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People have different perspectives on physical fitness.

Many people assume that

physical fitness is necessary only for athletes because they engage regularly in
physical activities due to their career. Simultaneously persons are unaware that
health-related physical fitness plays a significant role in everyone's life. According
to the Medical Dictionary, physical fitness is the ability to carry out daily tasks
with alertness and vigor, without undue fatigue, and with enough energy, reserve to
meet emergencies or to enjoy leisure time pursuits. Although physical fitness
differs because of a person’s career, sex, age, and shape of the body, it can be
achieved. Physical fitness can be achieved through a nutritious diet, daily physical
exercise and sufficient rest.

Persons should exercise 5 days in a week of at least one hour per day. Going gym
lifting weights, walking, cycling, running or jogging in the park, swimming, doing
other recreational activities or simply being physically active, the body burns
calories. As a result, daily exercises help to build and maintain strong muscles, and
bones thus keeping the body in shape. In fact, physical activity has been shown to
reduce the risk of developing or dying from heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer,
and high blood pressure. One study found that regular physical activity was
associated with a risk reduction of 75% for breast cancer, 49% for cardiovascular
and heart disease, 35% for diabetes, and 22% for colorectal cancer. Hence devoting
a little time for physical exercise may reap significant benefits.

Adopting a proper nutritious diet provides the body with essential nutrition, also
will lower your risk health conditions and maintain or improve the overall health of
the body. A good diet must involve a balance of several food groups, namely:
carbohydrates, proteins, fat, fiber, vitamins, minerals and water. A good nutritious
diet includes having at least three square meals per day by eating plenty fruits and
vegetables, whole grain cereals and drinking at least eight glasses of water every
day thus keeping the body hydrated and healthy. By cutting off from eating
processed foods, avoiding fatty, junk and fast foods, the body tends to be healthier.
Thus a proper nutritious diet keeps the body moving.

Sleep is an important part of our daily routine. Inadequate sleep can cause one to
be grumpy, foggy, fatigued and depressed. According to Jerome Siegel, the regular
amount of sleep needed is 8 hours per night. By having a sufficient and a peaceful
rest, it keeps persons away from feeling depressed and fatigued. Thus with
adequate sleep persons are more energetic in the mornings and feels refresh and

In conclusion, physical fitness brings relaxation to the body. Physical fitness can
be achieved by anyone through a nutritious diet, daily physical exercise and
sufficient rest.

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