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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje


Modalidad - Virtual

Actividad de ingles

Presentado por la Aprendiz

Carlos Ahumada Castellar

Tecnología Gestión de Mercados

Presentado al Instructor(a)
1. Match the Word with the corresponding meaning:

a. Supply Expensive
b. Demand Desire to buy any product
c. High price All people
d. Mass market The lifetime of goods and services.
e. Life cycle Disposition to offer products

2. According to the text, mention the things people take into account to
determine the demand.

The market is key to any investment that is made with the intention of generating
income and profits. The measure of demand for a product or service will be the
number of people who buy or use it. No project aimed at generating income can
sustain itself if it fails to respond to market demands. This means that, when a
product is made or a service is provided and it is placed on the market, the product
must meet the characteristics that users seek, in terms of volume, price,
packaging, quality, and seasonal offer, among other factors. If this is achieved, the
product or service is sold and the money generated is used to continue operations
and to cover the costs of the investment.

Assessing the demand (existing or potential) for a proposed service or product

should therefore be the first step taken to determine whether or not an investment
is feasible.

3. Write F for false or T for true

a. Production cost depends on Technology

F() V (x)

b. As greater the expectations are, the lower will be the offer from
the companies.

F (x ) V ( )
c. One of the four Ps of marketing mix is Package

F ( x) V ( )

d. Price is the amount a customer pays for the product

F ( ) V ( x)

e. Planning is to transform and develop marketing

objectives to marketing strategies

F ( ) V (x )

4. Answer the following questions

a. What is Benchmarking?

R/ Benchmarking is a continuous process by which the products, services or work

processes of leading companies are taken as a reference, to compare them with
those of their own company and subsequently make improvements and implement

It is not about copying what your competition is doing, but rather learning what
leaders are doing to implement it in your company by adding improvements. If we
take as reference those who excel in the area we want to improve and study their
strategies, methods and techniques to improve and adapt our company, we will
achieve a high level of competitiveness.

b. What is the process of Benchmarking?

R/ it is the process of measuring the performance of a company's product or

service, or the processes against those of other businesses that are considered the
best in the industry, that is, “the best in class

c. Number the aspects to be taken into account in Benchmarking:

 Set the starting points.

Identify the business activity, business lines, companies, etc., to be evaluated and
analyzed. In other words, focus on the competition to be followed. What aspects
will be taken into account, what you will understand and what resources are
necessary for such research.
 Set up the team.

Select the people who will form this team and who will be responsible for this
evaluation and analysis of the competition. Provide them with the necessary
conditions and resources for said study and define the actions of each member

 Establish the sources of information.

You must define which channels will be appropriate to obtain this information from
the competition. It can be considered from the workers of the companies being
evaluated, advisers, third parties of these companies, public sources of their
activity, etc.

 Analysis of the information obtained.

Once the information flow begins, it is only necessary to collect and analyze this
information. Know how to work with these data so that later on you can develop a
strategy with those points.

5. Write the vocabulary (20 words) from the reading, and make a
Glossary: Organize the words in alphabetic order and write the meaning of
each word.

 Activity Set of tasks or steps that must be taken to achieve the intended
objective. Every activity must have a specific product. Activity is also called
each of the actions with which the development of a project is specified
 Goal. Quantitative expression of a goal, states the magnitude or degree of
achievement of a goal in a given time.
 Mission. It is the purpose or reason for the existence of an organization or
institution, it describes what it does at present
 Mission objective. Global intentional statement of what an organization or
institution is committed to offering to its recipients.
 Tactical planning. Tactical planning, also known as operational planning,
deals with the selection of the means and resources by which specific short-
term objectives are to be achieved, for example one year
 Priority. It is the fact of granting a greater amount of resources to attend to
the resolution of a problem or the satisfaction of a need, or assigning more
importance to a certain sector and / or territory due to its relationship with
the objectives set in the planning.
 Comfort zone. The areas in which one feels safe, without threats; the
routine, the terrain already known for our perceptual focus.
 Vision. It is a statement that describes what an organization or institution
would like to become in the future.
 Tracing. Mechanism to regularly evaluate the situation of the program,
observing if the activities were carried out, how they were planned and if
they gave the expected results
 Draft. Set of concrete, interrelated and coordinated activities, carried out in
order to produce certain goods and services capable of satisfying needs or
solving problems.
 Draft budget. Annual estimate or forecast of the income and expenses that
will be necessary for the development of the functions of an institution, entity
or university unit.
 Accountability. It is the responsibility of communicating to the society or
authorized audiences about the justification of the decisions made and the
results and consequences produced, depending on the use of resources
destined to an institution or organization for the fulfillment of its mission.
 Budget. It is the set of monetary resources available by the institution or
organization, distributed by programs. A budget lists the detailed cost of
each program.
 Procedures Also known as Standard Operating Procedures, they are a
series of sequential steps, or techniques, that describe in detail how a
particular task will be performed. Typically, the procedures detail the various
activities that must be conducted in order to achieve the objective (s) of a
 Processes. They are the methods, activities and programs; that is, the
"how" inputs will be used to produce the results.
 Products. The results produced by the organization based on the use of the
inputs and the processes to generate them.
 Program. It is a statement of the activities or steps necessary for the
realization of an objective (s) of a plan. Generally, programs are guided by a
strategic objective and may involve restructuring the organization or
institution as a whole or its functional units.
 Action program. Set of activities articulated through the following phases or
moments: Formulation of goals and objectives to be achieved within a given
period. Determination of the means to achieve the established goals and
 Prospective. A planning approach in which the objectives that guide the
planning action are based on long-term projections of demand and supply,
from which the medium and short-term goals are defined.
 Paradigm. The limits of a system and the set of operating rules used to
operate in it.
 Supplies. They are the starting ingredients or conditions used by an
organization or institution to achieve its mission objectives.

6. Write a ten lines text that summarizes the topic of the activity

R/ The most affordable definition of supply that I know of is the quantity of good
or service that the seller puts up for sale. This good or service can be bicycles,
hours of driving lessons, candy or anything else that comes to mind.

Demand is the amount of a good or service that people want to buy. Almost all
human beings on the planet demand a good or a service, gold, rice, orange
juice, higher education ... However, the most interesting thing about supply and
demand is how they interact with each other.

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