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Management Procedures and Routines

Room Use Procedures

The teacher’s desk and teacher’s storage areas are off limits and should not be touched.
Nothing should be taken from these locations unless the student first asks or is asked by the
teacher. Student desks are to be kept tidy. The only books on the desk should be whatever the
class is working on that day. All other books should be placed under the desk. The bookshelves
used by all students should also be left alone unless asked to get something. Backpacks and
sports bags can be placed on top of the storage shelves upon arriving to class if students with to
put them there. Students do not have to ask to sharpen their pencil or throw something away. If
a student wishes to do either thing, then he or she must do so quietly and respectfully though.
The computer is off limits unless it is being used for school work. In order to use it, a student
must get the teacher’s permission.

Transition in and out of the Classroom

Students reporting for homeroom will be able to converse and move around the room as
they please in the morning until the bell rings. Once the bell rings, however they should report to
their assigned seats for roll call. When leaving the room students should wait to pack up all
material until the bell rings. Once the bell rings, the students may leave. Students arriving in the
room for the next class should find their seats right away and begin working on the bellringer.
Each class will start with a bellringer, so students will have something to do right away and will
not be permitted to stand in talk. At the end of the day, students who left their sports bags on the
shelves can come in and grab their bags before leaving for home or practice. All other students
are permitted to leave as soon as the bell rings. No running is allowed. This is monitored all
day, but specifically at the end of the day because kids are excited to get home.

Procedures for Whole Class Activities and Instruction and Seatwork

Students will be required to participate. A student can participate by raising his or her
hand and asking a question, answering a question, or volunteering to read or perform another
task. Students are not permitted to talk unless they raise their hands. If a student is talking, no
one else is permitted to talk and should be respectful of their peers. Talking is encouraged
during lecture, but only during designated times. For example, a lot of think, pair, shares will be
completed. During these times student discussion is very encouraged. Students should not talk,
however, when the teacher is talking. Assignments will be given just about every single day.
Usually students will have time to get them done in class, but whatever is still not finished is
usually assigned as homework. All work is collected and checked before the next day. This way
the students have quick feedback while the material is still fresh. In order to turn in an
assignment, a student will have to place the worksheet, paper, etc into their designed bin on the
shelf. The assignments will be passed back the next day and will be gone over together as a
class. If a student is not understanding something and wants further help, the student is
encouraged to ask questions. If the material is still not understood the student is encouraged to
ask the teacher when a good time would be to meet and then meet with the teacher during that

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