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Novo Mundo School

English Department
Teacher Catalina Nasta
English Worksheet Unit 3
“What sport do you like?”

Name: _______________________________Grade: 4th grade __ Date: ___/___/2020

OA: Expresar gustos y preferencias integrando el vocabulario de la unidad.
- Solicita a un adulto que lea las palabras de vocabulario para que puedas memorizarlas. Si necesitas
ayuda para la pronunciación, ingresa al siguiente link escribe la palabra y presiona
enter, luego play para escuchar la palabra.
- Responde el cuestionario al finalizar tu guía.
- Una vez desarrollada, recuerda guardar esta guía, porque te permitirá demostrar tus logros de
aprendizajes, para que luego sean revisados y retroalimentados por tu profesora al volver a clases
Habilidad Pregunta
Aplicar Item II
Analizar Item III, IV
Comprender Item V
Recordar Item I

I. Let’s remember. / Recordemos!


Usamos BUT para conectar dos ideas

Por ejemplo
I like tennis but I don’t like swimming
But = _ _ _ _
Novo Mundo School
English Department
Teacher Catalina Nasta

II. Look at the picture and write the sentences using I LIKE or I DON’T LIKE Connect the
ideas with BUT/ Mira la imagen y escribe las oraciones usando I LIKE (me gusta) o I DON’T LIKE
(no me gusta). Conecta las oraciones usando BUT



III. Read the text and complete the chart / Lee el texto y complete el cuadro

Hello! My name is Sally and I really love football. I don´t like karate. I think
it´s boring. My favourite sport is tennis. I also like baseball very much,
but we don´t play it in my school. I don´t like swimming I´m not very good
at it but I like going fishing with my dad. I absolutely hate gymnastics. But
what I really like is play with my friends!

Like Don’t like

Novo Mundo School
English Department
Teacher Catalina Nasta

IV. Read the text again and answer Yes or no / Lee el texto nuevamente y contesta Yes o no

1. Sally is ten years old _______

2. Sally likes karate _______
3. Sally doesn’t like swimming _______
4. Sally likes play with her friends _______
5. Sally loves gymnastics _______
6. Sally likes fishing with her dad _______

V. Find the following words in the wordsearch. When you find it make a drawing/
Encuentra las siguientes palabras en la sopa de letras, cuando las encuentres haz un dibujo

Baseball Football Skate Boxing Swimming

Snowboarding Tennis Karate Cycling Hockey

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