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The relation between the fauces, larynx and trachea, as a starting point for cough,
has been aptly mapped out by Dr. Dunham and carefully distributed among three
remedies. For instance, Belladonna acts upon the fauces. It causes dry, tickling,
teasing cough. The throat is bright red and the tonsils enlarged. Going further
down, you find tickling in the suprasternal fossa. Every change in the breathing
causes cough. This condition calls for Rumex. When the irritation extends down
still further, into the bronchi, then Phosphorus becomes the remedy.

We find Phosphorus indicated in a great variety of coughs. Thus it is useful in

stomach or hepatic cough coming on after the patient eats, and starting from
tickling at the pit of the stomach. It is also indicated in cough made worse by the
entrance of a stranger into the room; this being purely a reflex nervous symptom. It
is also called for in cough provoked by strong odors. In fact, perfumes or anything
that will disturb the balance of the nervous system will bring on cough under

I warn you not to select Pulsatilla for a loose cough unless you are sure that all the
symptoms of the case call for it. It often tightens such a cough without curing it.

In dry night-cough compare Hyoscyamus, Conium, Actaea racemosa,

Laurocerasus, Bryonia, etc


Nux is useful in sexual excesses, especially for the bad effects of early
masturbation. It is one of a group of remedies used in these cases ever since the
days of Hahnemann. This group consists of Nux vomica, Sulphur, Calcarea carb,
and Lycopodium. Nux is to be given when the patient has headache, frequent
involuntary emissions at night, especially towards morning; he complains of
backache and difficulty in walking. Do not repeat your medicine too often, and
when improvement ceases under Nux, Sulphur will almost always be the next
remedy indicated.
Calcarea carb - Usually follows Nux and Sulphur, particularly when night sweats
follow every emission; or, after marriage, every coitus is followed by weakness of
mind and body.
Lycopodium is indicated still later, when the case has gone on to complete
impotency. The erections are either absent or imperfect. The genitals are cold and
somewhat shrivelled.
Staphisagria is called for in the bad effects of masturbation, particularly if there is
great emaciation, with dark rings about the eyes, sallow face, and well-marked
peevishness and shyness.
There is still another remedy which I would mention in this connection, and this is
Cobalt. This is an excellent remedy for backache in the lumbar region, following
seminal emissions, whether voluntary or involuntary; the backache is particularly
worse while sitting.


Zinc is a good remedy in disease of the spine of a functional character, especially

in spinal irritation. The symptoms which call for it are these: first and foremost,
dull, aching pain about the last dorsal or first lumbar vertebra, and this is worse
when the patient is sitting than it is when he walks. The symptom, I can assure you,
is a good indication for Zinc. I think that very nearly the same symptom is found
under Sepia. It is not situated in the same locality, however, but has the same
aggravation. It is also found characteristically under Kobalt. This backache of
Zincum is associated with burning along the spine, which I believe to be purely
subjective and not congestive in character. We also find under Zinc, trembling of
the limbs, with a feeling as if they were about to be paralyzed; sudden spasmodic
bursting sensation about the heart; the heart is beating regularly, when it suddenly
seems as if it would burst through the chest; constriction of the chest, causing
shortness of breath; the pulse is slow, or weak and irregular; weakness or goneness
in the stomach at 11 A. m. This last symptom you will also find under Phosphorus,
Natrum carb, Natrum Phos., Sulphur, Asafoetida, Hydrastis and Indium.
Manganum should be thought of in conjunction with Zinc when the lumbar spine is
affected and there are burning pains, worse on bending backwards; legs weak;
tension here and there; marked anemia. Zincum is also indicated in paralysis from
softening of the brain, following suppressed foot-sweat, with vertigo, trembling,
numbness and formication. These symptoms are relieved by friction, and greatly
aggravated by wine. There may be marked ptosis with this paralysis.
In these paralytic affections, Zincum is similar to Phosphorus and Plumbum. It is
similar to Phosphorus, in that both remedies suit cases of enervation and of
softening of the brain with the accompanying trembling. Phosphorus has not the
aggravation from wine or the ptosis.
Plumbum has nearly the same symptoms as Zinc, but there is added to these,
impaired nutrition, or atrophy of the paralyzed part. There will be pains in the
atrophied limbs, alternating with colic.

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