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SYSTEM SYMPATHETIC PARASYMPATHETIC Vasopressor/vasodilation - stimulates alpha


LUNGS DILATES CONSTRICTS Supraventricular tachycardia - betablockers-
S INCREASES Continue to administer maintenance medication
SECRETIONS - clarify
HEART INCREASE DECREASES HEART Atropine sulfate - sympathetic - decrease
HEART RATE RATE salivation before op; dry mouth
BLOOD CONSTRICTS DILATES BLOOD Decrease oropharyngeal secretions - anti
S VESSELS Cholinergic agonist - stimulates cholinergic
SMOOTH PERISTALSIS Neurotransmitter - Ach , epinephrine, norepi,
MUSCLES OF dopa, serotonin
GI TRACT CNS depressant -
BLADD RELAXES CONTRACTS Ibuprofen - propionic acid
ER BLADDER BLADDER Mefenamic acid - fenamate
MUSCLES ASA - salicylic acid
UTERUS RELAXES Amphetamin - CNS stimulant
UTERINE Procaine - anesthetic
MUSCLES Thiopenthal sodium - anesthetic that causes
PITUITA INCREASES sedation - depressant
RY SALIVATION Morphine sulfate - opiod/narcotic analgesic -
GLAND assess pain
Side effect of morphine - urinary retention;
BETA-BLOCKERS - olol hypotension
Digoxin (lanoxin) - cardiac glycosides; digitalis - Antidote for morphine sulfate - naloxone
monitor potassium and magnesium (nausea, NSAID - naproxen (propionic acid),
vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, visual disturbances) indomethacin (Acetates), piroxicam (oxicam),
Digitalis toxicity - hypomagnesemia, fenamte, pyrazolones, salicylates
hypokalemia - increases potency of toxicity Prednizone - antiinflammatory corticosteroid
Restlessness and diaphoretic in digoxin - monitor NSAID + antacid - decreases potency
cardiac rate - if below 60 above 110, do not give Sedation for elderly - decrease dose because of
Vasodilator (cholinergics) what to do - change drug toxicity and dependency because of
position slowly; does not cause seizure decreased excretion
90/60 - do not give vaso dilator Pt taking hypnotic meds (insomnia) - safety
Betablockers- do not give to pts with asthma Barbiturates - tapering to prevent rebound
Resp complications (wheezing sounds upon Phenobarbital - anticonvulsant (emergency
auscultation) - serious complication with resuscitative equipment) causes resp depression
betablockers Dexamethazone - prednizone - anti inflammatory
Pt mgh with betablockers - teach how to check corticosteroid (do not dilute)
PR because PR decreases; below 60, do not give Drug abuse/alcoholic for OR - increase dose
and inform physician Epidural and iv anesthesia - edipural causes
Betablocker - atenolol longer effect and more side effects
Adrenergic blocking drug - sympatholytic Anesthesia - chills/shivering because of
CNS drugs should not be withdrawn abruptly - vasodilation/relaxation
causes rebound effect Propofol - general anesthetic
Hypertension - rebound effect of betablocker Alcohol - depressant
Alpha 1 - vasocons Benzodiazepine - am (causes sedation); no to
Alpha 2 - vasodilator alcohol because of enhanced effect
Beta 1 - vasconstrictor GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) - NT
Beta 2 - brochodilator enhanced by benzodiazepine
Betablocker - decreases conduction of cardiac Benzodiazepine - category c
muscles Phenytoin/hydantoin - gingival hyperplasia

Dilantin (phenytoin) - antiseizure; CNS depressant;
if if pt has seizure CD
Seizure - rolling of eyeball, twitching, drooling of MEASLES - Rubeola / Morbilli
saliva, vomiting, restlessness Koplik spots - cheeks (inside) pre-eruptive stage;
Phenytoin - block sodium channels pathognomonic sign
Antibiotic - RE superinfection Stimson’s line - pre-eruptive stage
Phenytoin - RE status epilepticus Exanthem - outside
Gabapentin (neurontin) - anticonvulsant; post Enanthem - inside
herpetic neuralgia; not to tonic clonic seizure Highly communicable - height of rash
Belladonna plant - blocks cholinergic Complications - otitis media, bronchopneumonia,
Epinephrine - vasocontrictor; cardiac stimulant, encephalitis
anti arrhythmic Isolation - first management
Dopamine - vasoconstrictor ??????? *Assess behind ears and neck
Phenobarbital - antiseizure *life long immunity after occurrence
Amitriptyline - anti depressant *advise complete bed rest and increase fluid
Phenytoin - anti convulsant
Valproic acid - anti seizure GERMAN MEASLES - rubella/ Toga
Myoclonic seizure - virus/togaviridae
Absent seizure - Forchheimer’s spots - rash on soft palate
Tonic clonic - Cardinal sign - rash - oval rose red colored
Antagonist for resp depression - naloxone - opiod papules
analgesic Pregnant - baby is affected
Infliximab - rheumatoid arthritis Can be transferred uterinely
NSAID - antacid, aspirin, ibuprofen, gingko -
check for gums bleeding, tarry stool SMALL POX - variola virus
Tolmetin Contagious - sores appear
Chronic gout - allopurinol S/S - fever, severe headache, backache,
Cefepime - 4th gen cephalosporin - observe for exanthem (eruptive stage)
superinfection Pockmark- desquamation
piperacillin tazobactam - Complications - blindness, conjuctivitis, otitis
Antibiotic - full course, send specimen for culture, media
monitor for superinfection (itis) Vaccine - vaccinia immune globulin
Cephalosporin - check for superinfection Do not apply alcohol before vaccination -
Yeast infection - kills normal flora bifurcated needle to every blister
MRSA - vancomycin
Vancomycin - does not cause diarrhea because MUMPS - parotid gland
cannot cause pseudo membranous colitis Contagious - 6 days before and 9 days after
INH isoniazid - 1h before and 2h after meals - onset of swelling
periodic eye exam; compliance; causes Complications - orchitis (swelling of testicles)
numbness Vaccine - MMR (measles - mumps - rubella)
Rifampicin - red orange INFLUENZA - Highly contagious acute viral disease
TB - multidrug RIPES IP - 24 - 48 hrs
Streptomycin - tinnitus MOT - Airborne, Droplet, Direct contact, virus
Candida - nystatin (antifungal) persist 4hrs in dried mucus
Antiviral - acyclovir - causes crystalluria Pathognomonic - joint pain
Amphotericin B - antifungal - causes prevention
hypokalemia Prevention - immunization, annual vaccine, avoid
Azole - metronidazole, fluconazole causes crowded places, hygiene
TMP - SMZ - crystalluria ANTHRAX - bacillus anthracis
Isolation should be done
Cutaneous - scars/lesions neck face
GI - vomiting, diarrhea
Inhalation - severe viral resp disease

Initial s/s - fever, cough, dyspnea, stridor IP - 3-5 days
Assess origin of pt
DIPHTHERIA - Corynebacterium diphtheria/
Klebs-Loffler bacillus TUBERCULOSIS - mycobacterium tuberculosis
MOT - direct contact, carrier, indirect Lesion - xray
Bullneck with grayish pseudomembrane Sputum culture/smear and sensitivity -
Diagnostic Test confirmation PTB
- schick test (immunity/susceptibility) - MOT - droplet
Moloney’s (hypersensitivity) S/S - Low afternoon fever, cough (2weeks), night
- nose & throat swab (communicability) sweats, weight loss
Complication - airway obstruction Meds - RIPES
Management - tracheostomy, DPT vaccine, ice Sputum collection - 3 consecutive mornings
collar, CBR, Vit C, soft diet, nose throat care Mantoux test - Protein derivative (PPD);
Wound/cutaneous - skin and mucus membrane If 5-10 +, then sputum culture
First line of treatment - penicillin Pathognomonic sign - hemoptysis
*follow up for treatment
PERTUSSIS (whooping cough)- bordetella pertussis Streptomycin - tinnutus
- easily destroyed by light, heat and drying. Isonizid rifampicin - hepatotoxicity
MOT - direct and indirect
Diagnostic - cbc, swab, sputum culture LEPROSY (hansen’s disease, hansenosis)
Paroxysmal stage - seizure, increased ICP, S/S - loss of sensation and hair, muscle sickness
disoriented, high BP (early)
Complication - broncho pneumonia, abdominal Loss of eyebrows, inability to close eyelids, saddle
hernia, severe malnutrition, atelectasis nose (late)
*booster is recommended Cardinal Signs
L - Loss of sensation on skin patches
PNEUMONIA - streptococcus pneumoniae E - Enlargement of peripheral nerves
Pathognomonic - rusty sputum P - Presence of leprosy bacilli in the skin
Diagnostic - chest xray smear
Community acquired (CAP) - work, school, Anti - leprosy drugs - multi drug 9rifampicin,
crowded places dapsone, lamprene
Aspiration pneumonia - foreign body is inhaled Prevention - Separation of infants from
Lobar pneumonia - bedridden - turn side to side lepromatous parents at birth, BCG, avoid
Management - increase fluid intake contact
*advise bed rest to decrease oxygen demand
and encourage shallow breathing SARS - corona virus
*sputum analysis before giving antibiotic no specific treatment
Early detection
MENINGITIS - IP - 2-10 days
MOT - droplet, ear discharges after skull fracture Precaution - standard precaution - PPE; all are
Diagnostic - CT scan, xray, imaging, MRI infectious
Lumbar puncture - for strain determination prodromal stage - Non-communicable
S/S - photophobia, opistothonos, nuchal rigidity, + handwashing
kernig and brudzinski
Increased ICP - increased BP, projectile vomiting, CHICKEN POX - herpes virus varicella
seizure Starts in covered areas
Petechial or purpuric rash - fatal Contagious - rashes appeared until last crust
Management - assess LOC and ICP, monitor fluid Fever - no aspirin, can cause reye’s syndrome
and electrolytes, turn side to side (brain and liver damage) and bleeding
Prophylaxis for meningococcemia - rifampicin Management- Isolation
Acyclovir - do not give to pt with many rashes
Severe pneumonia/resp distress/multiple organ
failure - fatal


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