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Mary Ann Buga MM-TM1

Activity 3: What is the relevance of the video in the planning and implementation of
CSR activities in your company?
According to United Nations Industrial Development Organization (n.d),
Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept whereby companies integrate
social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with
their stakeholders. Therefore, in planning and implementation of CSR activities,
companies must it do the right things in protecting the environment. It is shown in the
video that there is a mutual relationship between man, the society and nature. Society
and nature are dependent to how man protects the environment. Nature is the resource
provider of man, whatever man do, he will always go back to nature.
In planning and implementing CSR activities in the company, we should always
consider protecting nature, our resource provider. Nature has given us the limited
amount of renewable and non-renewable resources; oil, soil, air, sunlight, soil, water,
animals, birds, fish, plants, and others. These resources are used by man to make food,
fuel, and raw materials to produce goods; thus, we need to generate interest from these
resources through the CSR activities that the company shall implements. CSR activities
should be environmentally sustainable to protect these resources, inherit and use them
wisely. With this, ecosystem will keep going and environmental risks and destructions
will be avoided. Shahzad et al., (2020) suggests that CSR should be incorporated with
each organization’s environmental strategies, since all aspects of CSR have a positive
relationship with environmentally sustainable development.
I hope companies sees the importance of CSR in having a sustainable
development of each companies and the environment. Most specially now that we are
experiencing different calamities which are all effects of the wrong doings man have
been doing. That these natural destructions will touch each people’s heart to see the
importance of nature, and that company’s will do their responsibilities beyond the law.

Shahzad, M., Qu, Y., Javed, S. A., Zafar, A. U., & Rehman, S. U. (2020). Relation of
environment sustainability to CSR and green innovation: A case of Pakistani
manufacturing industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 253, 119938.

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