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"Maintaining customers on a long term: Tips and tricks"

1. How to attract new companies and make them buy.

   1.1. Finding the weak spot of the customer.
   1.2. Make the customer dreams come true. (check new arrivals part# requests)
2. The secret of a long term partnership in business.
   2.1. Set clear expectations.
   2.2. Consider your partner a part of your team and give him room to grow.
3. Customer loyalty strategies.
   3.1. Being friend with the customer it's never a bad thing.
   3.2. Customer service is the key to customer satisfaction.
   3.3. Talk to your customers, listen to them and collect feedback. (Survey)
4. Success achieved. (Exemple de clienti evoluati)

1.1 It’s all about products. You must first try to be helpful when building relationships with
prospective clients. It’s all about providing valuable content, engaging people to build a
relationship, being a good listener and making sure you are a trusted resource before you attempt to
sell anything.

1.2 Focus On a Specific Customer Develop a detailed customer profile. Who is your customer?
How does she live? Is she married with children or a single working professional? Is she a Baby
Boomer or Millennial? Create a mental image of her, and make sure your marketing messages and
content speak specifically to her. Remember – if everybody can use your product or service, no one

Mai intii trebuie sa ne punem in locul clientilor, trebuie sa ne gindim lafel ca clientii nostri, este
important pentru noi ca vinzatori sa stim cum gindesc clientii nostri. Doar in acest fel putem pune
bazele pentru relatii de business in viitor. Trebuie sa ne punem niste puncte de atingere care sunt
realizabile si realistice insa si destul de inalte pentru a depune efort pentru a le atinge. Nimic nu
poate inlocui experienta de interactionare directa cu o companie. Cind clientii iti put vedea
produsele in fata lor, doar atunci ei vor simti o legatura mai strinsa decit daca iti vor citi doar
mesajele. Nici un client nu doreste sa se simta doar un numar printre multii alti clienti. Acesta este
unul dintre punctele forte a businessurilor mici care lipseste de obicei in companiile mari, insa noi
stim bine ca noi reprezentam compania si suntem insasi mici businessuri pentru clientii nostri
pentru ca noi ii stim mult mai bine decit alte persoane din companie. Lafel cu cit mai multi clienti o
persoana are cu atit devine mai greu sa mentii o conexiume mai strinsa.

Be decisive.
Clients au increderea ca voi sunteti experti in ceea ce priveste domeniul nostru de lucru. NU iti poti
permite sa fii nesigur pe ceea ce este mai bun pentru clientul tau! Increderea ta trebuie sa iasa din
discutiile voastre cu clientii, deaceea este bine sa evitam utilizarea cuvintului “daca” in emailuri sau
sunete. Analizati cele ce vor fi vorbite inainte sa incepeti o conversatie pentru a avea toate
raspunsurile lan de mina.

Be realistic and do not over promise.

Este bine sa promiti mai putin si sa produci mai mult, in medie clientii nesatisfacuti vor impartasi
experienta lor cu 20 sau mai multe persoane, pe cind clientii satisfacuti se vor impartasi cu 3 sau
mai multi oameni.
Be clear and transparent.
Afirmati clar cu ce va ocupati si cum va livrati serviciile, si ce anume clientii ar trebui sa se astepte
de la voi. Loialitatea clientilor creste deasemenea in baza modalitatii abordarii problemelor lor.
Majoritatea clientilor nefericiti se transforma in clienti loiali atunci daca rezolvarea problemele lor
au fost satisfacute in exces. (Explicarea formarii preturilor).

Mentinerea clientilor este o parte mare din industria serviciilor pentru ca un client existent este mult
mai profitabil in comparatie cu un client now avind in vedere ca clientul existent este mai usor de

2.2 Identifying opportunities proactively.

Nu asteptati ca clientii vostri sa va spuna ce altceva sar putea de imbunatatit. Veniti voi cu idei la
clienti si explicatile clientilor cum ar putea scoate un profit mai mare din bugetul lor, asta va
demonstra clientilor vostri ca va pasa de investitia lor in companie ajutindui in acest mod sa creasca
si ei la rindul. (Shipping discounts, contracte de livrare).

3.1 Call your clients regularly.

Communication makes everything easier. Schedule periodical calls with your customers to share
updates about how things are going and to ask how happy they are with your services on a scale
from 1-10, 10 being best. If they do not give you a 10, do not ask why but ask what it would take to
make it a 10. If they give you a 10, ask what they particularly appreciate.

Create valuable content.

Share new market insights, your opinion on the matter, and opportunities that your clients might not
be aware of yet. Generating valuable content shows that you are on top of your game and improves
brand awareness. Clients will also be likely to share your content or recommend your services to
their connections based on publicly available content.

Reply to your emails promptly.

You should always reply to your emails within 24 hours. If possible, within one hour. It is much
more effective to reply saying that you received an email and that you will reply as soon as possible
instead of waiting several hours and responding with a long detailed email. Quick response times
show that if something important comes up you are always on top of your inbox.

Add a personal touch.

Adding a personal touch to the relationship such as a hand written Christmas card or an email about
your work anniversary. It shows that you care and enforces your position as the top of mind choice
for your customers.
Make your customers feel important. Call your customers by name. Ask about their families,
vacation plans, additions to the family. Acknowledge their accomplishments. Know what is
happening in your community!

Being friend with the customer it's never a bad thing.

Be honest as much as possible with them. Remember that honesty is one of the most important
things you need when it comes to your customer. If you really want the great relationship with your
customers, you need to become something more in their eyes. So, why not your company become
their best friend. Inform them in timely about most important things in your company. You need to
continuously inform them and stay in contact with your customers. If you don’t do this, they will
easily forget you and your company. Implement two-way communication channels in all your
communication tools. Probably you already use different communication channels to communicate
with your customers. But, check if all of them have the possibility of two-way communication. You
don’t want you, customers, to not have the possibility to communicate with you when they want to
communicate, not you. Be one of them. Simply be and show them that you are not different from
them. Become one of them and part of their own crowd. Trust is important for the development of
strong and long-term customer relationship. Contact your customers on regular basis. You don’t
want they forget you.
3.2 Customer service is the key to customer satisfaction.
a) Nu toti clientii sunt lafel, fiecare client are necesitatile sale individuale si ei lafel doresc sa fie
tratati cu un pic de “personal touch” care ii face sa nu sa se simta ca un numar printre alti clienti,
comunicati in maniera in care clientii vostri doresc sa comunice. Unii clienti prefera sa primeasca
stock odata pe saptamina, altii in fiecare dimineata, altii prefera sa fie sunati la fiecare New Arrivals
iar altii doresc de ex sa primeasca liste exclusiv cu liste cu produse tintite spre ei.
NU pierdeti timpul clientilor, fiecare e ocupat si nimic nu face un client sa se simta mai frustrat
decit atunci cind el simte ca i se pierde timpul. Clientilor nu le place sa repete necesitatile lor pentru
ca noi sa le memoram sa sa ne prefacem ca “da azi tin minte a zecea oara” Timpul clientului e lafel
de important precum si al nostru !
b) Customer service is the key to customer satisfaction.
Chiar si cel mai loial client poate avea probleme. Atunci cind clientul cere ajutor este important sa
oferim acelasi prietenor si atent service precum o facem vinzind produse))) ne luind in consideratie
cite comenzi a facut acesta pina atunci. Insa daca un client de baza are probleme este necesar sa ne
concentram asupra lui pentru a evita pierderea cuiva care face cumparaturi regulat. Fiti siguri ca
primiti feedbackul clientilor si ca iti monitorizezi pozitia ta in fata clientului astfel vei evita frica
altor potentiali clienti de a cumpara de la tine. Servise-ul clientilor este cheia catre satisfactia
3.3 Value your client's point-of-view.
Clients are experts in their field as you are in yours. You need to listen to ideas and inputs from
your clients because they have worked with their own customers longer than you and can make
your efforts more efficient. If you are providing a service to an end-customer, listen to their needs
and personalize your service to their liking. Listen carefully when your customers are speaking to
you. Try to give your customers your undivided attention. Multi-tasking is often perceived as being
rude. When customers are in front of you, make eye contact. If you are on the telephone, customers
can hear the click-clack of keyboards. Make sure the click-clack they hear is relative to your
conversation with them.

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