one-industry city .And that industry is government . The White House , where the
US president lives and works , the Capitol , the home of the US Congress , and the
Supreme Court , are all in Washington .
Washington was named after the first US President George Washington . He
selected the place for the capital and Pierre L’Enfant , a French engineer , designed
the city .
Washington was first settled in 1790 and since 1800 it has been the Federal capital
Washington is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the United States . In
the very centre , is the huge dome of the Capitol-a big white dome standing on a
circle of pillars . The 535 members of the Congress meet here to discuss the
nation’s affairs it’s easy to get lost in this huge building full of paintings and
statues .
Not far from the Capitol is the Library of Congress , the largest library in the States
. It contains more than 13 million books , more than 19 million manuscripts ,
including the personal papers of the US presidents.
The White House is the official residence of the US President . He works in the
Oval Office .
One can hardly find a park , a square or an open area in Washington without a
monument or a memorial . The most impressive and the best-known ones are the
Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument .
There are some important museums in Washington where you can see all kinds of
things : famous paintings and sculptures , the dresses of president’s wives , the
original of the Declaration of Independence , the largest blue diamond in the world,
etc. There are 5 universities in Washington .
There are no skyscrapers in Washington , because they would hide the city’s many
monuments from view . No building in the city may be more than 40 meters tall .
Thousands of tourists visit Washington every day . People from all parts of the
United States come to see their capital .
Tick V(true). Cross X(false). NS(not stated)
1. The US President lives and works in the Capitol.
2. The capital is named after the third American president.
3. The largest library of the States is situated in the capital.
4. Washington is the city of 5 famous theatres.
5. The White House is the official residence of the Congress.
6. The tourists can see a lot of monuments in the city.
7. Washington is famous for its National Opera House.
8. Tourists from all over the world enjoy visiting parks of American capital.
9. The buildings in Washington are not very high.
Teacher: Match.
1. to select
a) affairs
2. to design
b) books
3. to settle
c) a monument
4. to discuss
d) a place
5. to
e) a residence
f) a woman
6. to be f)
g) a town
7. to hide
(Ребенок идет к доске, все остальные ученики проверяют. Если кто-то
находит ошибку, то этот ученик идет к доске и исправляет)
2 упражнение (5 минут)
Teacher: Pair work
– I hope you have learned a lot about the capital of the USA. Tell to your classmate
what you have learned about the city.
e.g. I’ve learned that Washington was settled in 1790.
Рефлексия (3 минуты)
Teacher: What did you find particularly interesting in the lesson?
(На парте у учеников лежит опора на ответ этого вопроса)
Finish the sentences:
Today I learned that…
Now I know how…
I'd like to know…
Pupil: Now I know how to describe people’s appearance.
Pupil: Today I learned a lot of new words. Now I can use these word in sentences.
Homework: page 166 №5, A. At home. Make a project about your native town.
Find some pictures for you project. Present it to the class.
Teacher: That’s all for today. The lesson is over. Good bye!

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