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Worse From:

Aggravated by stooping – ARNICA

Aggravation during inspiration – RANANCULUS BULB 3, 30

Aggravation after coitus or seminal emissions, Debility after fever – SELENIUM 30, 200


Exhaustion, sinking immediately after meals, need – SENNA 3, 6

Impossible to walk even a step with eyes shut – ALUMINA

Worse by sun – SPIGELIA

Worse morning after sleep – ARGENTUM MET

Worse in the dark and lying down - ONOSMODIUM VIRGINICUM

The patient is better in cloudy weather and worse from sunlight. May be indicated in
burns, skin cancer, Lupus, radiation sickness, sunburn and sunstroke – SOL

Worse for motion; Chilly and better for heat, ailments after loss of sleep - COLCHICUM

Hysteria, associated with frequent emotional changes and enormous bloating of the
abdomen, after a slight meal - NUX MOSCHATA

Sulphur dreads the cold in hot weather and the heat in cold weather

Better From:

Better after urination - EUGENIA JAMBOS 6 to 30

Cough getting on hands and knees – EUPATOREUM PERF Q to 3

Better lying on painful side - BRYONIA, CALC, CHAM, COLOCYNTH,



A brain tonic - FORMICA RUFA 3, 6, 30

Neurasthenia, tired out, washed out feeling - PICRID ACID, KALI PHOS 30,200

Want of nerve-power, neurasthenia, mental and physical depression- KALI PHOS 3, 12

Mental fatigue and weakness, worse morning after sleep – ARGENTUM MET


Cruel, malicious and wicked at times and can inflict injuries on others without any
sympathy or feeling; Hears voices dictating to him. He has a controversy between two
wills, the good and the evil. Fears he is pursued, looks for thieves and expects enemies.
Thinks a stranger is standing or walking by his side – ANACARDIUM

Anacardium, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium and Belladonna are the four pillars in

homeopathy which bring the perverted, illusion mind to the sphere of intelligence and

Nervousness in delirium tremens – SCUTELLARIA Q and low


Bad effects of alcoholic drinks, hiccoughs, epileptic form of attacks, delirium tremens -

Epileptic fits occur during sleep at night – Bufo, SALAMANDRA 6

Epilepsy with worm trouble, before fits, there is dizziness - INDIGO 3rd, 6th and 30th

Epilepsy, ears seem to close up suddenly, forth in mouth – TANACETUM Q to 3

Traumatic tetanus lockjaw, epilepsy, epileptic convulsions, Convulsions spread from

above downwards (Opp. Cuprum), touch and draft aggravate - CICUTA VIROSA

Epilepsy, paralytic heaviness of the legs before the attack, and paralysis and prolonged
snoring sleep afterwards – PLUMBUM

In epilepsy, pupils are dilated for hours or days before the attack. After the attack the
patient is restless with trembling hands. Epilepsy caused by fright or during menstruation

Excessive sleepiness particularly after delivery – PHELLANDRIUM Q to 200

Constant yawning – CASTOREUM Q, Cina

Drowsiness, chilliness, thirstlessness – NUX MOSCHATA, OPIUM 30, 200

Even dispute with anyone causes nervous excitement, sleeplessness, headache –


Fail to get sleep due to worry - BUTYRIC ACID 3

Somnambulism - ARTEMESIA VULGARIS 3, Kali Brom, Kali Phos


Fear of getting crazy – MANCINELLA 6 to 30

Stage fright – IGNATIA

Hysteria, Chorea, Mania, Phobias

Cerebral irritation and hysterical infantile spasm – ABSINTHINUM 6

Chorea, convulsions do not cease even during sleep - STRYCHNINUM

Feign paroxysms of hysteria when attention is focused - TARENTULA HISPANIA 6 to


Hysteria – AQUILEGIA Q to 3

Traumatic tetanus lockjaw, epilepsy, epileptic convulsions, Convulsions spread from

above downwards (Opp. Cuprum), touch and draft aggravate - CICUTA VIROSA

Puerperal mania recovery, seldom occurs unless menstrual cycle is established –


Claustro-phobia – AREGENTUM NITRICUM

Feels some part of body as large, worse when alone, wants company, but is worse among
strangers – STRAMONIUM

Easy fainting – MOSCHUS 3, 6


Obstinate – DIGITALIS low (Don’t use high)

Peevish, impatient, screams for things – RHEUM 3, 6

When anyone sing, they start dancing - DATURA FEROX 6


Tubercular meningitis – IODOFORUM 2X

Traumatic tetanus lockjaw, epilepsy, epileptic convulsions, Convulsions spread from

above downwards (Opp. Cuprum), touch and draft aggravate - CICUTA VIROSA


Desire for company, aversion to solitude, company ameliorates, restlessness driving him
out of bed, clinging to persons, will always take the hand of mother. Better cold drinks
and cold application, motion, bending backward. Worse eating - BISMUTH

Feels some part of body as large, worse when alone, wants company, but is worse among
strangers – STRAMONIUM


Thinks he is despised: Argentum n. (3), Origanum vulgare (2) hura (also Lac canninum

He is lost to the world beyond hope: Argentum n. (2)

Erroneous ideas as to the state of his body – Sabadilla (3)

His body is shrunken like the dead: Sabadilla (2)

He is God, and then he is the devil: Stram (3) Anac (2)

As if their nose is always wet and no amount of blowing gives relief - PENTHORIUM,

Sensation as if parts of body are being separated from one another – BAPTISIA 6,
Daphne Indica

Sensation of thigh broken - ILLICIUM 6x to 30th

Weakness, coldness and numbness, usually of single parts - AMBRA GRISEA 3

Sensation of coldness in the back, between the shoulders – AMMONIUM MUR

Feels some part of body as large, worse when alone, wants company, but is worse among
strangers – STRAMONIUM

Ars-Alb: Water tastes bitter.

Iodium: Plums taste bitter.
Pulsatilla: Bread tastes bitter.
Sabina: Milk tastes bitter.
Sanguinaria: Sugar tastes bitter


Aversion towards her own sex, own children especially girls - RAPHANUS SATIVUS
3rd to 30th

Break Coffea habit - ANGUSTURA VERA

Removing craving for alcohol – CHINA Q


Gastric and head symptoms – ROBINIA 3

Gnawing itching of the scalp as from lice – OLEANDER Q

Headache due to trauma, aggravated by stooping - ARNICA

Headache with loss of hair, irritable with white tongue – ANTIM CRUD 6

Headache due to trauma, pain extends to face – HYPERICUM

Headache, irritable – CHAMOMILLA

Headache since an old illness, reflex from ears – CHININUM SULPH, SILICEA

Headache due to stimulant, do not want to be consoled – COFFEA

Headache is peculiar in the sense that it causes increased sense of hearing –


Headache due to stimulants – NUX VOMICA alternate with PULS (Frontal)

Headache reflex from paralysis of ocular muscles – RHUS (Wet cold) CAUSTICUM
(Dry cold)

Salivation with headache – NATRUM SULPH, 3X to 12 X

Severe headache


Severe headache, with bursting in temples, eyes – USNEA BARBATA Q, Bell and

Violent pain in the head every time the patient strains at evacuation - INDIUM. 6th, 30th
and 200th

Violent headache, the patient has to hold the head with both hands – NICCOLUM 3X

Sick Headache

Sick head ache – CHIONANTHUS Q, take for several days

Sick headache, rush of blood causing faintness and nausea, lancinating or throbbing -

Nervous sick headaches, unilateral, commonly over one eye, accompanied by deathly
nausea - IPECAC

Orbital Headache

Headache, the pain penetrating into the left eyeball and from there to the centre of the
brain - LAC FELINUM 30 to 200

Constant dull headache, chiefly centered over the left eye and in the left temple, at times
so sharp as to be almost unendurable - ONOSMODIUM VIRGINICUM
Nervous sick headaches, unilateral, commonly over one eye, accompanied by deathly
nausea - IPECAC

Head-ache, due to eye strain – ONOSMODIUM 6, 30 also RUTA


Severe cases of vertigo, aggravated by the least motion of head – MORPHINUM 3, 6

Peculiar vertigo, which is much aggravated by turning the head sidewise – CONIUM

Hydrocephalus, Meningitis

Acute hydrocephalus after measles and scarlatina; the child rolls the head and moans, and
the head sweats – MERCURIUS


Cerebro-spinal meningitis - CICUTA


Terrible falling out of hair after Typhoid – FLUORIC ACID

Cerebrospinal meningitis when the pains come from the spine up through the neck into
the occiput with the same throbbing, pulsating pains as in the head – GLONINE

Sun Headache

Lachesis is one of our best remedies for sun headaches. Of course it does not compare
with Glonoine for the immediate effects of sunstroke, but does come in well after the first
effects are overcome by that remedy. The patient is troubled with headache every time he
is exposed to the sun’s heat, and the trouble has become chronic. (Nat. carb.)

Blow to the Face – SYMPHYTUM

Colour Blindness, Glaucoma

Colour blindness - CARBON SULPH 1 to 200

Day blindness - BOTHROPS LANCEOLATUS 6 to 30

Glaucoma – ARECA 6
Glaucoma, with iridescent vision violent pains and lachrymation - OSMIUM, 6, 30

Increasing myopia – PHYSOSTIGMA 3rd, 6th and 30th

Muscular paralysis of the eyes - GELSEMIUM

Nervous blindness – SANTONINUM 30 and higher

Profuse lachrymation and intolerable itching of the eyelids – AMBROSIA, high

Strabismus, Diplopia, worse open air (opp. Puls) – CYCLAMEN

Acute infection of tissues surrounding the eye: eyelids, eyebrow, cheek – RHUS TOX

For syphilitic iritis – MERCURIUS COR

Specific for ulceration of cornea in children - BACILLINUM

Cataract has been arrested in its progress - CAUSTICUM


Pain, Injury, Spasm

Bruised pains in the eyes, going to the brain – BRYONIA

Eye Strain - RUTA

Pain in the eyes, become inflamed and watery – JACARANDA 3 to 6

Pains after operation of eyes – Staphisgaria, ASARUM EUROPIUM

Pain in right eye - SPIGELIA

Ciliary neuralgia when there is a cold feeling in the eye, neuralgias which are reflex from
decayed teeth – MEZEREUM

Retinal hemorrhage, from accident, ARNICA 1, 1h Passive, HAMAMELIS 1, 1h

multiple haemorrhages PHOS, 3, 2h For reabsorption of effused blood, LACH, 6, 4h

Spasms of the eyelids - AGARICUS

Injuries to the ball of the eyes – SYMPHYTUM



Hoarseness and the voice cracks as soon as they begin to sing – SELENIUM, ARUM,

Hoarseness of singers, as soon as they begin to sing or after long use of the voice, with
frequent necessity to clear the throat – SELENIUM

Clergyman sore throat – HELIOTROPIUM 3 to 6, ARGENTUM MET

Aphonia caused by emotion, especially fright – HYOSCYAMUS

Aphonia, burning rawness in the throat – AMMONIUM CARB


Diphtheria, there is persistent inclination to swallow - CHRONICUM ACIDUM 3 to 6

Diphtheria with extreme fetor of breath, discharges from the nose, and intense prostration

Diphtheria both as curative and prophylactic, alternation of sides - LAC CANINUM 30


Diphtheria when gangrenous spots appear; ulcers with foul secretions and offensive
discharges - KALI CHLORATUM

Goitre, Bronchitis, Mumps

Frequent necessity to clear the throat, from accumulation of mucus - SELENIUM 6, 30


Malignant pustule and anthrax - IPECAC 3rd, 6th, 30th up to 200th

Pain in shin bones with throat troubles – LACHESIS 30

Scrofula, sensitive to noise; it penetrates the body, especially teeth- THERIDION

Sore throats characterized by a sensation of a lump or foreign body – SABADILLA 3, 6,

and 30

Tonsils, Throat will be dry, swollen and stitches shoot towards ears – GUAICUM Q to 6
Uvula is swollen, elongated and dark red, intense burning in the throat MERCURIUS

Bronchitis of infancy – IPECAC


Inflammation of the parotid (mumps) changing to testis or Mammae is generally cured by

Carbo v. or Pulsatilla, but Abrotanum has cured when these remedies have failed.

Tonsil Colour


Blue purple - LACHESIS
Casseous deposits – KALI MUR
Cheesy looking spots - BELL, KALI BI., PSOR
Copper coloured - MERCURIUS
Vermillion Red – BELLADONNA
White spots -MUR ACID
Yellow spots – NITRIC ACID


Everything smells putrid and as such unable to relish food - PARIS QUADRIFOLIA 3, 6

Violent sneezing coryza – NATRUM MUR 30

Severe dryness of nose, and throat with thirst – ONOSMODIUM high

Specific for nose bleeding - FERRUM PICRICUM 3X

Stuffy colds, when nose gets blocked and the patient feels that he will be relieved if
secretion commences - HEPAR SULPH 1x

Nasal polyp - LEMNA MINOR

Nasal polyp – best remedy – FORMICA RUFA 30

Large polyp filling the whole external meatus and overlapping it; bleed occasionally;
chronic nasal discharge – CALC CARB

Offensive, thick, yellow discharge from the ear, deafness, pain in region of the heart,
worse on going up stairs; frequent urging to urinate, as if the bladder were full, worse in
afternoon and evening – CALC IOD

Offensive discharge, Polyp in external meatus, which is inflamed – MERC SOL

Large polyp with otorrhoea – bleed easily. Shooting pain in ear, Granulations in middle
ear – THUJA

Nasal polypus (Sanguinaria) which bleed profusely and interfere with the breathing –

As if their nose is always wet and no amount of blowing gives relief - PENTHORIUM,

Cold commencing with sneezing, followed by loss of taste and smell; Discharge is thin
and watery like white of egg – NATRUM MUR
HEKLA LAVA: Sinus after mastoid operation. 30C
HEPAR-SULPHUROUS: Nose blocked and patient feels that, he will be relieved of the
suffering if secretion commence. Offensive discharge, like old cheese, 1X will often start
secretions and profuse drainage in stuffy colds. < from dry cold wind > in damp weather.
KALI IODATUM: Frontal sinuses. Fullness in nose Great relief from walking 6C 30C
KALI SULPHURICUM: Maxillary sinuses. Kali sulph is like a Pulsatilla patient, weepy,
irritable, upset by hot room and hot. < stooping. >> In open air. Discharges thick,


Deafness – BELLADONA

Otorrhoea, discharge is so acrid that it irritates the skin – TELLURIUM 6 and higher

Tinnitus aurium - KALI IODATUM 30

Accumulation of earwax with pus – CONIUM

Want of wax, ears very dry – LACHESIS

Accumulation of wax, which is dry and hard - MURIATIC ACID

A large quantity of thick or thin wax; Sensation of rushing water in the ear –

Otalgia neuralgia and in the neuralgic pains of the head and face – MAG PHOS



Granulation on the drumhead or inner extremity of meatus - ALUMEN 3c

Aching ear - MULLEIN OIL




Asthma and whooping cough, cyanosis - NAPHTHALINUM 1X, 3X, IPECAC

All forms of asthma - SILPHIUM low trituration

Bronchial asthma in the night – EUCALYPTUS OIL, spoonful dose

Cardiac asthma – ASPIDOSPERMA Q (Digitalis of Lungs), Naja

Imminent attack of asthma, powdered "alum" just about 10 grains

Worse at three or four o’clock in the morning; relieved by raising stringy mucus; relief
also from sitting up and bending forward - KALI BICHROMICUM

In nervous asthma, where the voice suddenly gives out and takes on a higher pitch. Great
sense of suffocation with tight feeling across chest; face becomes blue -

Asthma brought on or made worse from inhalation of dust of any kind - POTHOS

Moist asthma with a rattling in the chest, attacks generally come on 4 or 5 o’clock in the
morning, looseness of the bowels after each attack, worse damp weather – NATRUM

Air Passages “full of smoke”. Coldness in larynx; Asthma of fair and fat children, like
Puls, but where Puls fails, Asthma of sailors as soon as they go ashore – BROMINE

Bronchitis, tenacious expectoration and oppression – NAPHTHALINUM 3X


Cold has a tendency to settle in the eyes – DULCAMARA 6 to 30

Cold settles in the eye - MERC. SOL

Croup - KAOLIN 6

Oncoming cold - AVENA SATIVA Q

Influenza – NATRUM SULPH, 3X to 12X

Catarrh results from a cold, and the patient can neither smell nor taste - PULSATILLA

Cold in the head from wet feet - ALLIUM CEPA

While perspiring freely gets drenched give Rhus. Should no relief be experienced within
ten or twelve hours, and if the patient had previously over-exerted himself – BRYONIA

Every little cold starts up inflammation of the tonsils – BARYTA CARB

Violent sneezing coryza – NATRUM MUR 30


Cough, ends in sneezing – SENEGA Q, 3

Cough with tightness of chest - JUSTICIA ADHATODA, Q to 6

Cough caused by constant tickling in throat pit when ameliorated by covering even up to
the head - RUMEX CRISPUS 3, 6

Cough followed by hiccough - TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE Q

Dry cough, even of consumptives - MENTHA PIPERITA 30, 200

Cry Before an attack of whooping cough – ARNICA 6

Tickling cough especially of consumptives -SALIVA OFF Q

Laryngeal spasm, a whoop, Cough is worse at night on lying down – MEPHITES

Nervous night cough of old people. This condition combines “a dry hacking cough,”
” spurting of the urine,” and sleeplessness – CONIUM

Bronchitis associated with suffocative cough, hot feeling and night sweats, aggravated
from strong odours – BACILLIUM

First stage of both asthma and whooping cough, before the stage when the mucus is
present - IPECAC

Edema, Breathing, TB

Dropsy of chest - MERCURIUS SULPH 6 to 200, Ars Alb

Spasms of new born, heart diseases, gasping without real breathing, blue skin -

Acute, sharp, fixed or darting pain in apex and through upper third of right lung –





Affections of the air passages when the mucus is tenacious – CANTHARIS

Tubercular consumption – MYOSOTIS

Loud rattling rales and a feeble heart action, It is therefore very useful with aged patients

Threatened paralysis of respiration on falling asleep; Short breath. Short dry cough;
provokes vomiting, followed by fainting; Chest sore to pressure. Very distressing
dyspnoea – CURARE

Ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well without - KALI CARB

For haemorrhagic Broncho-pulmonary disease especially with burning GI symptoms -



Pain, weakness etc.

Angina pectoris in old athletes, labourers (Chronic Trauma) – ARNICA, BELLIS

Angina pectoris due to organic changes – AURUM, MERCURIUS and other chemicals

Hydro pericardium: SPONGIA, APOCYNUM

Any haemorrhage seeming to be in sympathy with heart trouble - CACTUS

In heart cases when symptoms are scarce – NAJA

Heart Failure – Explore: Carbo veg. 200, Naja 200, Crotalus 200

Arterio scleroses with cardiac problems - BARYTA MUR 3X

Best heart stimulant – VERATRUM ALB 30, 200

Bloody pus - MERCURIUS SOL

Excessive thirst with heart-complaints - HAMAMELIS Q to 6

Patient become very conscious of the heart's action – IBERIS Q

Pain in the heart, generally causes numbness in the left arm, pain leaves heart and appears
in night arm – PHYTOLACCA 6, 30

Weak hearts, the result of too, much smoking - SCUTELLARIA

Irregular weak pulse, heart failure, fearful palpitation and a feeling that death is
approaching – PHASEOLUS 6 and higher


Anemia and under nourished conditions, especially in splenic anemia - RUBIA


All cases of anemia – IRIDIUM 6 to 30

Leukaemia – BENZOLUM 6


High tension and arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries - TABACUM


To improve coronary blood flow – Crataegus Tincture

Mitral or aortic Regurgitation – Explore Adonis vernalis Tincture (for mitral, consider
Naja 30-200)

Myocardial weakness – Convallaria majalis 30, Laurocerasus 200, Adonis vernalis

Tincture, Stigmata maydis 200

Violent palpitation resulting from movement, with much dyspnoea, and the characteristic
trembling of the heart - SPIGELIA


Biting of tongue involuntarily at night - PHOSPHORIC ACID 30, 200

Extreme dryness of mouth, no thirst - NUX MOSCHATA high


Burning of the lower lip in smokers – BRYONIA 6

Cancer of lower lip - ANTIMONIUM MURIATICUM 6

Redness of lips – SULPHUR


Salivation with headache – NATRUM SULPH, 3X to 12 X

Desire to spit constantly – EPIPHEGUS 3




Apthous and ulcerative stomatitis - KAIL CHLORICUM

Mouth, is covered with malignant ulcers – SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM Q

Chronic ulceration of mouth and throat- CORNUS CIRCINATA

Sore mouths, and in Stomatitis; wash several times a day with – HYDRASTIS

General weakness, apthous patches, white or yellowish, intense burning pain in them
which is aggravated by cold water – SULPHURIC ACID
Teething, Gums

Teething, with restlessness at night, distension of the gums and symptoms of irritation -

Border of the gums a blue line, known as the gingival line – PLUMBUM

Toothache - PLANTAGO 3X
Rapid decay of teeth, with spongy bleeding gums – KREOSOTE 6, 30;
"STAPHISAGRIA" with blackened teeth and "MERCURIUS" with gum boil

Better than Pulsatilla for toothache is intolerable and can only be endured by holding ice
water in mouth - COFFEA


Constipation, fond of sweets – LYCOPODIUM high

Constipation in infants – Magnesia Mur 3 to 30

Constipation hangs on to the nearest thing – ALUMINA, high

Constipation must lean far backward to pass – MEDORRHINUM, high

Constipation of all patients and of all ages - SILLICA MARIANA 3x

Constipation on days following rest days – STANNUM 3, 6, 30

Stool passes when pressure is given either over the perennial muscles or by much
abdominal pressure. (30C) - CARLSBAD

Chronic constipation with rheumatic troubles - CASCARA SAGRADA:

Obstinate constipation in children (Alumina, Nyctanthes), chronic constipation with

haemorrhoids and continual urging to stool, Evacuations as hard as nuts, Fatigued trying
to expel stool (30C) - PARAFFINUM:

Obstinate constipation, Frequent want to evacuate, with scanty evacuations. (Q- 2

or more drops twice daily) can cure constipation (R.R.B. 286) - STAPHYSAGRIA

Constipation - use it for some time. The peculiarity of this remedy is the ease with which
evacuation is accomplished. (3x trit) - SILICEA MARINA

Constipation during menstrual time, mental depression (30C) - VESPA CRABRO

Slow in developing and the remedy must not be changed quickly. Paralyzes the bowel in
the same way as lead, to which it is an antidote. Worse warmth of room, potatoes, starch,
salt - ALUMINA

Had to be forced and held to the stool crying and screaming all the while being totally
unable to pass any faeces even after an enema – ALOE

Diarrhoea which alternates with constipation, oftenest found with old people – ANTIM


Chronic diarrhoea only - THALSPI BURSA PESTORIS Q

Copious gushing fetid stool, amelioration only by lying on the abdomen –


Cutting colic before and during stools and aggravation at night – JALAPA 3 to 30

Diarrhoea caused by the smell of cooking food - COLCHICUM

Diarrhoea that occurs while eating - FERRUM MET 3 to 30

Diarrhoea starts from leaving alcoholic drink – NUX VOMICA 6, 30 (Aloe from giving
up beer)

Exhausting watery diarrhoea, with nervous exhaustion – OENOTHERA low

Dysentery with pain and tenesmus, on hearing the sound from a running tap –

Dysentery when "MERCURIUS COR" has failed - CHAPARO AMARGOSO 6

Dysentery, with intense tenesmus after stool, perspiration before and after stool, Cutting
colic below umbilicus (Not found in Merc sol) – MERCURIUS COR

The vomiting and diarrhoea sudden and copious, are accompanied by exhaustion, cold
sweat but by no great mental or sensorial disturbance – VERATRUM ALB

Specific for diarrhea after antibiotics - NITRIC ACID

Diarrhoea which alternates with constipation, oftenest found with old people – ANTIM

"RICINUS COMMUNIS" correspond exactly to the rice water stools in cholera, whilst
those of "VERATRUM ALB" are not

Jaundice with black stools – LEPTANDRA Q to 3, (Digitalis white stool)

Stools knotty like sheep dungs and Crumbles at the edge of the anus - MAGNESIA



Asiatic cholera – GRATIOLA 6 to 30

The nearest a specific for cholera morbus - ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM, CUPRUM


Liver, Spleen

Cancer of liver - CHOLESTERINUM 3X

Degenerative conditions of the liver – VANADIUM 6, 12

Infantile enlarged liver and spleen - CALCAREA ARS 3X

Jaundice with black stools – LEPTANDRA Q to 3, (Digitalis white stool)

Renal colic right, accompanied by violent vomiting - OCCIMUM CANUM 6, 30

Sensitiveness of liver region, can’t bear anything tight around the waist –

Cancer of the liver yields to Calcarea ars but for relapse – CADMIUM HIGH

Dropsy from Cirrhosis of the Liver – MURIATIC ACID

Cancer of the liver yielding to Calcarea arsenic in every way but with a tendency to
relapse – CADMIUM high

Last stages of dropsy from Cirrhosis of Liver- MURIATIC ACID

Chronic splenitis the most efficient remedy – CAPSICUM

Spleen affection - HELIANTHUS 3 to 6

Anal, Worms

Constant drooping of blood from the anus, but strangely there will be no blood oozing
from the faecal matter – COBALTUM 6 to 30

Fistula in anus, acts more powerfully often than Hepar or Silica - MYRISTICA

Piles so bad that the patient can hardly stand - Plantago Q

Rectum feels as if full of broken glass pieces – RATANHIA 3, 6, 30

Whether loose or constipated, pain after stools lasting for hours – NITRIC ACID 30, 200
Piles hang down every time patient urinates - BARYTA CARB

Acute itching piles; - AESCULUS HIP

Thread worms – TEUCRIUM



Debility is due to lack of digestive power - ALSTONIA CONSTRICTA 6

Change in diet cause various kinds of stomach troubles - ALLIUM SATIVUM 6

Gastric and head symptoms – ROBINIA 3

Cancerous affections of breasts (Asterias Rubens), uterus and stomach, especially if

originated in a blow or injury – CONIUM

Sensation of a lump that hurts, as if a hard-boiled egg had lodged in the cardiac end of
stomach; loss of appetite in the morning – ABIES NIGRA

Typhus with pneumonia, and haemorrhage from bowels horse urine - NITRIC ACID 30,

Enfeebled the stomach by the persistent use of ice-cold drinks, tobacco, excesses –

Excessive flatulence and when even a little excess in eating habit or drinking leads to
indigestion – NUX MOSCHATA 6, 30


Great hunger leading to over eating and indigestion - ABIES CANADENSIS 6

Loss of appetite - IODIUM 3x, in water half an hour before meals

To improve appetite - GENTIANA LUTEA 1 to 3


Rapid hiccough massive dose of - SCUTELLARIA Q

Hiccoughing – MAGNESIUM PHOS

Best remedy for hiccough occurring after operations on the abdomen - HYOSCYAMUS


Vomiting of all kinds - IRIS VERSICOLOR Q to 30

Vomiting with Ulceration of stomach - GERANIUM MACULATUM

Vomit black - CADMIUM SULPH 3-30

Vomiting of drunkards – APOMORPHIA 6

Vomiting with anxiety, feeling of load in stomach and burning – BISMUTH 6

Acute vomiting, diarrhoea or chronic GI complaints; Milk intolerance - AETHUSA

Habitual vomiting in babies - IRIS

Vomiting caused by Morphine – CHAMOMILLA

Vomiting of all food; after hot drinks, > after vomiting, Stomach very sensitive; swelling
in pyloric region. Sleep disturbed by gastric pains – ATROPINE

Nausea at odor, sight or even thought of food; Vomits mucus and bile; Complaints of
head, bowel, liver and stomach are worse for motion - COLCHICUM

In seasickness gives the quickest relief also for alcoholism – OPIUM

Intolerable pain in acute appendicitis; Severe cutting, colicky pains, paroxysmal; Colic >
walking around; pains radiate from the abdomen to the back, chest, arms < bending
forward, lying. Sharp pains from liver, shoot upward to r. nipple – DIOSCOREA

Dioscorea, colic pain begins in the umbilicus and radiates to all parts of the body, even

Severe colic after voiding urine, Pain and soreness of abdomen, much < l. side –

The remedy to permanently cure biliary calculi (Gallstones) – CINCHONA

Echinacea gtt. once in 30, 60, 120 minutes is a specific for appendicitis

Chronic gastritis where neurasthenic symptoms – ARGENTUM NITRICUM

Chronic tendency to colic and eye sores in babies - STAPHISAGRIA

Severe pains in stomach after meals – OENOTHERA Q

Abdominal pains very similar to Colocynth but burning - SOLANUM NIG

Intense burning in stomach with colic, worse bending forward, better sitting up -

Cancerous affections of breasts (Asterias Rubens), uterus and stomach, especially if

originated in a blow or injury – CONIUM

Homeopathic knife in appendicitis - RHUS TOX


Alopecia, Chilblains, herpes

Alopecia - USTILAGO MAYDIS Q to 3

Allied to chilblains is bunion - AGARICUS MUSCARIUS 30

Chronic herpes - ALNUS Q to 3rd


Deformed nails – ANATHERUM 6

Nails, crippled, sensation as if the fingertips have been suppurating – SILICEA 6, 30

Crumbling of finger nails - BUTYRICUM ACIDICUM


Erysipelas – JABORANDI 3 to 30

Tendency to erysipelas – GRAPHITES 3 to 30

Erysipelas - CANTHARIS

Erysipelas, Cantharis is sometimes the best remedy, and choice has to be made between it
and Apis, which also sometimes has great urinary irritation in such cases. In the Apis
cases there is apt to be more oedema. In Cantharis more blistering; In the Apis cases, the
patient may not be so very restless and complaining; but in the Cantharis case the patient
is uneasy, restless, dissatisfied, distressed, sometimes moaning or violently crying; wants
to be moved about constantly

Carbuncles, Sepsis

Fistulas, Carbuncles, Specific action in panaritium - MYRISTICA SEBIFERA Q

Habitual boils – ECHINACEA Q

Indurations left after suppuration – SILICEA 6, 30

Inveterate skin eruptions – VACCININUM 6, 12, 30

Preventive and curative of boils - ARNICA MONT

Carbuncle even to the sloughing, there are great prostration and diarrhoea with
intermitting fever of evening exacerbation – TARENTULA CUB

After Hepar in furuncle – ABROTANUM

Chronic Rhus poisoning best remedy- GRAPHITES

Abscess comes in after Belladonna when pus has formed; favors the formation of pus
especially in the lower potencies, and is especially indicated in glandular abscesses –

Sepsis with restlessness, diarrhea and triangular tip of the tongue – RHUS

Wonderful remedy in septic conditions-blood poisoning, especially after surgical

operations and after shock; purple skin - CARBO VEG

Whenever there is pus infection - METHYLENE BLUE 3x

Itching, Psoriasis

Itching with or without eruption on the pubes pudenda, whiskers and hairy parts –
FAGOPYRUM 6x to 12x


Obstinate cases of psoriasis - THYROIDINUM first 3x and then 30th

Skin diseases, especially dry type, psoriasis - KALI ARS, 3, 6 and higher

Hives from shell fish, which itch and burn – ARSENIC

Very important in stiffness of eyelids; Small, red pimples on forehead; rough forehead
(pimples extend to the face), canine hunger and sensation of emptiness in the stomach.
Herpes — scaling on the elbows; Itch and scabs on the hands. Soldiers’ itch – SEPIA

Blotches, weal, and fever produced by shell-fish - ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM


Bleeds easily, large ulcers surrounded by smaller ones - PHOSPHORUS 6th and 30th

Raw surfaces in indolent ulcers, scabies, cracked nipples, Rhagae, itch - BALSAMUM

Ulcers from pressure, as bed-sores, and from ill- fitting, boots. Fissures and ulceration
near anus – PAEONIA 3, 6


Pimples red - ASTERIAS RUBENS 6

Simple acne - KALI BROM 30

Very important in stiffness of eyelids; Small, red pimples on forehead; rough forehead
(pimples extend to the face), canine hunger and sensation of emptiness in the stomach.
Herpes — scaling on the elbows; Itch and scabs on the hands. Soldiers’ itch – SEPIA

Scar tissue, Warts, Shingles, Unhealthy Skin

Scar tissue dissolving – THIOSINAMINUM 2x, GRAPHITES

Shingles – VARIOLINUM 6, 30

Softening the rough skin – ANAGALLIS 3

Unclean bodily habits - AMMONIUM CARB 6, SULPHUR or PSORINUM

Unhealthy, rough, dry skin remaining for years after vaccination – MALANDRINUM 30

If debility remains after violent acute diseases; if profuse perspirations remain after
typhus fever; in consequences of suppressed itch, especially after large doses of Sulphur;
if the patient is hopeless, cold, despairing of his recovery - PSORINUM

After Thuja in Condylomata and Sycotic affections – SABINA

Urticaria & Allergies

APIS MEL: Rheumatic & Oedematous Diathesis:- (a) Swelling & oedema after insect
bite. (b) 3 S= Soreness, Stinging, Sensitiveness. (c) Rosy hue.
BOVISTA: Chronic urticaria. Urticaria with diarrhoea, covering the whole body (can be
used after Rhus-Tox fails). Urticaria on excitement with rheumatic lameness; Urticaria on
waking, < from bathing (30C)
CHLORALUM HYDRATUM: Urticaria, < spirituous liquors, hot drinks. Itching worse
at night and cold (1x )
ELATERIUM: Urticaria after dropsy and continuous fever. From suppressed intermittent
fever. < damp (30C)
ICHTHYOLUM: Chronic urticaria.( 6C, 30C)
LINUM USI: For urticaria asthma hay fever. Severe allergic disturbances; Intense
irritation (6C, 30C)
PTELEA TRIFOLIATA: Violent itching, after itching burning sensation like fire, reddish
eruptions. Urticarious eruptions those are so often concomitant with affections of the
liver. (6C, 30C)
TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM: Urticaria from gastric derangement. Great itching at
night with welts all over surface (6C, 30C)
TUBERCULINUM: Scrofulous & allergic diathesis:- (a) Itching in flexor surfaces &
joints. (b) Itching < night. (c) Local blush (red).
URTICA URENS: Gouty& uric acid diathesis:- (a)
Urticaria → heat →formication →itching. (b) Shellfish allergy. (c) Rheumatism,

Some Remedies in Eczema

ANTIPYRINUM: Erythema, eczema, pemphigus. Intense pruritus, urticaria appearing
and disappearing suddenly with internal coldness.30C
ARUNDO MAURITANICA: Eczema behind the ears; itching and crawling especially of
chest, upper extremities. 30C
CICUTA VIROSA: Capitis – long standing in a young woman covered the whole scalp
like a cap. Lemon coloured crust. Elevated eruptions as large as peas 200C
CISTUS CANADENSIS: Itching all over, small painful pimples Mercurial-syphilitic
ulcers. Skin of hands hard, thick dry fissured; deep cracks. Itching of swollen hands and
arms, general itching which prevents sleep (30C, 200C)
CORNUS ALTERNIFOLIA: (swamp walnut): Eczema, cracked skin everywhere, esp.
increases and folds, exuding a sticky watery fluid. Q: 5 drops x 8 hourly and also
internally 30C.
CROTON TIGLIUM: . Intense itching of skin, especially of the scrotum, but so sensitive
and sore is unable to scratch; > by gentle rubbing, < cold washing. (30C)
FAGOPYRUM: Itching; > by bathing in cold water; < scratching= soreness, < touch.
Itching of knee and elbows and hairy portions; Vesicular pustular, phlegmonous
dermatitis skin hot swollen (30C)
FULIGO LIGNI: It acts on obstinate ulcers, epidermis, betters eczema, chronic irritations
of mucous membranes of mouth 6x

Master remedy in infantile Eczema - LYCOPODIUM




Atrophy of infants, cannot take milk - OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI 1X to 3X

Chronic catarrhal states and tuberculosis - BETA VULGARIS 2X

Debility is very marked, short sleep relieves - PHOSPHORIC ACID1 to 30

General state of nutrition, anaemia - Pure glycerine in tea spoonful doses with lemon
juice is recommended

Have to eat often or they will faint – PHOSPHORUS 6, 30

Inability to walk backward, walk stooping forward – MANGANUM 3 to 30

Patients especially women tired out with hard work, and are Melancholic – HELONIAS
Q to 6

Phthisis – DROSERA, low

Phthisis with excessive expectoration - GALLI CUM ACIDUM Q

Retraction of nipples in patients of cancerous history – SARSAPARILLA 1 to 6

Scrofulous enlargement of the cervical glands with certain amount of elasticity and
pliability – LACHNANTHES Q (Lapis stony)

Sweat about genitals, axillae and back hot flushes, head-aches in morning, awakens stiff
and tired, puffed and flabby – SEPIA

If debility remains after violent acute diseases; if profuse perspirations remain after
typhus fever; in consequences of suppressed itch, especially after large doses of Sulphur;
if the patient is hopeless, cold, despairing of his recovery - PSORINUM

Syphilitic bubo, threatening to pass over in suppuration - CARBO-ANIMALIS

Neurasthenic exhaustion, debility – PICRIC ACID

Tardy bone development it acts best in spare subjects instead of fat – CALCAREA PHOS

Child is not larger anywhere than natural except in its” big belly,” which is due to
diseased mesentery. Its limbs are shrunken, its eyes sunken and its face pinched and old
looking. It does not increase in size or strength… learns to walk late – SILICEA

Excessively obstinate child - TUBERCULIN

Physically, Lachesis resembles Phosphorus and Sepia in being slim and lithe. The fingers
tend to be long and thin, the facial features generally sharp or hawkish, the lips thin, the
mouth wide, refined. The upper eyelids often droop slightly, giving a characteristic snake
appearance - LACHESIS


Whenever there is pus infection - METHYLENE BLUE 3x


Cancer, when pain and fetor are conspicuously present – CINNAMONUM, strong
decoction, ½ pint a day
Neuralgias, mostly about teeth or face – MEZEREUM 6 to 30

Affection of ovaries especially right sided with excessive pain, relief by pressure, use
violent language – PALLADIUM

Pain after stools - NITRIC ACID 30 to 200

Pains go down the thighs during efforts to urinate, which he can void, only after getting
on all fours, and press head against floor - PAREIRA BRAVA, Q to 3

Pain in uterus, muscular and cerebro spinal system – ACTEA RACEMOSA, SEPIA

Severe pains in stomach after meals - OENOTHERA Q, 20 to 25 drops

While "ARS" pains are burning, in "SACCHRUM LACTIS" there are cold pains, high

Recurrent chronic neuralgia of long-standing – THUJA

Pains are only felt during rest and are much ameliorated by motion – PHOSPHORIC
ACID, (Rhus t.)

Pains begin slightly, increase gradually and decrease in the same slow, gradual manner -

Neuralgia of the face, worse in the right side, which is ameliorated by heat and pressure,
and aggravated by cold – MAGNESIUM PHOS

Nervous pains of well-defined duration, which come at a certain time and disappear at a
certain time every day - CHINIUM SULPHURICUM

Passage of renal calculi, especially when the pains are very violent – CANTHARIS
Excellent remedy for renal colic - BERBERIS VUL

Almost a specific for gallstone colic - CHOLESTERINUM

In biliary colic - CALC. CARB


After urination patient feels that a drop has remained inside – KALI BICH 30

Complete suppression of urine – ZINZIBER 1st to 6th

Dribbling of urine - TURNEREA APHRODISIACA Q


Haematuria, pain in region of kidneys, Smoky turbid urine – TEREBINTHINA Q to 3

Inability to expel urine unless one sits and spreads his legs and leans backwards –
ZINCUM MET 30, 200

Most painful micturition, burning and straining drives to madness - TRITICUM REPENS

Obstinate retention of urine - APIUM GRAVEOLENS Q to 30, Arnica (Due to strain)

Offensive urine of old people - BENZOIC ACID 6

Urinary difficulties of babies – PETROSELINUM 1 to 3

Urine consists of thick mucus, there is pain in the thighs and loins when urinating -

Routine remedy for retention of urine after operation - CAUSTICUM

Patients will get into position to urinate, but wait a great while before the water comes,
accompanied by the characteristic pain in the back which ceases when the urine flows –


Albuminuria in gouty patients - AMMONIUM BENZOICUM 6

To liquefy albuminous and fibrous deposits - ACETIC ACID 6



Diabetes - ARSENICUM BROMATUM 3X, Cephalandra Indica Q

Diabetes with emaciation - URANIUM NITRICUM 3X

Great remedy for diabetes mellitus. It is especially indicated if, in addition to the thirst,
voracious hunger and profuse urine loaded with sugar, there are rheumatic pains in the
joints. High potency is much better and doesn’t not need frequent repetition - LACTIC
Copious watery urine; diabetes, with sugar in the urine or without, where there is great
thirst, weakness, pallor and loss of flesh – ACETIC ACID


Renal colic, accompanied by violent vomiting, moans and cries - OCCIMUM

CANUM 6 to 30

Pain in the bladder if the desire to urinate is not at once satisfied - SULPHURIC ACID,
CONIUM (kidneys)

Passage of renal calculi, especially when the pains are very violent – CANTHARIS

Nephritis, he must wait long before it starts (intermitting flow, Clematis, Conium) –


Ascending paralysis – BARYTA CARB 3X, CONIUM

Paraplegics, infantile paralysis and also in certain forms of myelitis - LATHYRUS

SATIVUS 3 to 12

Paralysis and paralytic weakness from defective nutrition of nerves of brain and spinal
cord - SILICEA 6, 12, 30


Intercostal neuralgia, unable to lie down, numb sensation of left arm - KALMIA

Inflammatory rheumatism and neuralgias – GAULTHERIA Q

The best remedy for intercostal rheumatism. It has sharp, stitching pains and a sore spot
in the chest, and these are worse from any motion or even breathing - RANUNCULOUS

Upper Extremities

Nodosities form on joint of fingers and backs of hands - AMMONIUM PHOS 3

Rheumatic pain in right arm and shoulders, cannot raise the arm from side but can swing
it to and fro – SANGUINARIA 6 to 200
Sweating palms - NAJA TRPUDIANS 30, 200

Lower Extremities

Numbness of legs, sitting cross legged – ALUMINA 6

Excoriation of thighs by walking - AETHUSA CYNAPIUM 6

Loco motor ataxia, feet are cold as ice – HELODERMA 30, 200

Sciatica aggravated while sitting and relief is obtained by lying - AMMONIUM


Sore feet due to standing for hours together – SQUILLA MARITIMA 1, 3

Sprains of ankles when edema – STRONTIUM CARB 6, 30

Arthritis deformans, rheumatism, guided by the extreme tenderness of the soles of the

Spontaneous knee cap dislocation – GELSEMIUM (Only one)

Inflammation of the tibia or other big bone – MEZEREUM

Best remedy for bone pains; ranks with Kali iodide, Asafoetida and the Mercurius in
periosteal affections – AURUM MET

Weakness of the ankles from childhood – NATRUM CARB

Dry gangrene especially of the extremities like toes – Secale Cor. 30, 200

In cramps of the calves - CUPRUM

Muscular Atrophy

Progressive muscular atrophy, excessive emaciation - PLUMBUM 6, 30 and higher


Trembling, Twitching, Cramp, Pains

Trembling of hand (Kali Brom), and feet (Zinc) - LOLIUM TREMULATUM 6 to 30

Twitching of individual bundles of fibers in muscles – PHOSPHORUS 30, 200

Writer's cramp - RANANCULUS BULBOSUS 6, 30

In cramps of the calves - CUPRUM

Burning pains in the bones, cancer pains - EUPHORBIUM 3rd to 6th

Pain in all joints as if tendons were too short – CIMEX

Pain is worse from slightest motion. Wants to be perfectly still; better lying on painful
side. Very thirsty, irritable – BRYONIA

Intense pain and inability to walk; Crawling on hands and knees; Worse from being
touched or bumped - HYPERICUM

Straining and soreness of muscles of entire body, as in skating, rowing, running, football,

Pain is jagging, pricking, as if the end of the bone is sticking into flesh. To facilitate the
union of fractured bone – SYMPHYTUM


For bruises of bone, cartilages, tendons, insertion of tendons, bruises about cartilages and
about joints - RUTA

Wound does not heal – HYPERICUM

Trauma to the cerebrospinal fluid - NATRUM SULPHURICUM

Bruised, strained feeling with general soreness of joints and muscles, resulting from
exposure, and after vigorous physical exercise – BELLIS

Torn ligaments (after Arnica and Rhus have failed) – HAMAMELIS 6x, 30

Smashed fingers, spinal injuries - HYPERICUM


Chronic cases of Gout where there are deposits of urate of soda – AMMONIUM PHOS

Gouty nodes in the joints, easily selected from its gastric symptoms – ANTIM CRUD,
BENZOIC ACID (Strong urine), LYCOPODIUM (Red sand in urine)

Nausea at odor, sight or even thought of food; Vomits mucus and bile; Complaints of
head, bowel, liver and stomach are worse for motion. Chilly and better for heat; Burning
or icy coldness in stomach; Pain moves from one joint to another. Memory weak,
forgetful; Arthritis, gout, ailments after loss of sleep - COLCHICUM


Rheumatic pain with much weakness, Limbs feel chilly, Trembling of whole body while
walking – LACTIC ACID

The extreme restlessness of the limbs is like Ars when it fails – TARENTULA HISP

Rheumatism patient is sensitive to cold air and cold damp weather. He suffers much from
backaches, and his symptoms are worse during the night. In boys it cures hydrocele. In
infants it cures bleeding from the navel – ABROTANUM

Ulcers about the joints - SEPIA

Back, Neck

Painful stiffness of the back and sacrum, especially on rising from a chair –

The best remedy for stiff neck of the rheumatic origin or from cold – BELLADONA

Pain in the back, after wrestling or sexual indulgence – SYMPHYTUM 3, 6

Spinal affections, weak loins, hip, legs, numb back, numb limbs - OXALIC ACID, 6, 30

Sweat, back ache, weakness - KALI Carb

Inflammations of the vertebrae – PHOSPHORIC ACID

Slipped Disc

Spine sensitive to touch; Worse from cold air, pressure, touch; Twitching of muscles;
constant yawning from pain - AGARICUS

Worse from walking or stooping; Back feels weak. Sticking pains, hot pains or pains that
move around; Hands and feet swell after washing - AESCULUS


For the first stage of an uncomplicated gonorrhea – MERC SOL


Complete impotency, connected with diabetes - URANIUM NITRICUM, Moschus

Complete absence of sexual desire, parts relaxed and penis retracted - NUPHAR

Nocturnal seminal emissions - THUJA Q in 5 to 7 drops at bed-time

Prostatic trouble – SABAL SERRULATA Q (Specific), EUPHRASIA Q to 6

Enlarged prostate - HYDRANGEA

Spermatorhoea - ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM Q to 3

Spermatorrhoea - DIGITALIS 3, in morning, best medicine

Uncontrollable desire to masturbate in people of all ages - USTILAGO MAYDIS Q to 3

In boys it cures hydrocele. In infants it cures bleeding from the navel – ABROTANUM

Prostate –senile hypertrophy – FERRUM PICRUM – 6x- 30

Chlorosis in young girls with or without ulceration – PETROLEUM 30 and above

Nymphomania – GRATIOLA Q, PLATINA 6x and higher

Inflammation of mammary glands, mastitis – PHYTOLACCA 3, 6

Annihilates the terrible odours that sometimes accompany cancer of the cervix -

Sterility in women due to uterine atony - EUPATORIUM PURPUREM 1

Suffering of a celibate state, particularly in women - LYSSIN

Coitus followed by flow of blood next day – KRESOTE 3 to 30


Cancer of breast – ARSENICUM IODATUM 3X

Cancerous affections of breasts (Asterias Rubens), uterus and stomach, especially if

originated in a blow or injury – CONIUM
Cancer of either the breasts or uterus, In either case the cancer puts on a bluish or
purplish appearance - LACHESIS

Breast swollen, pains being so much worse on lying down – BELL

Increase the size of the under developed breast - SABAL SERRULATA Q thrice daily

Pain in breast before menses - CONIUM MACULATUM 30

Enlarged lymphatic glands, syphilitic nodes, Condylomata and tumors of the breast and


Worm-out women, in a state of nervousness induced by the excess of cares and worries
of life – MAGNESIUM Carb 200

Bedridden women who love to keep still – MANGANNUM

Ovarian, Womb

Ovarian cysts, burning and stinging pains, numbness down the right thigh - APIS

Prolapses of the womb occasioned by lifting a heavy weight - NUX VOMICA

After excision of ovaries such as nervousness and skin troubles, like acne etc. -

Prolapses uteri; when the disease is of recent origin – NUX VOMICA

Soreness of abdominal wall and of uterus - BELLIS PERENNIS 3

Enlarged lymphatic glands, syphilitic nodes, Condylomata and tumors of the breast and


Pain in the back is followed by leucorrhoea – EUPION 3 to 6


Acne which comes with every monthly period – KALI BROMATUM


Dysmenorrhoea especially when the menses are scanty – GNAPHALIUL 3 to 30

Main in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea - MAG. PHOS

Specific in neuralgic and spasmodic dysmenorrhoea - VIBURNAM OPULUS


Flooding - KALI BROMATUM 3rd trituration, avoid salt

Menorrhagia, gets angry at the least, wants to lie down, aversion to open air – NUX


Sterility due to inability of the semen remaining inside - NATRUM CARB 30, 200

Abortion: Clinical Tips

(1) Tendency to abortion at any month during pregnancy – VIBURNUM
(2) Early months – APIS, VIBURNUM
(3) First Month – CROCUS, VIBURNUM
(4) Second month – KALI CARB 1M
(6) Black blood in third month – KREOSOTUM
(7) Fourth Month – APIS
(8) Fifth to seven month – SEPIA
(9) Seventh month – SEPIA 1M, RUTA
(10) Later months – OPIUM

New born

Asphyxia of new born and in puerperal convulsions "OPIUM" follows "ACONITE"

Birth dead babies - ACTEA RACEMOSA 1X

Given during pregnancy will prevent hydrocephalus baby – CALCAREA PHOS 6X to 30

Children crying from the moment of birth and do not cease – SYPHILINUM high

Sleep, morning sickness, appetite

Mother cannot sleep well, feels bad in the morning, has no appetite, or perspires much,
commences to cough, and is very sensitive to the least breath of air - CHINA
Excessive sleepiness particularly after delivery – PHELLANDRIUM Q to 200

Morning sickness – LACTIC ACID 3 to 30

Nervous hunger in pregnant women cannot sleep unless they get up at night and eat
crackers - PSORINUM" 200th and higher potencies

Nausea of pregnancy women cannot bear even the smell of any kind of food or beverages


To increase milk in breast – GALEGA Q to 3

To dry up the milk - LAC CAN and PULS

Deficiency in milk secretion – ALFALFA Q 10 to 15 drops

Agalactia (No milk) with sensitiveness and hysterical belching with loud eructation –

Increasing milk in breasts - LACTUCA VIROSA Q, RICINUS COMMUNIS Q

The best remedy for non-appearance of the milk without any other symptoms, there being
no apparent reason for the agalactia - URTICA URENS

Backache and other problems of pregnancy

Severe backache during pregnancy and after miscarriage; early morning

aggravation; Anxiety felt in stomach. Never wants to be left alone. Flatulence, desire for
sweets – KALI CARB

Toxemia during pregnancy - KALI CHLORICUM 3 to 30

When fetal movement become alarmingly excessive = OPIUM 30, 200

Women prove to abortion - SEPIA and Zincum 30,200

Retention of urine in women especially during pregnancy – EQUISETUM Q to 6

Affections of teeth during pregnancy – MAGNESIUM CARB, CHINA 6 to 30

Adhered placenta at each delivery- HYDRASTIS 3X, from the fourth month on wards
When retained placenta is attended by haemorrhage. Pulsatilla does no good –

Cramps in the abdomen and legs of pregnant women - VIBURNUM Q


After a surgery where there is a state of great prostration, coldness oozing of blood,
almost cold breath - STRONTIANA CARB 30 to 1M

Antidote to snake-poison – GOLONDRINA

Antidote to opium as well as morphia habit – IPECAC Q

Convulsions, body is stiffened, and cramp in the neck – HYDROCYANIC ACID 6

Constantly changing symptoms – PULSATILLA high

Controlling the drinking habit – STERCULIA Q, SULPHUR 1m

Dropsies of the chest - MERCURIUS SULPH, Ars 6 to 200

Exophthalmic goitre - FUCUS VESICULOSIS Q, tea spoon full

Fevers with abnormal pains in the limbs, high temperature, rapid pulse – PYROGEN 200

Glands swelling but suppuration is conspicuously absent – BROMIUM 3

Gonorrhoea and cystitis with pus - METHYLENE BLUE 3X

Inebriates, long after NUX VOM has ceased to Help – SULPHURIC ACID low

Nosode of plague and may prove very useful in the epidemic – PESTINUM 200

Softening of tumors – PLATANUS Q locally

Spasms and convulsions end in long drawn out sigh – IGNATIA 6 to 200

Typhoid fever – EUCALYPTUS OIL 10 drops

Tuberculosis, chronic nephritis, carcinoma – FORMIC ACID 2X

Ulceration, where it has been cauterized – NATRUM MUR

Variola, measles – THUJA

Unloved, the illegitimate child, orphanage kid, anxious, silent, and insecure with
twitching face and fingers, sunken neck and temples - MAGNESIA CARBONICUM

"NAJA", it must be noted is non-haemorrhagic and non-septic unlike, "LACHESIS” and

"CROTALUS". The almost constant heat of head and face is a pointer to "NAJA"

It may be well to be careful and not give Silica or Sulphur, or Hepar too often, or too
high, in patients that have encysted tubercle in the lungs.

Never leave a remedy until you have tested it in a higher potency if it has benefited the

Top remedies for patients whose symptoms keep changing: Pulsatilla, Carcinocin,
Medorrhinum, Lac canninum. To a lesser extent Tuberculinium, Cimicifuga, Kali bi,

Unruly Eyebrows or too wiry hair suggests Medorrhinum. Bushy, wiry, crinkly or unruly
hair suggests the sycotic miasm. Sudden access of hair on limbs suggests Medorrhinum
or Thuja.

A single white streak in the hair is often psoric. Early graying hair suggests Lycopodium
(if in spots, Psorinum). Loss of hair in young people (unless after an acute illness),
especially in patches, suggests the syphilitic miasm, as does early or irregular graying.

Matted hair – Mezereum, Natrum Mur or Psorinum;

Easy tangling suggests Borax, Fluoric acid, Graphites, Psorinum or Zincum

The hands are hot and the feet are cold, or as soon as the feet become hot, the hands
become cold. This is an excellent indicating symptom for Sepia.

Suppression of Diarrhea
You will see Acetic acid recommended for the diarrhoea in phthisis. You had better let
such conditions alone, unless they are very marked. The phthisical patient is better off
with a little diarrhea, a loose morning stool. It is the same with night sweats; if he does
not have them he will have something more violent.


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