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Aptis Vocabulary

1. Write the letter on the right that is most often used with a word on the left,
(e.g. bus + stop= bus stop). Use each word once only. You will not need five
of the words.

completely → amazed,

unacceptable → behaviour

make → a mistake

steady → progress

strongly → suggest

completely termina en LY o sea que es un adverbio y necesita un adjetivo al lado

para tener sentido, por eso es amazed

unacceptable es un adjetivo y un adjetivo necesita un sustantivo para tener sentido

2. Mark the letter on the right that has the most similar meaning to the word on
the left (e.g. home=house). Use each word once only. You will not need five
of the words.

supervise → manage

generic → general

provisional → temporary

envision → visualize

impose → enforce

3. Finish each definition using answers from the list. Use each answer once
only. You will not need five of the answers 
To allow is to → permit

To ban is to → prohibit

To argue is to → disagree

To restrict is to → limit

To check is to → examine

To boost is to → improve

4. Mark the letter on the right that has the most similar meaning to the word on
the left (e.g. home=house). Use each word once only. You will not need five
of the words.

ruin → destroy

beneficial → helpful

diligent → hardworking

weary → tired

attempt → try

5. Write the letter on the right that is most often used with a word on the left
(e.g. bus + stop= bus stop). Use each word once only.
throw → a party

completely → useless

vigorous → shake

accept → responsibility

hardly → see

1. Aptis Multiple choice texts

Read this text and answer from the choices given, 

Jahan Begum was  born on a farm in the hills. She lived there with her family
[for]thirteen years. The family grew their own food and [kept] animals. But
then one year it didn't rain so they decided to move to [another]country.
The journey [through]the mountains was long and difficult. [Their] first home in the
new country was a tent. Then Jahan's brothers made a house with wood and
stones so the family 
had somewhere better to live.
Now, [each]day Jahan makes things like hats and socks out of wool. She sells
[them]in the market to get money for food. She is happy with her home and her
but she [still]hopes to return to her farm in the hills one day.      

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 5.
The correct answer is:
San Francisco
Whatever you [hope]for from a visit to San Francisco in the USA, you won’t be
disappointed. The hills are just as steep as you imagined they would be, and the
Golden Gate Bridge is just as spectacular. It’s no [surprise] then that the city is
among the world’s [top]tourist destinations. [Although] many people live there, San
Francisco [seems]more like a small town than a city of more than 4 million people.
Its [landscape] on the water, its parks, and its hills all [mean]that you can never see
further than a few blocks.
One of the most [popular] trips is a drive across the Golden Gate Bridge. This
journey should be saved for a sunny day so that you can a fantastic view, and the
Golden Gate Park has wonderful gardens, addition to being great for a picnic.
The correct order for these items is as follows:

1. Mrs. Knowles and her three sons were driving from Perth to Adelaide in the
early hours one morning in 1988.

2. When she saw a light flashing on the road ahead, she slowed down thinking
that it was a traffic signal

3. Suddenly, a strange light seemed to be on top of the car, sucking it up off

the road before dropping it down again.

4. Feeling terrified and out of control, the family noticed a black powder
seeping inside their car and smelt a horrible stench.
5. In a state of shock, they drove to the nearest town and reported the incident
to the police.

6. Thinking that the woman must have been so tired that she was dreaming,
the police gave her a cup of tea hoping to calm her down.

7. Finally, the police agreed to inspect the car and when they did, they saw the
dust, smelt the smell and also noticed some small dents in the roof of the

8. Meanwhile, a local lorry driver following the same route as Mrs. Knowles
confirmed that he has also seen the strange light in the distance.

9. This story was quickly taken up by some people as proof of the presence of
aliens on earth.

Simulacro 1:

Aptis Vocabulary test 1

Select the word from the list that has the most similar meaning to the word on the

seriously → thoughtfully

clean → tidy

carefully → cautiously

boy → lad

owner →director

colorfully → plainly

Complete each definition using a word from the drop-down list.

 The second of two or the second mentioned of two → latter

To happen by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally → accidental

To seize as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping → capture

To assemble or get together → gather

To be forsaken by owner or inhabitants → abandoned

To carefully think out in advance → deliberate

Complete each sentence using a word from the drop-down list.

People work hard to achieve → their goals

After the match, the team accepted → defeat

She was worried because she had made → a mistake

Good education provide a promising → future

She got out of the shower and got → dressed

I need to talk to the sales → deparment, Wait a minute

I am going to answer → the phone

Your final grade for this quiz is 7.50/10.00.

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