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Marking scheme

1st pre-board exam 2019-20


Class- XII

Sec- A

1. C
2. Jyotirao Govindrao Phule
3. C
4. Commodification
5. Diversity
6. True
7. Communalism
8. Max Weber
9. D
10. False
11. False
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. True
16. Chipko movement
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. AIWC
Sec- B
21. The critics argued that pop problems like poverty and starvation were caused
by the unequal distribution of economic resources rather than by population
growth. There is the substantial increases in the productivity of agriculture
22. An economic philosophy that advocates free market system and minimal
government intervention in economic matters.
The Nakarattars loaned and deposited money with one another in caste-
defined social relationships based on business territory, residential location
decent marriage and common cult membership. Unlike in modern Western
banking system it was the reputation decisions and reserve deposits shared
among exchange spares defined according to this principle and not a
government controlled Central Bank.
23. Communalism is an aggressive political ideology linked to religion.
Communalism is more to do with politics than religion in India because
politician use vote banks in the name of religion. Love for your religion but in a
negative way. A communist develops aggressive political identity which
condenses every other religion and leads to communal riots.
24. Our attitude towards religion has changed with modernization one does not
attribute everything to religion. Monetary and secularism are the two sides of
a coin. They go hand in hand. If if we don’t keep up all traditions we can't be e
part of the Global Village and if we don't modernise them we can't
developand grow.
ASSOCHAM or any other relevant examples
26. In spite of democracy, there is still inequality as it is seen in travels, religion,
race, culture, caste, language etc. Differentiation is shown two people in
particular groups, communities, caste etc. Gram Sabha members are often
contended by a small group.
27. There is an increase in the literate population and most of them migrate to the
cities for jobs. Newspapers and magazines are giving more local level
contents. People of different reasons feel more empowered and participation
than ever before. Newspaper give them expression.
28. Mass media bridging the gap between the urban areas and rural areas by
bringing images of urban lifestyles and patterns of conjunctions into the the
rural areas. Urban norms and Standards are becoming well well known even
in the remote villages creating new desire and aspirations for consumptions.
29.  The Chipko movement, an example of the ecological movement, started in
Himalayan foothills; to stop exploitation/depletion of forests and
consequent environmental degradation.
Reformist movement is a movement where the reformers try to change the
mindset of the people regarding a particular issue.
Redemptive movement is formed to reduce actions done in the past. It lies to
change the thinking of the people.

Sec- C
30. Main features of demographic dividend in India.
i) Working age of people (15years-64years) is relatively large.
ii) Small groups of “old people “to support.
iii) Small group of “young children “who can not work and are supported.
iv) It is a source of economic growth and prosperity. (Any other relevant point)
31. Caste had their own system of banking and credit, ex- Hundi allows merchants to
engage in long distance trade Banks were basically joint family firms and structure of
business firm was the same as that of the family.
32. In 1931 the Karachi session of the INC issued a declaration on the Fundamental
Rights of Citizenship in India whereby it committed itself to women’s equality
-All citizens are equal before the law, irrespective of religion, caste, creed, or sex-No
disability attaches to any citizen, by reason of his or her religion, caste, creed or sex,
in regard to public employment, office of power or honor, and in the exercise of any
-Women’s shall have right to vote, to represent and the right to hold public offices.
-Special protection of women workers.
33. Western secularism- separation of church and state. The separation of religious and
political authority. Indian meaning of secularism includes western sense but also
involves other. A secular person or states one that does not favor any particular
religionor others.
34. There were two types of cultural changes and both were a complex product of the
impact of colonial rule.
The first deals with the deliberate and conscious efforts made by the 19th century
social reformers and early 20th century nationalists to bring in changes in social
practices that discriminated.
The second with the less deliberate yet decisive changes in cultural practices that
can broadlybe understood as the four process of Sanskritisation, modernization,
secularization and westernisation.
35. Transformation of ruler society after independence.
 Increase in the use of agricultural labour
 Shift from payment in kind to payment in cash
 Loosening of traditional bounds between farmers and agricultural workers
 Rises of a class of free wage labour
As traditional bound between labour or tenants and landlords broke down, and as
seasonal demand for agricultural labour increased in prosperous areas, a pattern of
seasonal migration emerged with thousands of workers circulating between their
houses and more prosperous areas where there is demand for labour and higher
Labourers migrate also because of increased inequality in rural areas
Migrate workers come mainly from drought- prone and less productive regions, and
they goto work on farms in Punjab and Haryana or construction sites in cities as New
Delhi and Bengaluru. These migrant workers have been called footloose labour by
Jan Breman.

Sec- D
36. Due to liberalization foreign products are now easily available in Indian markets and
shops. Due to this sum of labour have to lose their in employment and jobs.
 Many Indian companies have been taken over by multinationals. At the same
time some Indian companies are becoming multinational companies. For
example Parle-G drinks was bought by Coca Cola.
 Due to coming of foreign companies and big business Indian house very small
traders, shopkeepers, handicraft sellers and hackers have lost their jobs of
employment or the small business is adversely affected by Big Mall, showrooms
or Reliance, Subiksha etc.
 The government is trying to sell its share in several public sector companies
because of this many government workers are scared that they will lose their
 Companies are reducing the number of permanent employees and Outsourcing
there was two smaller companies or even to homes.
37. The effect of globalization is far reaching. It affects us all but affects us differently.
Thus, while for some it may mean new opportunities, for others the loss of
livelihood. For eg.
 Women silk spinners and twisters of Bihar lost their jobs once the Chinese
and Korean silk yarn entered the market.
 Big fishing vessels or ships are taking out the space in the ocean. They have
better fishing equipment and machines. Local fishermen are losing out as the
area of fishing is being taken by the vessels.
 Gums picked from ‘Bawal trees' are being replaced by gum from Sudan.
 Rag pickers jobs are in danger because the waste material is being imported
from other countries.
 Globalization has a lot of social implications. One divides gap between rich and
poor second opportunities, lifestyles, and products.
 International division of labour has emerged due to globalization where
production and Employment is spread over different countries all over the world.
 Wherever good infrastructure, cheep labour, resources and MNCs come up.
 Hence frequent shifting of location occurs.
For example. The Nike Company progressed profusely from its Inception in the
1960s. This company became a giant exporter of shoes from Japan and sold
them in athletic meetings.
 Is the quantum of costs increased the company shifted its production to to South
Korea in mid 1970s. However labour cost grew in South Korea therefore in the
1980s production widened to Thailand and Indonesia. In the 1990s the
company’s production are being made in India. It clearly shows if labour is
cheaper elsewhere production center will shift somewhere else, this policy of
shifting the production centers has certainly made the the laboring population
very vulnerable and insecure.
38. according to paragraph.

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