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Key Elements for Effective Behaviorial and Organizational Management

Managers must address employee behavior problems immediately.

The main goal of behavioral and organizational management is to create a business staffed by ethical
employees who do not compromise the safety or well-being of others. If a small business does not have
an effective strategy for dealing with the behavioral and organizational problems that arise in the office,
it risks creating a demotivating work environment full of unhappy employees.


Managers cannot know their employee dynamic without encouraging communication and feedback
from their employees. The employee dynamic is the way in which coworkers interact with one another
and their managers. Managers can assess the behavioral and organizational status of their workplace by
asking employees to approach them when there is a problem or by fielding surveys at certain times
during the year. Both methods obtain valuable information about potential problems in the workplace
while maintaining the anonymity of employees.


Effective managers rely on thorough investigation, not word of mouth, when addressing problems in the
workplace. For instance, an employee may complain to a manager that she faces daily harassment from
another employee in the office. It is the responsibility of a manager to monitor the situation and look for
signs of harassment. By investigating the allegations, you ensure your employees that you are sensitive
to their concerns. Additionally, if you must fire an employee, you have proof of the worker's wrongdoing
in the event of a lawsuit.

Prompt Action

Promptly responding to organizational and behavioral problems is critical to maintaining the trust and
motivation of your employees. If managers fail to respond quickly to issues, employees might see this as
disrespectful and evidence of an out-of-touch management staff. For instance, if employees complain
that working in groups is inefficient and a waste of their time, managers should quickly analyze this
organizational problem and provide a solution. If more independence is the answer, managers must say
this directly and promptly to employees.


Recognizing good deeds or exemplary behavior is another key element of effective organizational and
behavioral management. For example, if an employee comes forward and tells a manager that he made
a large mistake, the manager should commend the employee for his honesty and give him recognition.
This may seem counterintuitive, but it is essential to promote an honest and responsible organization. If
an employee knows that he will be punished for a mistake, he is more likely to hide the problem,
possibly causing more problems for the business in the future.

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