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Tutorial Topic 4 – Internet Protocol

Answer ALL Questions:

Question 1

Internet Protocol (IP) is an unreliable and connectionless datagram protocol. Briefly explain.

Unreliable Connectionless

(4 marks)

Question 2

An IP datagram has arrived with the following information in the header (in hexadecimal):

49 00 05 DC 26 2E 20 B7 10 11 00 00 C0 0A 0C 0B 00 00 00 C0

a. State the version of this IP datagram

(1 mark)

b. Where is this IP datagram destined to?

(2 marks)

c. Calculate the header length and the option. (if any)

(2 marks)

d. Justify if the packet has been fragmented.

(2 marks)

e. Calculate the size of data this packet is carrying.

(2 marks)

f. Consider that this fragment is as of its maximum size fit for the MTU of the network it is now in,
what is the MTU value for this network?
(1 mark)

g. Calculate how far the packet can travel from this point before it is being dropped.
(1 mark)

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