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In selecting appropriate instructional materials, there are items that a teacher or an instructor must

understand, which are, the demands given by the course, the needs of the students, and the needs
of the instructional process. After selecting the aforementioned item, then the teacher or instructor
could chose the most effective instructional materials for the particular instruction, or design the
materials themselves if there are no effective and appropriate materials to be found.

We can find the demand of the particular course in general from the goals in the course outline and
syllabus, and more specifically in goals and objectives found in a lesson plans.

To understand the needs of the students, we can identify the basic knowledge they have for the
particular instruction, their learning style, and also their weaknesses, by conducting a simple
observation (which is not necessary if we already know them from the previous instructions), or by
giving the students a simple pre-test prior to an instruction, and to identify the need of the
instructional process, we can see them generally in the learning process that can be found in a

Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials should consider, has been stated clearly
by Soepriyatna (2016), as cited by my fellow teacher, AGUNG AHMAD SYAHIDA 530045536. So
perhaps I wouldn’t have to restate them for this occasion.

And how the aspects in selecting instructional materials in designing instructional materials are as

We decide the right proportion of grammar and vocabulary for a particular instruction, and we also
consider what language skill or skills that we want to develop for the instruction, and how the
materials would be delivered in the instruction. After we get the big picture of the materials we want
to choose or design, we can complete it by choosing the topic that would give the right atmosphere
for the desired activity or activities.

Soepriyatna. (2016). EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka.

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