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Календарно – тематическое планирование по английскому языку 2 класс

Н.И.Быкова, Дж.Дули, М.Д.Поспелова, В.Эванс

«Spotlight 2 (Английский в фокусе - 2)», издательство «Просвещение», 2016г.
(68 ч., 2 часа в неделю)
№ урока п/п Месяц Тема урока Фонетика Лексика Лексические и
учебника/ №
п/п урока грамматические
модуля структуры
1-7/1-6 сентябрь Let’s Go! Алфавит (буквы и Активная: Hello! I’m … My name is … .
(a-c) My Letters! соответствующие Goodbye! Yes, no. Well What’s your name?
(d-e) Letter Blends! им звуки). done! How are you? Fine,
(f) Big and Small Буквосочетания: Пассивная: everyone; thanks.
sh, ch, th, ph. Come in and get ready;
Заглавные буквы Come on, everyone;
алфавита. Let’s go; Open your
book at page …; ant,
bed, cat, dog, egg, flag,
glass, horse, ink, jug,
kangaroo, lamp, mouse,
nest, orange, pin, queen,
rabbit, snake, tree,
umbrella, vest, window,
box, yacht, zip; sheep,
fish, ship, chick, cheese;
thumb, thimble, this, the
8-15/1-4 октябрь Вводный модуль: Активная: Nanny This is …
Hello! My Family! Shine, Lulu, Larry, I’m …
Модуль 1: My Home! Chuckles, sister; What’s this? – It’s a … .
(1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) children, friend, stand Where’s …? –
up, sit down, open your S/he’s in … .
books, close your Are you in the …?
books; mummy, daddy,
grandma, grandpa,
brother; red, yellow,
green, white, blue,
colour; tree house,
chair, table, radio, bed,
home, garden, kitchen,
bedroom, house, black,
brown, he, she.
Пассивная: Keep
moving, we’re all at
school today. Let’[s
sing and do! Who’s
this? Family, now, OK.
Look! Meet my family;
Grandma and grandpa
are coming for tea.
What colour is it? Show
me (red), What’s this?
It’s lovely; That’s nice;
There are lots of colours
for you to see! For you
and me! What’s in your
tree house, Masha?
Come here! Bathroom,
Quick! Looking at you
and me, Is he in the
16-22/5-11 ноябрь Модуль 1: My Home! Активная: living Is … in the …? No, s/he
room, bathroom, bath, isn’t. Yes, s/he is.
window, floor, door; the Have got
UK, Russia, bird house,
green house, country
house, love, village;
mouse, mice, like, town,
Пассивная: clean,
outside, chimney, as tall
as can be, smoke,
footprints, hall, wall,
stairs, bubbles, naughty,
Close/open your eyes! I
spy with my little eye
something … Box
telephone, match-boxes,
paper clips, toothpick, a
long piece of string;
garden gnome, grow,
fruit, vegetable, flowers,
people, their, them, You
can see. Bare, but, very,
small, want, Oh dear!
Welcome to my house!
23-29/1-7 декабрь Модуль 2: My Активная: How old are you? I’m
Birthday! (4a, 4b, 5a, Числительные от 1 до eight.
5b, 6a, 6b, Portfolio, 10, birthday, candles, What’s your favourite
Fun At School) party, happy, sad, food? My favourite food
Happy Birthday (to is … .
you)! Burgers, chips, I like/don’t like
apples, banana, (burgers) … .
sandwiches, chocolate, I’ve got …
yummy, cake, biscuit,
ice cream, pizza, milk,
orange juice, chocolate
cake, to, from.
Пассивная: today,
surprise, up, down,
Look at the cake. Count
the candles. How many
candles? What are they?
Give me more! My
favourite food is
chocolate! That’s what I
like. Yes, please. What
has he got? What’s on
the table? Hurry, hurry.
Here you are. Party hat,
paper plate, coloured
paper, paint, markers,
crayons, scissors, glue.
30-37/1-4 январь Модуль 2: My Активная: fish and I can (jump) like a
Birthday! chips, dish, popular, pie, (frog). I can … too.
Модуль 3: My chicken, bread, meat, Can you jump? Yes, I
Animals! (7a, 7b, 8a, pretty, yuk; animal, fish, can. No, I can’t.
8b) frog, bird, chimp, horse,
swim, jump, sing, run,
dance, climb, fly, boy,
Пассивная: typical,
dumplings, kebab,
curry, place, bees,
honey, come along;
drinks, Food’s ready,
What can a fish do? Just
like this. Out in the sun;
Chuckles, where are
you? Chuckles in the
38-44/5-11 февраль Модуль 3: My Активная: clown, Can/can’t
Animals! circus, magician, swing,
funny; pet, clever.
Пассивная: all day, of
course, like this. Is it
…? Jelly, gums, any
other, clear plastic cups,
bowl; crazy about …,
especially, story,
sheepdog, lie, medals,
Have you got …? Real,
good, must, dream, over
45-50/1-6 март Модуль 4: My Toys! Активная: toy, teddy Предлоги места (on,
(10a, 10b, 11a, 11b, bear, toy soldier, in, under).
12a, 12b) ballerina, pink, shelf, I’ve got …
on, under, in, toy box, S/he’s got …
his, doll; dark hair, What have you got?
nose, eyes, mouth, ears, S/he hasn’t got …
fair hair, puppet, jack-
in-the-box, big, small,
It’s got … .
Пассивная: find,
What’s the matter? I
don’t know. What about
the teddy bear? Toys for
me! Toys for everyone!
We’re all having fun! Is
it under the book? Feet,
hands, toes, I haven’t
got … . What am I?
Touch (your eyes).
Look in my toy box.
He’s wonderful! Is it
your teddy bear? Don’t
be sad! What has Lulu
got? Roll up, fall off,
yoyo, there’ll be, Has it
got big eyes? What
colour are its eyes?
51-59/1-4 апрель Модуль 4: My Toys! Активная: cute, Great What’s the weather
Модуль 5: My Britain, picture, take, like?
Holidays! (13a, 13b, wear; great, help; jacket, It’s sunny/hot/raining!
14a, 14b) coat, shorts, hat, put on, I’m (s/he’s) wearing …
take off, holiday, socks, It’s windy/ cold!
jeans, T-shirt, shoes,
skirt, island, magic.
Пассивная: Pip,
Squeak Wilfred; all
kinds of, clothes, shop,
different, souvenir,
wooden; plenty, take a
seat; boat, summer, I’m
wearing; It’s raining
cats and dogs! So, go
out to play, beginning
with … Just for you!
Don’t worry! We’re
sailing away on a magic
60-68/5-11 май Модуль 5: My Активная: flowers,
Holidays! music, summer, autumn,
winter, spring, sun,
beach, cool, camp,
beautiful, song, warm,
go to …
Пассивная: We’re
having lots of fun.
We’re playing in the
sun. Set sail, us, join,
starfish, together,
rhymes, get on board,
wait, forever, talk;
cardboard, ruler, a pair
of compasses
(циркуль), watch;
southwest, south, north,
pick, seaside; shabby, I
don’t like it here! This
is no place for a country
mouse! I’m staying at

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