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What are Objections?

“I Don’t Have the Money” Objection
“Looks good but this isn’t for me” Objection

“I need to think about it” Objection

“Let me see how you do first” Objection
“Let me talk to my spouse first” Objection


Hey there Rock Star, Tanya Aliza here!

I’m so excited for you to dive into these

scripts to help you eliminate and handle the
10 most common sales objections.

You’ll learn more of my story as you dive into

the Audio Training that comes with this Cheat Sheet, but long story
short... I’ve created a good deal of success in my Home Business
over the years and I’m about to share with you some of my secrets!


Having to talk to less people while getting Bigger Results

Having people looking at you in a more professional way when

you’re presenting your Opportunity

Having the confidence to show your opportunity to more

people (even your chicken list)

Being absolutely Fearless from now on forward

Getting MORE YES’s in your Business Starting today!

Well get ready to learn what’s taken my closing averages to 7 out of

10. That’s Right! I have a 70% Closing Ratio!

Good Deal? :-)

So as you listen to the Audio with this Cheat Sheet use this as a
reference while you’re presenting your business either over the
phone or in person.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Print it out and carry it with you because it will allow you to quickly
reference back to certain objections or questions that your
prospect might have.

Put your personality to these scripts and please don’t sound like
you’re a robot reading them verbatim :-) Also remember that
professionals SORT and amateurs try to convince.

We won’t be able to get everyone we show into our deal but we

can make sure that at least everyone is exposed properly and

And remember.... if you get a ‘NO’, high five yourself and move on.

They may come back to you in the future if you’ve done your job
properly and with every ‘No’ you’re closer to your next YES!

Let’s Rock n Roll.....


Objections are very simply unanswered questions.

Understand that when you get objections or weird questions.... it’s

typically because your prospect is feeling as if they CAN’T do what
you’re doing or they’re unsure if they’ll have success.

It’s our job to re-assure them that they CAN do this and it’s very
important to make sure you’re exposure/presenting process is
very duplicatable.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

(minute 19:04 in the Audio)

Before the Presentation:

Share Your Vision
Can they feel your Passion?
Are they convinced that you’re about to do something BIG?
Are you using a Take-Away?


(minute 25:47 in the Audio)

First, qualify the objection to make sure it’s real before spending
the time to handle it.
"Awesome Joe, I can appreciate you sharing that with me. I know
personally that 500 bucks to start a Business, that could change that
around in your bank account, isn’t that much. So I appreciate you
sharing how tight you are.

Hey Joe, I just want to make sure that we’re on the same page. Is it that
you really don’t have the money or do you just not see an opportunity
for yourself here?”

If they don’t see an Opportunity move on, get a referral & ask
them if you can keep them in the loop. BUT... if they DO see an

“Okay Joe, if you really see an opportunity like you said you see, I want
to help you come up with the funds you cool with that?”

Grab and Pen and Paper. About how far are you off from that $500?

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
What are some creative ways that we can raise the money?
- Next Pay Day
- Craiglist
- Sell stuff
- odd jobs
(Come up with some ways)

“How soon do you think we could come up with that amount to get
Set the date and time on the Calendar as a Goal to get started
Remember to let them know that if they come up with the funds
earlier to reach you back ASAP to lock in a spot and to get rolling.


(minute 34:11 in the Audio)

“Interesting. Maybe this isn’t for you.... But How do you mean exactly?”

By asking this question you will uncover the real reason it’s not for
them and you can go from there.

Sometimes it’s the way we’re presenting or exposing the

Opportunity.... are you showing the Business AND Product?

Maybe they see value in Product but we’re pushing the Business
That’s why after showing the FULL plan (Business and Product) I
ask: “What did you like best?”

They will tell you what they liked best and you can move in that
direction with them.

If they truly don’t see an opportunity for themselves just get a

referral and ask them if they mind if you keep them in the loop!

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
(minute 40:04 in the Audio)

You may be getting this objection because of a Lack of Credibility

or they have unanswered questions. Here are 2 things you can

Eliminate the Objection before it comes up in your set up

by adding this before the presentation:

“I’ve been searching and searching.... doing a bunch of research on

something that I could confidently put my name to that would (Insert
your vision/why)”

help me stay home with the kids more

help me cut back some hours at work
allow me to take a few more vacations with the family
allow me to live a better quality of life

Handle if it Comes Up Still

“Okay cool!... I don’t get many people that tell me they need to do
more research after that video but I’d love to help with that....would
you mind sharing with me what you feel you ned more information
on exactly?”

Listen and Make a Note.

“Okay cool... more info on how the money works... anything else?”

Listen and Make a Note.

“Awesome so we need more info on how the money works, the time
you’d need to spend on the biz and ..... Anything else?”

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Listen and Make a Note until everything is laid out on the table.

“Alright I just want to make sure that we’re on the same page.... If we
can get you more info on how the money works and how much time
you’d need to invest and you’re happy with the information.... Do you
see an opportunity to get started with us?”

If they say YES, they would be ready to get started do a 3 way call
or get them the information then get them started.

If they say NO or they’re unsure, don’t go running around getting

them the info and wasting both your time. Just move on, get a
referral and ask them if you can keep them in the loop.


(minute 47:52 in the Audio)

You may be getting this objection because of a Lack of

Creditability, Lack of Posture, or they don’t believe they can do
what you’re doing. Here's how to handle it:

“How do you mean? Are you saying this because you’re not confident
that I’m going to do something BIG with this?”

Let them answer.

“Let’s forget me for a minute..... from everything you just saw, let’s just
level with each other.... Do you actually see an opportunity for
yourself here?”

If they say NO, Move on, ask for a referral and ask if you can
keep them in the loop.

If they say YES or Maybe.... here's what you can say:

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
“Because here’s the truth... I’m going to take this deal and (Insert your
vision/why) and while I’m doing that I’d love to work WITH you rather
than ahead of you and I don’t want you to miss out and have ME
achieve my goals without achieving yours WITH you at the same

So what do you need to see come out of this to make it worth your

Listen to what they say.

“Awesome... If I can show you a way to make that happen while we

run TOGETHER are you ready to have some fun WITH me?”


(minute 52:43 in the Audio)

You may be getting this objection because it’s either legit or they
don’t feel they can do it. Here is how to handle this objection
before it comes up:

If you know they have a spouse, make sure you schedule a time
while they’re together. If you don’t know if they have a spouse
ask them:

“Are you married or committed?

When it comes to decisions in the family are you able to make them
yourself or do you like to discuss things together?”

If you still did a presentation and found out after they have a
spouse.... always re-book a time where you can meet with both
of them together. This will avoid confusion.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
(minute 57:30 in the Audio)

You may be getting this objection because they don’t feel like
they can do it or you haven’t presented it in a duplicatable way.

Here is how to handle this objection before it comes up:

“Oh man, I appreciate you sharing that with me.... how do you mean?”

Listen to them explain and verbalize their busy life :-)

“Sheesh that sucks.. How long do you have to do that for?”

Share a story - Feel Felt Found

“I know exactly what you mean (insert a relevant story)”

“Let’s say you did have a little time and it didn’t take more than a few
hours a week with my help to work on freeing up some lifestyle time
in your schedule.... do you see an opportunity here?”

If they say NO, move on, ask for a referral and ask if you can
keep them in the loop.

If they say YES....

“Awesome and I want you to know that I’m here to help you. Based on
your busy schedule what’s the most you could put into this a week?”

Note what they say.

“Okay and with those 3 hours a week, what would you like to see
income wise on a monthly basis to make this worth it to you?”

Note what they say.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
"Okay and how long would you like it to take to reach that?”

Note what they say.

If it’s NOT realistic share a story and reframe the expectations

If it realistic.....

"Okay awesome... did you know that’s very realistic (Insert relevant
story) and if I’m willing to help you do that starting today.... is there
anything else that you need to know before I start going to work with
you to help you solve that ‘No time’ issue? Let’s rock and roll.”


(minute 63:59 in the Audio)

You may be getting this objection because your prospect may

have had a bad experience at one point or they may have been
exposed to inaccurate information.

They might just have bad habits and a closed mind, hence these
people are typically broke!

Similar to ‘Let me do my research’ Objection, here is how to

handle this objection before it comes up:

“I’ve been searching and searching.... doing a bunch of research on

something that I could confidently put my name to that would (Insert
your vision/why)"

help me stay home with the kids more

help me cut back some hours at work
allow me to take a few more vacations with the family
allow me to live a better quality of life

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Handing this if it still comes up: DO NOT BE DEFENSIVE

Laugh.... "Really?”

Pause for a while and see what they say. “How do you mean?”

Listen to what they say. “Oh it’s not that at all!”

If your Prospect is Completely Negative:

“Perfect... sounds to me that you may have had a bad experience with
something that you haven’t gotten over yet and it doesn’t sound like
you’re a fit for my team. Have a nice day.”

Don’t battle with a negative Nancy and hold your posture.


(minute 70:20 in the Audio)

You may be getting this objection because maybe YOU came

across salesy... or for some reason they’re doubting they can do
what you’re doing. Make sure to stay in line with being very

Here is how to handle this objection before it comes up:

“Oh my goodness I’m so glad you said that!.... What I’ve found is that
sales people mess this all up!”

Laugh and make light of the objection.

“Sales People try to convince people and we all know that people like
to naturally buy things they love right?”

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Let them agree. “And most people hate being pushed into a sale right?”

Let them agree.

"Awesome! I’m so glad you can see that all we do is share something
awesome that most people like and I’m so relieved that you’re not into
sales! Welcome to the team!”


I hope you enjoy this Cheat Sheet and you

use it often to help you get through some of
those questions and objections.

If you do this right, you will be a PRO in no

time and the more you practice with these
scripts, the more everything will become natural!
Add your own personality to the scripts and always make sure that
you’re enjoying the process.

If you have any other questions or objections that you need help
with, please visit my Facebook Fan Page and if you found value in
Beyond Objections, you can share it with a friend below.


Make sure you keep an eye on your email inbox for more great
training from me! I also post lot’s of free training on here:

To Your Massive Success,

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

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