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Introduction to Human Resource



1 Human Resource Planning 1

2 HRIMS, Human Resource Information Management System 2

3 Industrial Relations 3

4 Recruitment and Selection 4

5 Employee Motivation 5
1 Human Resource Planning
With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, there is a state of panic around the globe. Many
nations, cities are undergoing lock-down, restricting the human movements and physical
interactions to minimum. This present scenario has affected a lot in the way businesses
operate, the way individuals carryout their role within the organization. In-order to adapt
to the changes presented by the pandemic, the HRM must act accordingly, shifting a
bit from their normal norms and make sure that the company survives this pandemic.
There has been problem in maintaining the physical checks, dealing, looking over the
tasks in person as there are use of various virtual tools and this method may not be as
effective. Strict checking has become quite difficult. There are also conditions where HR
are not able to cope up with the currently presented problems, difficult to work in the new
formed environment, misconduct among members of the same groups due to ineffective
communication and HRM needs to look over it too.
There are various strategies that the HRM applies(Retrenchment, Stability, Growth) and
depending on the type of company any strategy(s) may be suitable. But given the current
scenario of pandemic, the companies should focus on maintaining the stability. The current
pandemic has resulted in decrease in demand of products, the human resources are not
able to work upto their full potential due to lack of tasks or proper work environment due
to various restrictions imposed by the pandemic. In this case, the best option would be to
make sure that the products, services provided are just enough and everybody is getting
at least some tasks rather than spending the finance on the expansion.
HR planning is there to make sure that that there are skilled enough human resources
in adequate number to make sure that each department, sector can function in its full
potential with maximum efficiency. It deals with systematic management of human resources.
With this pandemic, there has been quite cutoff in the tasks to be done so the HRM should
make sure that they are using the available manpower in the best means possible. I would
focus on the facts about whether the available skills are being correctly utilized, maintaining
the changes in the tasks and salary accordingly.

2 HRIMS, Human Resource Information Management System
The recent pandemic has shifted many jobs to being done virtually, from home rather
than going to the job places regularly. Despite some special days where presence to
the company is mandatory, employees are able to work from their home, getting tasks
done, have communication, share insights on various topics via various online platforms.
This change in the working behavior of the employees has made the necessity of Human
Resource Information Management System, HRIMS more important than ever. HRM
should act as an administrative expert that uses technology, rethinks, redesigns activities
to adapt to the presented changes and make the system most effective as possible despite
the changes.
HRIMS simply means managing information that means both databases management
and knowledge management that deal with generation of a required output from given
sets of data and the company’s ability to study the presented data, store it for future
comprehension and apply the knowledge to improve overall functioning of the company,
respectively. It is a modern day technological tool used by the businesses to make sure
that they are making the best out of what they have been provided with and searching ways
to improve further.
There are three options while choosing HRIMS for a company: design an in-house
system, buy a system ’off-the-shelf’ or work with the company related to these software
and modify the system a bit according to the company needs. I prefer a system that is
efficient but also well tailored as per my need so that I can easily use it and needn’t worry
about unnecessary tasks. I believe it helps to increase the overall efficiency of the company
as a whole. So, I would go with the third option i.e. a pre-built system that is tweaked
slightly to meet our company’s needs. This alternative may seem expensive at first but in
the long run, it pays off. It ensures that the system is well tested, secured and guaranteed
as is made by the reputed vendor and flexible to the desires of our organization, making it
easier to modify it as per our needs, to make sure that it provides every way of efficient HR
management while reducing unnecessary details.

3 Industrial Relations
Industrial relations deals with various big parties such as employees and their unions,
employers and their associations, governments and the industrial tribunals making sure
that there is a good understanding among these various sectors. Unitarist approach of
mutual cooperation, individual treatment, teamwork and sharing common objectives is
what the organizations need at the current scenario. This pandemic has not affected any
particular sector or people but the world as a whole and we need to act as a whole to fight
against this pandemic. There is no point in creating internal or external conflicts at the
current scenario. The time has been tough for all the sectors and we have to share what
we have and work together to make sure that we survive this pandemic.
At this current scenario where time is rough for everybody, the HRM should focus on
maintaining a healthy relations among all the aspects of the company. HRM should act
as per the belief that employees are the most valuable assets and working in unity with
common interests and goals will make sure that we can get the most out of what have
we been offered. I would focus more on making the open communication so that there
is no internal conflict or fear among the parties whether the other is working against the
well-being of the other. This should also involve sharing of any ideas, proposals to tackle
this rough times and there should be maintained a decentralized control so that people and
ideas are selected as per the good that they may bring rather than due to their authority.
The present changes have brought about a massive needs for being familiar with
the technology, working virtually and the HRM should ensure that each member of the
organization is well acquainted with the changes in the work environment, strategies,
work-divison so that there may not be any internal or external conflicts due to misunderstanding
or miscommunication. The current time asks for more flexible work practices than ever.
Employees should be able to adapt to the sudden changes brought about by the pandemic
and the employers should also tackle these changes with utmost caution to make sure that
everyone is benefited by the actions, decisions that are being made and nobody is left out.

4 Recruitment and Selection
HRM is responsible for adding new members in the organization that are well suited,
efficient for their job and prove to be a valuable asset for the company. In this time when
the physical interaction is quite difficult, the task of adding a new employee to the company
becomes quite troublesome and tricky.
While carrying out the recruitment, various things are to be considered such as needs
of the organization(both short terms and long terms), being aware and adapting to the
changes in labor market. To make sure that I’m able to attract the best employees for my
company, I need to spread the vacancy announcement through various media: newspapers,
online platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram tallying the applicants, qualities they
Since the lock-down many aspects of the businesses are running slowly so while
adding on the new members, HRM should consider various things properly given the
circumstances: is this job really needed to be fulfilled by the new person or anyone already
present in the company can handle it. I always prefer the recruitment based on the skills. I
prefer external recruitment more than internal. A series of internal promotions have many
drawbacks: someone who is not qualified enough to take the job may be provided the job
because he did good in his previous job(which may be on totally different fields), not adding
new members, new generations of employees in various sectors may cause decrease in
creativity, familiarity with the tools of the new world and the company can thus can’t catch
up with this rapidly growing world.
Given the pandemic, the new sets of insights might be useful to solve the various
problems that might have been affecting the company’s business: using online tools,
setting up home delivery system(as per the nature of company), promoting the company
on the online media, using latest technological tools to improve efficiency and these new
working environment, platforms certainly require a person well familiarized with these
systems so the HRM should take the necessary steps to hire the one who is capable
enough for these specific jobs for improvement in the current scenario. I believe on focusing
in the actual talent of the person on-field rather than the qualifications presented in the

5 Employee Motivation
Motivation is what drives people to do their job. Motivation can come in any form, it is
basically anything that energizes, directs and sustains human behavior. Any organization
can function in its full efficiency only when its employees are well motivated to do their
job, without motivation no business objectives can be met. Due to the pandemic, there
has been a lot of terror around the world (in mental as well as physical forms). In this
tough times; working from home, not being able to interact with the co-workers, seniors,
not having the sense of when am I at workplace or home is quite tiring and demotivating.
Various theories of motivation has been discussed regarding maintaining the positive
environment within the company, making the employees work their best. In this tough
times, HRM should focus on promoting stable employment, high productivity and high
morality and employee satisfaction; focusing on treating each employee as the valuable
member of the company that are treated equally and their job is well acknowledged. The
current scenario has degraded the demand and hence the production of goods which
may result in the employees losing their jobs(this is a constant fear in the heart of every
employee). In such scenario, I would focus on providing the jobs(even if little) constantly to
the employees until the things get back to normal, make the employees believe that their
job is well secured. I’d reduce the number of hours each employees work and rotate their
shift to ensure the health safety too, following various necessary health protocols so that
the employees don’t have to fear about them being infected.
One way to boost motivation may be to interact with the employees, hear them out
about the various ideas that they may have about dealing with this pandemic and create
a more lively environment in the workplace. HRM needs to be cooperative, wise and find
the best way to adapt to this sudden change and think about everyone involved, hear out
their ideas while tackling the changes. There is a need for a constant interaction among
the work people of various level, be constantly recognized for the task that has been done.

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