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Final term Research Topic

Team-oriented HR practices is described based on the ability–motivation opportunity

(AMO) model. Discuss in the project absed organizations.

Project Human Resource


Submitted To:

Prof Dr. Shahid Imran

Submitted By:
Muhammad Asim Saeed (MSPM-20009)(19May2020)

Professional Institute of Research & Training

Superior University, Lahore

Table of Contents
Serial Description Page
Number Number
1 Project Based Organizations 3
2 AMO Model 3
3 Team Oriented HR Practices 5
4 Recruitment of Team 6
5 Engagement of Human Resources 6
6 Strategic Planning 8
7 Development as a Team 9
8 Conflict Management 10
9 Leadership 11
10 Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management 13
11 Decision Making 14
12 Trainings 16
13 Emotional Intelligence to manage Human Resources 19
14 Business Results 22
15 Releasing the Team 23
16 References 24

Project based Organization

In a project based organization the supreme authority is project manager while functional
manager has very low almost negligible authority in this type of organizational structure. Some
of the advantages and disadvantages of this type of organizational structure are described below.


 Clear communication line as whole team is reporting to single entity (Project Manager)

 There is no conflict of interest between project and functional manager as it happens in
matrix organization
 Results are more fair and transparent as reporting line very clear and precise
 Quick decision making and rapid response
 There are team oriented goals so everyone puts effort to optimum level as they are work
for common goal (Final Deliverable of Project)


 Very difficult to get commitment of team as there is no long term future in projects; end
of project will be the last working day of team
 Employees of project based organization do not have much stronger technical skills as
compared to the employees of functional organization
 Costs of human resources are usually high as people are hired for shorter period
 Wrong use of power will drastically hit the objectives

AMO Model
AMO model is a theoretical concept linked with human resource management (HRM) practices
to efficiently utilize the human resources.

AMO encompasses three aspects as its abbreviation stands for Ability, Motivation and


We tend to enhance the abilities of human resources through different forums and mediums.

 Formal & informal trainings

 Education
 Workshops and Certifications
 Exploring the potential of employees by assigning them challenging jobs


It is challenge for project manager to keep the team motivated throughout the project as there is
tight schedule to meet the objectives. Below are some points which will keep your human force

 Develop such a sense that team members are important to you by continuously obtaining
their input
 Value their contribution
 Give them incentives
 Make them realize that successful completion of the project will exponentially increase
their reputation and more opportunities will be there after the completion of this project
 Performance based promotions and pay increments
 Help them out with their family issues
 Arrange a dinner party on successful completion of a milestone


Provide the team members with opportunities to express their skills and talent. Design platforms
providing people with opportunities to participate. Maximum participation of human resources
will polish their skills and boost their confidence which ultimately leave positive impacts on
performance. Through participation people learn best team work practices i.e. compassion,
collaboration and coordination which in the long run will be fruitful for the project.

 Self-oriented teams
 Autonomous decision making authority within the specified limits
 Suggesting improvements in communication line
 Organizing an event to provide the solution for s specific problem so everyone is able to
contribute and participate

Experts have designed an equation using the three parameters of AMO model as


Where P is indicating the performance, all the three parameters of AMO model are directly
related to performance. Putting less effort on any aspect will decrease your performance and
making any parameter zero will lead your performance to zero, so we can’t ignore any parameter

to achieve performance excellence and to reach the optimum level of performance we need to
maximize each of the parameter of AMO model. Following figure concludes the relationship of
all three parameters of AMO with performance

Team oriented HR practices in project based organizations

Below team oriented HR practices are followed in project based organizations

1) Recruitment of team
2) Engagement of human resources
3) Strategic planning
4) Development as a team
5) Conflict management
6) Leadership
7) Measurement, analysis and knowledge management
8) Decision Making

9) Trainings
10) Emotional Intelligence to manage Human Resources
11) Business Results
12) Releasing the team

A brief explanation of these HR practices will be described in upcoming part.

1. Recruitment of team

Efficient human resources will give you a competitive edge.

 Selection the right person for right job

 Make your HR system transparent and unbiased to curb the evils of nepotism and
 Access that local persons are capable to perform the tasks
 Clearly define the job description of workers and evaluate them according to that criteria
 HR should clearly and precisely advertise the needs and requirements of any job
 Multitalented person will be preferred as a welder with fabrication knowledge will be
preferred over a welder with sole knowledge of welding
2. Engagement of human resources

According to Karolina Muszynka communication management ensures timely and appropriate

generation, collection, dissemination, storage and disposition of project information. As per
PMI’s Pulse research 55% of project managers agree that effective communication with all
stakeholders is the most critical success factor in project management (PMI, 2013).

Employee engagement is not a simple task to achieve easily, it’s not an annual survey that a
company or an organization do annually. It not something a manager has to do action or planning
on the behalf of surveys. It is a commitment that employees are doing every day of the year. It’s
not impossible if we do the right thing we can believe it easily. Most of the managers don’t focus
on the team building they just believe on command and control, while employee engagement is
an ownership, treat employees like a partners that what we are doing. Managers should to focus
on the team member success. He should think about what team need from me to succeed, what I
have to do as a leader they help our employees to succeed. A number of research on employee
engagement shows that only 13% of employee are engaged worldwide.

There are so many factors involved in the employment engagement, but some of them are most
critical to maximizing employee engagement.

Engagement of team will produce streamline workflow

 Develop a sense of ownership in your employees

 Define clear KPIs for every person of your team and fairly evaluate them
 Train human resources according to contemporary practices
 Share the profit with your employees to enhance their commitment and dedication
 Ask for their suggestions and ideas
 Provide them a platform to contribute their thoughts and express extra-curricular skills
 Maslow’s theory will help organization to understand the behavior of workforce

Clear understanding and expectations

All good performance starts with clear goals. In any organization all employees at any levels
should have aware of the company goal, strategy, policy and producers.
Most workers are looking for more information and directions from their leader; some research
shows that in most of the organization half of their worker doesn’t know what’s expected from
them at work.

It’s clear from the research that when employees don’t have a clear understanding about their
work, they are less engaged at work. Clear expectation is one of the most "foundational" factors
for employees’ engagement.

Research revealed that employees of all ages want clear expectations; they want to know what's
expected of them in the workplace. The lack of clear expectations can cause anxiety and
confusion in workers.

3. Strategic Planning

Strategies of an organization should be effective enough to achieve sustainable growth.

Successful strategic perspective helps organization to achieve its predefined goals and objectives,
strategies deal with present and future challenges in a progressive way to optimize the growth

Productive strategic perspective must encompass following factors

 International and national marketing trends

 Technological advancement and innovation
 Cross cultural environment
 Cost control
 Optimized efficiency and productivity
 Testifying human resources’ productivity
 Motivational and fair treatment environment

Here we develop the strategy process and make sure its implementation to achieve set goals.

Strategy Development Process

 Strategic planning is done

 Key plans are defined
 Execution of plans is described
 Monitoring of work is done to meet the planned objectives
 This process will provide basis for team’s effort toward goals
 Outcome of this plan must be precise and elaborative document clearly describing key
 This plan must be integrated and focused, practically it is indistinguishable from
business plan

Strategy Implementation

 Outcome of strategy development process is an action plan; we need to implement this

action plan to get our desired results
 We need passion and aggression to implement the strategy
 Clearly define the period to analyze the results of implementation
 Check the effectiveness and efficiency of work plan
 If the results are up to mark, then strive for improvement and below the mark then
modify your action plan to achieve the set goals
4. Development as a team

Creating and leading a successful team is considered a critical human resource competency.
Individuals must cooperate to accomplish results. They should work together in organization to
achieve desired goals Extra difficulties incorporate group clashes, obtaining maximum outcomes
from virtual groups with variety of abilities, aptitudes, information and expertise.
There are few stages that describe the development of team and the project manager’s progress at
each phase of team development.

 Forming (Knowing about each other)

 Storming (Fighting with each other)
 Norming (Setting ground rules to work as a team)
 Performing (Working as a team)
 Adjourning (Dispersing after completion of project)

1. Forming. This phase is where the team members meet and learn about the project and
their formal roles and responsibilities.

2. Storming. During this phase, the team begins to address the project work, technical
decisions, and the project management approach.

3. Norming. In this phase, team members begin to work together and adjust their work
habits and behaviors to support the team.

4. Performing. Teams that reach the performing stage function as a well-organized unit.
They are interdependent and work through issues smoothly and effectively.

5. Adjourning. The team completes the work and moves on from the project.

5. Conflict management

The main techniques for resolving any conflict in the project are as follows:

 Forcing
 Withdrawing
 Compromising
 Win-Win (Collaborating)
 Smoothing

Forcing: also described as competing, in which an individual, regardless of resistance from

others, pursues his or her concerns firmly. This may include upholding firm resistance to another
individual’s actions or enforcing one viewpoint at the cost of another.

Withdrawing: Also known as avoiding. This is the point at which an individual neither seeks
after their very own worries nor those of their opponent. The individual in question does not
address the contention but rather avoids, defers or just pulls back.

Compromising: Also known as reconciling. Trading off searches for a convenient and

commonly adequate arrangement which somewhat fulfills the two parties.

Win-Win: Also known as confronting the problem or critical thinking. Joint effort incorporates
an undertaking to work with the alternative party to discover a success win answer for the current
issue - the one that most satisfies the worries of the two gatherings.

Smoothing: Also known as accommodating. Smoothing is considering the worries of other

individuals first, instead of organizing one's own worries.

6. Leadership

Leadership skills of project manager will play critical role to manage the team. Political
approach of project manager will help him to diplomatically solve the issues.

Most of the people misunderstand the political skills as manipulative or untrustworthy with
vague image of scenes behind the screen. Politics are inevitable in every organization both
internally and externally. According to Gerald Ferris for a leader must be equipped with four
skills to become politically savvy. Davidson College added fifth skill to Ferris’s typology.

1. Social astuteness

Verbal behaviors are obvious to know about a person but leaders are good at reading nonverbal
behaviors to know about the people and their motivations. They observe the temptations of
people and try to fill them accordingly.

2. Interpersonal influence

Charismatic interpersonal style helps leader to maintain affinity with team and better
communication, compelling team to like them. Getting others to like leaders helps the leaders to
convince people more easily.

3. Networking ability

Networking ability results in maintaining strong bond with people including influential people in
organization. Excellent networking ability, utilizing the leveraging of networks ultimately leads
to obtain the required resources to achieve both personal and organizational goals in critical

4. Apparent sincerity

A man of words wins the trust of the team. In tough situations people can only be calmed and
satisfied if they have strong faith in the words of their leader. Apparent sincerity makes you
certified honest and transparent person.

5. Image management

Conclusion of complex matters with intuitive approach leaves a good impression on others.
People feel confident in sharing problems with you as they know; you will understand the
situation with insufficient information.

Governance and Social Contributions

 Defining a framework of clear indicators

 Establishing a mechanism of accountability
 System must not be including ambiguities
 Heightened sensitivity and intuitive approach will generate negative results
 Fair and transparent evaluation criteria
 Scalable performance measures
 Social parameters as to contribute funds for tree plantation, using more efficient
energy sources
 Contribution for environmental aspects
 Arranging sessions of public awareness on many social issue i.e. Education for every
child and supporting their employees for higher studies
 Nonprofit policy for employees

Human Resource focused Leadership

Efficient human resources will give you a competitive edge

Workforce Environment

 Selection the right person for right job

 Make your HR system transparent and unbiased to curb the evils of nepotism and
 Access that local persons are capable to perform the tasks
 Clearly define the job description of workers and evaluate them according to that
 HR should clearly and precisely advertise the needs and requirements of any job

Workforce Engagement

 Develop a sense of ownership in your employees

 Define clear KPIs for every person of your team and fairly evaluate them
 Train human resources according to contemporary practices
 Share the profit with your employees to enhance their commitment and dedication
 Ask for their suggestions and ideas
 Provide them a platform to contribute their thoughts and express extra-curricular
 Maslow’s theory will help organization to understand the behavior of workforce

Vision and Imagination of Leadership

An inspirational statement regarding accomplishment of a clearly defined high level objective at

some point in future. It guides the organization towards setting a current and future course of
action. All leaders have certain vision to follow which work as a guiding star and helps in
selecting a right direction towards reaching the desired destination. They share the direction that
individuals uphold and pursue. The vision may change after a specific time yet as long the leader
constantly shares the vision team member can adjust and adapt.

These are the fundamentals that motivate people to follow the leader. The vision must:

 Clearly set goals and objectives of organization.

 Ensuring involvement of all employees.
 Display and reflect qualities, culture, qualities, strength of organization.
 Inspire eagerness, conviction, responsibility and energy in organization individuals.
 Help employees to believe in themselves.
 Regularly communication with team members
7. Measurement, analysis and knowledge management

Measurement, Analysis and improvement of organizational performance

 Design a systematic approach for performance measuring

 Define parameters and indicators precisely
 Develop a coordination and evaluation system for your suppliers
 Every division must be sure and clear about its responsibilities and
tangible/intangible outcomes of their actions
 Design a reliable a solid system for data and information collection

 Make an analysis on the basis of available data
 Precision and integrity of results will be based on the sophistication of collected data
 System must be able to check to disallow the tempering of data for genuine results as
on the basis of those results you will plan your future actions
 Define a frequency of analysis i.e. daily weekly, monthly or annually
 Analyze the results generated and move toward next step
 If trend is in right direction, then go on with same practices
 Strive for optimization through continuous improvement
 Get the support and services of external agencies for data collection and analysis for
a better understanding of new market trends
 Modify your action plans if your progress is below the mark
 Use contemporary practices to achieve performance excellence
 Monitor the results of modified practices

Organizational Knowledge

 Use your previous data to define new procedures of similar nature

 Build the record for future perspective
 Train your team for excellent performance by sharing the results and impacts of best
8. Decision Making

This competency plays an important role in performing the activities. It helps the project
manager in daily assessments and judgments from the information one can have. According to
Dulewiez and Higgs, this competency only occurs in a leader who:

Has a critical ability that analyses the facts, identifies pros and cons and determines the
limitations of ideas and proposals. Always make logical judgments and decisions which are
based on realistic assumptions and accurate information and also aware of the results of those

This definition defines this competency as comprising analytical skills used to analyze and
evaluate different type of information. It also includes the ability of identifying the logical
criteria for critical analysis and compares them to various other context parameters. It provides

the beginning for a subsequent analysis of different scenarios, analyze its internal and external
factors and then select the best possible solution in the given situation.

According to the research, this intelligence relationship is considered to be the most important
factor in a leader and also important for other management roles.

Decisive power of a leader defines the fate of boat & crew. With the growth of organization
decisions become more intricate and chronic. It is not about making the right decision it’s all
about to have strength and finding ways to make firm decisions as successful entrepreneurs and
business tycoons have learnt lifelong lessons by making wrong decisions.

Leader need to make good decisions timely to accelerate the progress. Best leaders know when
and how to use key players to overcome the crises and good leaders make data based decisions
consulting their advisors.

Decision making can be categorized into following four styles

1. Directive

Leader directs the decision without consultation of team due to shortage of time. It is used to
provide immediate guidance to team. In crisis this is the most suitable style on large financial

2. Collaborative

Leader uses the feedback of his own team as input to give the final call. This is also known as
fact based decision making style. You need to collect feedback from both groups first one who is
always agree with you and the second who argue with you more fairly regardless of your
personal status as leader, this will help you to make a decision more confidently.

3. Consensual

It is democratic way of decision making, majority with higher number of votes wins. This is the
best adoptable style when the decision is going to affect the whole group without disturbing the
bottom line. This style can be helpful to change the culture as it represents the voice of people,
but do remember you can’t please everyone.

4. Convenience

This style is helpful for newcomers to share the responsibility. You allow your team to make the
decision on their own to tackle the upcoming challenges. It tests the capability of your team to
make good decision.

9. Trainings

Trainings are the most important way of enhancing the abilities of employees to perform a job in
the best way. Below are some ways of training you can provide to your human resources to get
maximum efficiency of them.

In this section brief explanation of ways of practices will be described

(1) ILT (Instructor Led Training) Its more or less like a class where an instructor trains
the attendees. This method is very effective for learning complex problems through
active questioning. On the other hand, this method is bit costly and expensive as
arrangements of training require a considerable amount of money.
(2) eLearning is online training way through videos, tests, images and courses. Below are
some advantages of eLearning
 Less costly
 Just in time accessibility
 More flexible schedules
 Better employees’ retention for specific training topics
 Global collaboration
 Easy access to key resources
 On time feedback
 Minimize the learning time
 Provides more safe and risk free environment
 Scalability in terms of number of employees

Greatest challenge of this method is outdating, you need to be continuously adapt the
requirements and modes of training. In Pakistan there is no developed culture for eLearning
that’s why during this pandemic situation of COVID-19 online classes are very challenging for
teachers as well as students.

(3) Hands-on training/On-job training is immediately applicable on employees working
domain or job. As training of a welder for a different or new welding position will be
best possible through hands-on training. This training must be equipped with required
resources. This is experiential methodology, provides the trainee clear concepts. [2]
(4) Group discussions and activities provide a rapid and at once solution of problems. This
training is required when you need the coordination and collaboration. When you need
to bring the whole team on same page you train the team through different activities and
discussion to enhance the productivity. Supervisors play key role in training session by
facilitating the team.
(5) Simulation based training imitate real work experiences. Aviation and space industry
run simulations to observe the outcomes under different parameters and conditions.
Virtual and augmented reality are taking up the conventional methods. Though higher
initial cost makes it costly but in high risk scenarios this initial investment pays off
saving from disasters. So doctors, pilots and drivers run simulations to check the impact
and results.
(6) Coaching or Mentoring is used to build relationship with employees. Relation between
employee and coach explores the real needs and challenges to boost the performance. In
some scenarios it is more like one-on-one type relation where coach or mentor perceives
the level of employee and define next strategy for the person.
(7) Lecture style training is conventional method where a person/ lecturer delivers lecture
to specified persons about a specific topic. This method is used for quick dispersion of
information but it is less effective.
(8) Case studies help trainees to know pros and cons of the same nature of work performed
by another company; they are going to perform. Case study will help trainees to set goal
oriented strategies.
(9) Outdoor trainings help you to judge and make decisions other than usual trainings as
climbing, hiking, swimming and rafting will boost your confidence level.

Levels of training

According to hierarchy of an organization there are three levels of management and their
trainings should be conducted as per their level. “Who to attend” phrase is mentioned in the
advertisement of a training session.

(1) Top level management has following attributes

 Long term planning
 Leadership
 Market analysis
 Business growth oriented goals
 CEO, CFO, CTO & VP marketing
(2) Middle management transforms the vision, mission and strategies in doable actions
 Team building, developing and managing
 Talent evolution
 Problem solving
 Set action
 Regional, plant/ senior manager
(3) Low management performs the tasks on ground basis
 Implementation of plans
 Performing
 Coaching
 Shift engineers, supervisors, assistant manager and team leader

Extent of Training

Kirkpatrick’s four level of evaluation model will help us to have a deep insight of our training
sessions. These levels include parameters against which your trainings as evaluated to check
effectiveness and provide data to make decisions for future trainings.

(1) In 1st level we take feedback of participants either training was relevant or simply take the
comments of people how they perceive training
(2) Learning level are the participants fully clear about the training or information. To what
extent the participants are able to understand the content of training
(3) In 3rd level the extent of application of training knowledge is observed. Are the
participants following the instructions provided by training?
(4) Did training yield any productivity, posted negative impact or no effect at all.
Improvements for future trainings are documented on the basis of the results.
10. Emotional Intelligence to manage Human Resources


Conscientiousness, one of the leadership qualities, displays the degree to which someone is
dependable, responsible, perseveres, and is achievement oriented. Conscientious leaders are
discovered to be highly task focused, bring a higher degree of situation for legal aspects and
rules, bear in mind of ethics, and maintain their teams in high ethical standards. A strong sense of
conscientiousness outcomes in a scrupulous, punctual, dependable, reliable, practical, organized,
strong willed and highly determined character. Unsurprisingly, studies have established that

people with these skills grow to be outstanding leaders due to the fact they ensure that matters
are completed. Furthermore, they pay interest even to the smaller detail that spell the difference
between success and failure. Conscientious leaders have a tendency to be splendid-organized,
remarkable planners and are responsible. They work tough within the face of challenges and may
manage their impulses. They make high-quality employees. The conscientious leader works
difficult to obtain the whole thing required through the enterprise and almost never drops the


Sensitivity is the cornerstone of leadership. Why Sensitive humans are natural Leaders. When
you think about a leader, you might think of something that is charismatic, headstrong,
courageous, and in all likelihood intimidating, as well. However, owning a high level of
sensitivity can make someone a good extra effective leader. They possess a sure level of empathy
as properly and can feel when a person else is hurting. Sensitivity in leaders also can bring
authenticity to you. Employee and others who work with you or have close contact will generally
tend to see you as a leader who manages his or her emotions and continues a realness that others
appreciate and admire. Leaders love learning and being sensitive to others provides learning
experience which may be both gratifying and cause success. Leaders are always improving
themselves and that self-development desire means that you are open to grievance and could use
it to higher their instances. The enormously sensitive leader sees matters in ways others cannot
and are the world’s greatest innovators. Being a sensitive leader within the place of work can
regularly feel like a double-edged sword. Your employees likely recognize your generous nature,
depth of character and experience of determination.

Self-awareness is the first step in building a team based on complementing abilities. Developing
emotional self-awareness is a vital first since it establishes the framework where emotional and
social intelligence is constructed. One can't develop aptitudes like self-control, compassion, or
teamwork except if we know about our very own sentiments and how they impact our thoughts
and behavior. Great leaders must comprehend their qualities and shortcomings so as to have an
impact. Self-awareness also enables leaders to connect their feelings to the effectiveness of their
collaborations with others.

Leaders have a profoundly created feeling of self, and are normally empathic and sympathetic as
well. On the other hand, absence of self-awareness is a basic cause of weak leadership, which is
detrimental for organizational culture.

In the era where the marketplace changes rapidly, leaders always have to be ready

to assess the situations quickly and accurately. The correct leadership style in a certain
situation can help the leader to work more effectively.

There are several different leadership styles, some of them are discussed as follows:

 Participative: They generally incorporate other individuals when taking any decisions.
 Autocratic: They took all the decisions himself.
 Transactional: They make arrangements for his staff to complete tasks and earn rewards
or punishment accordingly.
 Transformational: They build up confidence and trust on his followers so that new
policies and procedures can be implemented.

Emotional Resilience

Emotional Resilience in Leadership centers on the idea of fix, and being responsible for their
fault and avoidance of responsibility. Leaders who are sincerer and strong are progressively
centered on development, mindfulness and improving the quality of their social relationships.

The true grit of a leader isn't the way they perform during good times but instead how they show
emotional strength, courage and professionalism during the hard times. It is difficult to show
resilience unless you have gone through difficult times. The harder the leadership challenge is,
the simpler it is to build resilient leadership attitude.


Have you ever wondered how a few leaders are extra creative and modern than others?
I have seen two types of leaders, I have witnessed both, and I have seen the outcomes of each.
One leader thinks that with the intention to create something new, they need to use their analytic
thoughts to be creative. The alternative type of leader who wants to strive something new they
use their intuitive mind to be modern. However, for years, I have seen how the intuitive leader,
can be extra of an explorer, and find out more than leader who don’t make use of their intuition

and I have witnessed that Intuitive people make amazing leaders, they have a competitive aspect
over different leaders, they may be quicker, faster, smarter and extra decisive.

11. Business Results

In this category we check the results of each category described above according to their defined

 Leadership and governance results

 Financial and market strategy results
 Customer results
 Workforce result
 Product and process results
 Overall results

Production process improvement results will be as following

Work Process
 Are your processes are designed to produce the required product
 Efficiency of your processes
 Wastages
 Benchmarks
 Adaptability according to new requirements
 Upside and downside flexibility at optimum level
 Coordination of all processes

Operational Effectiveness

Make sure the timely availability of all the required items

 As process are combined to produce the outcome so check the in-process parameters
of each process
 Reduce the down times by developing the CAPA approach
 Use modern tools and technology to fill the gaps and flaws
 Set a target and achieve that target then strive for continuous improvement
 Make your operation safe, minimize the number of accidents

12. Releasing the team

This is the toughest, emotional and last stage of the project after the completion of project all the
human resources are released. Project manager encourages and motivates the team to move
forward as there must be many other opportunities waiting for the team members.



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