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At the end of the discussion, students will be able:
A. To identify the theories of Sigmund Freud.
B. To appreciate the contribution of Sigmund Freud in the society.
C. To make an example about the Structural and topographical model of the mind.
II. Discussion
Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in Freyberg town, Czech Republic. He explored
the human mind more thoroughly than any other who came before him. He was one of the
most influential people of the twentieth century and has influenced not only psychology,
but art, literature and even the way people bring up their children.
Freud was the founding father of psychoanalysis a theory which human behavior and a
method for treating mental illness. Psychoanalysis is often known as the talking cure.
Typically Freud would encourage his patients to talk freely (on his famous couch) regarding
their symptoms, and to describe exactly what was on their mind. The aim of psychoanalysis
therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences, make the unconscious conscious.
Psychoanalysis is commonly used to treat depression and anxiety disorder.
He also developed topographical and structural model of the mind to basically explain
the sources of human behavior.
According to the topographical model of Freud, the mind is divided into three regions.
These are the subconscious, preconscious and conscious mind.
a. Conscious mind – consists of thoughts that focus on the present state of the mind.
This is the immediate awareness that communicates to the outside world and the
inner self through speech, pictures, writing, physical movement, and thought.
b. Preconscious mind – consists of what can be retrieved from the memory. This
contains thoughts and feelings that a person is not currently aware of, but which
can easily be brought to conscious.
c. Subconscious mind – consists of primitive desires, wishes or impulse which is
mediated by the preconscious mind. This is the primary source of human behavior.

The structural model of Freud elaborates his topographical model which preconscious
mind is then divided into superego, ego and id.

a. Ego – drives a socially acceptable way to satisfy the demands of id as it operates the
conscious and unconscious mind.
b. Id – comprises Eros, the life or survival instinct of man and Thanatos the death or
destructive instinct of man.
c. Super-ego – operates based on the principles of morality that drive man to become
socially responsible and behave in an acceptable manner. It basically means that
superego drives a man to follow the rules and resolves the conflict between the ego
and the id.
III. References

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