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Objectives Basic Knowledge BLOOM'S TAXONOMY KNOWLEDGE Outcomes More Sophisticated Higher Level Thinking Knowledge Comprehensio | Application | Analysis Synthesis | Evaluation n Student Student Student uses | Student Student | Student remembers or | grasps the —_| information | discriminates | creatively | judges or recognizes | meaning torelate and | , organizers. | applies evaluates information or | behind the | apply ittoa | and knowledge | information specifics as | information new situation | scrutinisers | and based communicate | and interprets, | with minimal | assumptions | analysis to | upon dwith litle | translates or | instructor —_| in an attempt | integrate _| standards personal comprehends | input toidentifly | concepts | and assimilation | the evidence for | or criteria, information — | aconclusion | construct | values and | | an overall | opinions [ie Z theory Gite Convert Apply ‘Analyse ‘Assemble | Access Label Define Chart Compare _| Create Aapraise List Describe Compute | Contrast Construct | Conclude Enumerate __| Discuss Demonstrate | Correlate —_| Design Critique Identity Estimate Determine | Diagram Develop | Decide Imitate | Explain Dramatise | Dissect Formulate | Defend Match Generalize | Establish _| Differentiate | Generate _| Diagnose Name Identity Make Distinguish | Hypothesis | Evaluate Quote tilustrate Manipulate | inter e Judge Recall Locate Prepare Investigate | Initiate Justify Reproduce | Paraphrase _| Project Limit Invent Rank State Restate Solve Outline Modify Recommend Write summarise Use Separate Reframe — | Support Synthesise Tan Juat NgohiFeb 2013 ARAS TAKSONOMI BLOOM HASIL PEMBELAJARAN Bil Aras Taksonomi Hasil Pembelajaran Ba 1. | Pengetahuan ie - { Mengingat semula bahan yang dipelajari. Contoh kata kerja: Labelkan (/abe/) , Senaraikan (list), Nyatakan (state), Pilih (select), Ingat kembali (recall), Susun (arrange), Hasilkan semula (reproduce), Hubungkaitkan (relate), Beri definisi (define), Huraikan (describe). 2. | Kefahaman Memahami bahan yang dipelajari dan menghuraikan fakta serta memberi contoh atau illustrasi Contoh_kata kerja: Terangkan (explain), Huraikan (describe), Ramalkan (predict), Tukarkan (change), Nyatakan semula (restate), Ringkaskan (summarise), Kaji semula (review), Bincangkan (discuss), Kenal pastikan (identify), Laporkan (report), Terjemahkan (translate). 3. | Aplika: | Menggunakan bahan yang dipelajari dalam situasi baru atau menyelesaikan masalah ‘non-routine’ atau masalah baru. Masalah diselesaikan dengan cara tersendiri menggunakan gabungan teori, pengalaman dan pelbagai kaedah penyelesaian masalah yang mempunyai unsur persamaan. Contoh kata kerja: Aplikasikan (apply), Tunjukkan (show), Kelolakan (organise), Kaitkan (relate), ‘Tafsirkarr (intérpretyy’Selesaikan (solve), Lakarkan (sketch), Terapkan (adopt), Jadualkan (schedule) 4 Anali ane ¢ Memecahkan fakta kepada bahagian kecil untuk mengkaji unsur-unsurnya secara mendalam supaya susunan fakta difahami Tan Juat Ngoh/Feb 2013 SSO Kata Kena: Analisis (analyse), Taksirkan (appraise), Hitungkan (calculate), Bandingkan (compare), Kategorikan (categorise), Diskriminasikan (discriminate), Kail) 9 (examine), Lakarkan (sketch), Kenalpastikan (identify), Buat kesimpulan (infer), Bahagikan (Subdivide), Tunjukkan (point out), Gariskan (outline), Bezakan (distingu/sh/contrast), Buktikan (prove) tesis Kebolehan untuk mengabung semula bahagian terpisah supaya menghasilkan sesuatu yang kreatif/baharu yang menggabungkan pelbagai unsur. Ini termasuk penghasilan sesuatu rancangan, rumusan, kaedah/prosedur, atau cadangan. Contoh kata kerja: ‘Susunkan (arrange), Bentukkan (formulate), Aturkan (organise), Bina (build), Gambarkan (iflustrate), Ubah (change), Karang (compose), Pasang (assemble), ‘Semak (revise), Buat hipotesis (hypothesise), Ramalkan (predict), Uruskan (manage), Susun semula (reorder), Himpunkan (collect), Hasilkan (produce), Rancangkan (plan), Sediakan (prepare), Cadangkan (propose), Janakan (generate). Menilai, membuat pertimbangan atau justifikasi (Mengambil kira semua faktor) berasaskan kriteria untuk mencapai atau mendapatkan sesuatu kesimpulan. Contoh kata kerja: Taksirkan (evaluate), Nilaikan (appraise), Pertimbangkan (justify), Gredkan (grade), Sokong (support), Utamakan (prioritise), Arbitrasikan (arbitrate), Pertahankan (defend), Syorkan (recommend), Simpulkan (conclude), Ramalkan (predict), Kritik (criticize), ‘Tan Juat NgohiFeb 2019 ARAS TAKSONOM! BLOOM YANG DITAMBAHBAIK OLEH ANDERSON Bil Aras taksonomi hasil pembelajaran eee ‘| 2 Mengingat \ Jawapan fakta, mengingat dan mengiktirat Contoh kata kerja Menamakan, menyatakan, menyenaraikan, melabel 2 Memahami Mengungkap semula dan mentafsir untuk menunjukkan pemahaman Contoh kata kerja menyatakan semula, menerangkan, menterjemah, meringkas, menjelaskan 3 | Mengaplikasi Menggunakan pengetahuan kepada situasi dan pengalaman baru Contoh kata kerja menggunakan, mengaplikasi, menggambarkan a caer Memecah fakta kepada bahagian yang lebih kecil untuk memeriksa lebih mendalam dan memahami perhubungannya Contoh kata kerja | membanding beza, mengelas, menyusun, memeriksa, menganalisis 5 Menilai Membuat pertimbangan dan penilaian bagi mendapat kesimpulan Contoh kata kerja _| menyimpul, mentafsir,menilai, membuat keputusan et é Mencipta Gabungkan maklumat untuk mencipta sesuatu yang kreatif/baru Contoh kata kerja mereka bentuk, mencipta,membina, menghasil Tan Juat NgonvFeb 2013 TABLE 4.1 TAXONOMY Tevet | Memory —The student is asked to recall or recite information Level 2 Comprehension —The sdent is asked to deseribe, sums: rire, or understand information pplication —The st ent is asked (0 solve Level tor show ideas and apy ply them to a specific 3 LEVELED QUESTIONS USING BLOOM'S “To which gronp oF animals do frogs be Athat are the four developmental stages of math Whit is the young underdeveloped baby pln ina seed called! Tn sour own words, how would you describe the four developmental stages of a moth? Explain how fish are able to breathe undersea We hae ‘en insobed in gathering data con cceming dhe amount of time a canle continues fo bum when a beaker isinverted and p dner it. We hie used three of four be Found that under beaker 1-(100 mb. the cat: dle continued to bum for 1] seconds under beaker 2 (220 ml), the candle burned for 22 seconds: and under beaker 3 (HK) mi), i tuned for 39 seconds, How do vou think it 4 (400 mb? sill bur under b Whar would happen ifyou placed a fish in a ed container of cooled. boiled W How would so prepare a gros Frogs How would you wse a balloon ro demonstrate Ihows aut tanigs work? 1 Tals Analtsis The suadent 1. Whydo you think peaple are rot more cov is asked to separate cerned about pollution problem! | Hhewhole ince com: 2. Jelf,can you explain hors Jin’s conclusion is ponent parts, t0 in ‘consistent with vours? { fer and compare How are plants and animals aie /ifferent? Level: Stnthesis—The sit T. How woud you describe life on earth in the t dent is asked to re year 2090 i ate or predict 2, Suppose vou lived on a faraway planet, Drase something new or a planc thar would gros‘ on that planet. Flow ; unique ‘would you prove tha? 4. What could sou do to find out hove much 9 ter the bucket of snow would make ‘Evaluation —The st T. Whar isthe best war to find ou if wer isi dent is asked to judge a choose by 2 waking well reaswned decisions ood conductor of heat (that do yout see as the best solution to che energy problem? 8, Do sou think there should be a law o frit the number of tindfills dhat can be weed in 192 Whe? Why nat

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