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UPC: B101
COURSE: B.A Hons. (English)
Mode: Annual
Paper title: English Literature - 1
Marks: 75

Time limit: 2=1 hours (One hour is reserved for downloading paper, and scanning and
uploading of answer-sheets)

Answer and THREE (3) of the following questions.
Each question carries 25 marks.
Write each answer between 750-1000 words

1. Discuss Dr. Faustus as a morality play.

2. Shakespeare’s Othello challenges stereotypes with respect to gender and race.
3. Examine disguise as a metaphor in Shakespeare’s As You like It.
4. What are the views on marriage that are presented in the Wife of Bath’s Prologue and
5. Comment on the concept of courtly love in the poems of one of the poets in this
6. Discuss human nature as a theme with respect to one of the units of this paper.

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