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Chinika Ariantiva Sari

The hospital is a health service organization that provides

comprehensive health services that achieve promotive, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative aspects for the community. The application of the Professional
Nursing Practice Method can illustrate the efforts of various countries to advance
the quality of nursing care and the work environment of nurses in hospitals. The
purpose of this study was to determine the application of the Professional Nursing
Practice Method in hospitals. This research design uses literarure review, a series
of studies relating to library data collection methods, or research whose research
objects are extracted through a variety of library information (books,
encyclopedias, scientific journals, newspapers, magazines, and documents) from
several journals that have been scrutinized by Previous researchers who had been
screened with inclusion and exclusion criteria by using several databases namely
google shoolar, UI lib, and SINTA which will be used as literature review in this
study. There were 155 journals in accordance with the keywords that were
screened into 10 journals that fit the theme and were analyzed which examined the
application of the Professional Nursing Practice Method. Research result prove
that more dominant at 40% in the nursing care system. In the application of
maximal Professional Nursing Practice Methods and good categories, nurses must
make professional values, professional relationships, management approaches,
nursing care systems, and reward compensation systems in accordance with
nursing standards by looking at performance and determining appropriate models
of Professional Nursing Practices.

Keywords: Professional Nursing Practices Primary Team, Nurses




Chinika Ariantiva Sari

Rumah sakit merupakan organisasi pelayanan kesehatan yang memberikan

pelayanan kesehatan komprehensif yang mencapai aspek promotif, preventif,
kuratif, dan rehabilitatif bagi masyarakat. Penerapan Metode Praktik Keperwatan
Profesional (MPKP) dapat menggambarkan usaha berbagai negara untuk
memajukan kualitas asuhan keperawatan dan lingkungan kerja perawat di rumah
sakit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan MPKP di
rumah sakit. Desain penelian ini menggunakan literarure review yakni
serangkaian penelitian yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka,
atau penelitian yang obyek penelitiannya digali melalui beragam informasi
kepustakaan (buku, ensiklopedi, jurnal ilmiah, koran, majalah, dan dokumen) dari
beberapa jurnal yang telah di teliti oleh peneliti sebelumnya yang telah di
screening dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi dengan menggunakan beberapa
database yakni google shoolar, lib UI, dan SINTA yang akan dijadikan literature
review dalam penelitian ini. Terdapat 155 jurnal sesuai dengan kata kunci yang di
screening menjadi 10 jurnal yang sesuai dengan tema dan di analisis yang meneliti
tentang penerapan Metode Praktik Keperawatan Profesional (MPKP). Hasil
penelitian membuktikan penerapan MPKP dalam kategori baik dan lebih dominan
yakni 40% pada sistem asuhan keperawatan. Dalam penerapan Metode Praktik
Keperawatan Profesional (MPKP) yang maksimal dan kategori yang baik maka
perawat harus menjadikan nilai profesional, hubungan profesional, pendekatan
managemen, sistem asuhan keperawatan, dan sistem kompensasi pengahargaan
sesuai dengan standar keperawatan dengan melihat kinerja dan menentukan model
MPKP yang tepat.

Kata Kunci : MPKP Tim Primer, Perawat


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