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this week, we will begin the class by creating a short bio of yourself and welcome each other to the

class. To do this, just write a short (one paragraph) introduction that includes your name, why you
want to be at the University of the People and what you expect from the course. You can include
more information if you wish, but the basic information should be covered.

I am very pleased to introduced myself in a good platform like this class. Here, I am Saiful Islam, A
24 years student residing in Bangladesh. I am Hard worker, motivated and dedicated student. I am
enrolled bachelor in computer science program because I am passionate about problem solver and
coding lover. I think this university degree motives me very well and inspired me for working hard in
my field.

In a developing country like Bangladesh. English is our second main language and we have some
barriers to learn it efficient way. this course helps me very well to know details about thesis writing,
increasing my vocabulary and many more. Moreover, I am very passionate about research paper
writing and with the help of this courses. I learned it well.

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