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I see the world as “the ultimate” organization. It is a humungous one and we are its members.

Human Behavior in Organizations have helped me better my perception and have sound opinions
regarding the happenings during this pandemic.

To start off, the subject helps managers have the ability to generate energy and commitment
among people within an organization and be able to channel that toward critical organization goals.
During this pandemic, different regions became organizations, governments act as managers,
constituents represent the members of the organization, and the goal is to survive and be able to go
back to normal – or more like be able to have a new normal. In our country, I can’t help but be
disappointed about how our “managers” try to do their “best” and pacify the situation. I think that they
may be practicing the 5 management functions (POSDiCon) but I believe that they are lacking at maybe
one of these. President Duterte, for example, have stated that “The law is the law is the law. The rule is
the rule is the rule.”, if so why are some officials who violate the law or a rule should be given

Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge how some countries were able to efficiently deal with
this pandemic. One of these counties is New Zealand. It is one of the top countries which have been able
to control the spread of corona virus. As of May 19, 2020, New Zealand has 0 new cases. According to
The Conversation, New Zealand was able to map the coronavirus epidemic curve for 25 countries and
modelled how the spread of the virus has changed in response to various lockdown measures. This
move had made me believe that New Zealand has efficient and effective managers who I wish our
country also have.

I would also want to mention how people who misbehave affect the gravity of our situation. As
much as the government is responsible for the welfare of its constituents, we also have to put in mind
that our safety also lies in our hands. Our managers have given us rules that we need to commit
ourselves to and if we go against these rules, additional problems may arise and that will only worsen
the situation. If each and one of us desire to get over this pandemic without adding more casualties, we
should all do our parts: from how the managers (government) should plan, organize, staff, direct and
control the organization to how the members (constituents) of the organization should cooperate with
the management and behave accordingly in order to create a healthy environment for each and
everyone and be able to achieve success above all.

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