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Holiwis, como estas?

Roshan (Tambien conocido como Bodoque ) es el bebé el Heroes Sub-Zero volvió a su

padre en la primera película .

Roshan fue el hijo de un líder de la tribu humana. Durante el sueño una mañana, su tribu
fue atacado por una manada de tigres dientes de sable. El líder de la manada, Soto ,
quería Roshan como venganza por el padre de Roshan, Runar , que mató a la mitad del
paquete y utilizar su piel como la ropa y su carne como alimento. Madre Roshan,
Nadia , fue capaz de defenderse de Diego, con la misión de recuperarlo. Sin embargo,
fue acorralado por una cascada, y en un intento desesperado por salvar a su hijo, ella
saltó por encima de la cascada, la celebración de Roshan fuertemente en sus brazos.
Ambos fueron encontrados por Manfred y Sid en la orilla del río, y el uso de la fuerza lo
poco que Nadia había dejado, ella dio a Roshan a Manfred y Sid en la esperanza de que
estaría a salvo con ellos.
Roshan the ultimate human

Roshan was a human baby that had been lost from his tribe and rescued by a trio of animals.
Through a long and arduous quest conducted by the three, Roshan was reunited with his

A young human baby, Roshan lived with his tribe during the days of the ice age and had
seen very little of the world around him. Roshan was the son of a human tribe leader.
During the events of his infancy, however, he saw and experienced much of the world,
at the paws of three animals out to return him to his tribe, which he had been displaced


One evening, during the days in which the weather began to grow colder, Roshan and
his family were at their village, with Runar, Roshan's father, teaching his young son to
take his first steps with his wife Nadia. Unbeknownst to them or the rest of the tribe,
they were being eyed by two tigers, Diego and the pack leader, Soto, that evening, who
conspired to take Roshan's life in retribution for Runar's hunting and killing of half their
pack, using the sabers' skins to make clothing.

The following morning, just before dawn, the saber pack had snuck into the camp to
attack the humans, but were given away by the tribe's dogs, and the majority of the
sabers were thus engaged in a battle with the tribe's hunters while Diego, Soto's trusted
lieutenant, snuck into Runar's tent and found Roshan fast asleep. At that moment, Nadia
struck at Diego and ran off with a sleeping Roshan in her arms, running from the
campsite and through a river. Reaching the waterfall at the end of the river, Nadia found
herself cornered by the saber and, holding her baby tightly, jumped over the falls, her
son in her grip.

Returning Roshan

They were both found by Manny and Sid at the riverside, and using what little strength
Nadia had left, she gave Roshan to Manfred and Sid in hopes that he would be safe with
them. Sid suggested to return Roshan to his tribe. Reluctantly, the two accepted help
from Diego, who offered to help track the humans to their settlement up north.

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