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WHAT IS ISO 22301:2019 ABOUT?

ISO 22301:2019 specifies the structure and requirements for implementing and maintaining a business
continuity management system (BCMS). Through a business continuity plan assessment, an organization can
identify the crucial operations that need to be protected in times of incidents, and thus set a level of
acceptable risk.

The outcomes of maintaining a BCMS are shaped by the organization’s legal, regulatory, organizational and
industry requirements, products and services provided, processes employed, size, structure, and the
requirements of its interested parties.

ISO 22301:2019 emphasizes the importance of:

01 Understanding the
organization’s needs and 02 Operating and maintaining
processes, capabilities and
the necessity for response structures for
establishing business ensuring the organization
continuity policies and will survive disruptions

04 Continual improvement
based on qualitative and 03 Monitoring and reviewing
the performance and
quantitative measures effectiveness of the BCMS

Source: ISO

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