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Every person at least once in his life has experienced such a situation when he wakes up and

couldn't get up. Your body seems to be paralyzed, it's hard to breath, and what you see around is an
unfamiliar. Yes, it is linked to the paranormal and is called sleep paralysis. Judging by the results of
many researches about 8 percent of all people have experienced this feeling at least once. Let me
explain this phenomenon for those of you who don't know what it's like. Sleep paralysis is a state in
which when wakinhg up people are unable to move at all. Imagine you wake up and can clearly see
that there is someone or something else in the room beside you. You want to turn your head and
see what that scarry thing is, but you can't because your body seems to be paralyzed. Now imagine
you are waking up and you can see, hear and feel them. You are short of breath like someone is
pushing our chest but you can't ask for help. You can't cry physically and that's really scarry.
Someone turns on the light and everything dissapears. According to statistics 57% of people who
suffer from sleep paralysis see someone in the room and quite often those creatures are not
humans. If we try to explain it from the scientific point of view, things become much more

Our sleep is divided into two phases. We immediately enter the slow sleep as soon as we fall asleep
and its stages last the better half of our sleep. The last stage is so called delta sleep, it's the deepest
phase. At this stage our consciousness is turned off. It's hard to wake you up but if someone
manages to, you look quite sleepy. You can say weird things during such sleep. But your musceles
are not paralyzed that is why this phase of slow sleep is often linked to somnambulism or
sleepwalking. fast sleep phase is something incredible. First of all your eyes move. Secondly, your
brain's activity is higher than during the second phase. including the part of brain responsible for
experiencing fear. Thirdly, you see the brighest and most memorable dreams. In order for you not to
punch someone while you are trying to fight someone in your dream, your body is not completely
paralyzed, but you can't move that much like turn upside down or stretch and so on. Some people
can but that's rather an exception. Usually this phase is linked to sleep paralysis. This is a reverse
sleepwalking so to say. You seem to be wake but your body is not. You can see twigs through the
window but this time you can see Slender with long fingers. Your body is entirely under the control
of your sleep, it even controls your breathing. When you see this monster, you want to take a deep
breath, but you can't and you are suffocating as if someone was sitting on you like on a bench near
the front entrance. Outside triggers can significantly affect our sleep. If the wind blows, this may
seem to be a hurricane. If someone whispers, it may seem like a demon is cursing yofrom the Hell.

All of the researches on sleep paralysis have been analyzed. And there haven't been found any links
between this condition and age and gender. But no one doubts the fact that the quality of your sleep
has a significant impact on this condition. If you sleep very little and and the quality of your sleep is
poor, you are more likely to suffer from this condition. Some researchers say that oversleeping as
well as undersleeping have an impact too. People with posttraumatic stress disorder,anxiety
disorder, depression and narcolepsy or those who are students are also likely to suffer from this
sleep disorder. Ther are not too many tips on how prevent it, but it is likely that those tips can help.

Improve the quality of your sleep. This can help a lot in life and bad sleep is caused by excessive
stress, abuse of drugs and alcohol. You should avoid those things if you can. Usually this condition
occurs when you sleep on your back. Try to diversify your life and try something new. If this happens
rarely, then don't worry. Your brain simply trolls you. This lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes.
Similarly sleep walking also has time limitations. Just accept the fact that it is not dangerous. There is
no evidence pointing that someone died from it. Aleksandr Panchin. I have lots of books about the
truth of the paranormal and it is only in this book that I found information about sleep paralysis.
Don't be shy to inform other because it can affect anyone.

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