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November 17, 2020

The Honorable Susan C. Lee

The Honorable Marc Korman

Dear Senator Lee and Delegate Korman:

Thank you for your letter regarding the Pedestrian Access Act of 2020 (Chapter 102/HB 194/SB
285). As Administrator of the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway
Administration (MDOT SHA), I am pleased to respond.

The MDOT SHA is currently in the process of implementing House Bill 194 from the 2020
legislative session. As you are aware, the bill requires a person that obtains a highway work
permit from the MDOT SHA to maintain pedestrian access at certain work sites; requiring the
Administration to adopt certain regulations governing pedestrian access in areas subject to a
highway work permit; defining certain terms; and generally relating to pedestrian access in areas
subject to a highway work permit.

During the access permit, capital and maintenance permit process, MDOT SHA will require a
Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) plan for pedestrians and cyclists to be submitted and approved
prior to a permit being granted. Additionally, the MDOT SHA is working to produce a guide of
best practices and techniques for pedestrian and cyclist accommodations. These practices will be
enforced during construction on MDOT SHA right-of-way. MDOT SHA looks forward to
providing an update on the implementation of this important piece of legislation on January 1,
2021 and to get feedback prior to posting the guide on our webpage.

Thank you again for contacting me. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please
contact Mr. Mitch Baldwin, MDOT SHA Legislative Affairs Manager, at 410-545-0342 or via
email at Mr. Baldwin will be happy to assist you.


Tim Smith, P.E.


cc: Mr. Mitch Baldwin, Legislative Affairs Manager, MDOT SHA

707 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 | 410.545.0400 | 1.800.323.6742 | Maryland Relay TTY 800.735.2258 |

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