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Construct four dialogues involving the expression using conditional sentence!

1. You have national football competition tomorrow. Today, there are many school duties that should
be submitted tomorrow. The fact that you can finish your duty before the match begins. Make a
dialogue using conditional sentence type 2 inside.

2. Two days ago, an art teacher gave you homework to make a hand-made art. With, a rush time you
had, you tried to do it as good as possible. Finally, you can submit it on time. Make a dialogue using
conditional sentence type 3 inside.

3. In rainy season, there are many puddles on the road that have caused accidents occurred. The fact
that there is no any attention from government toward this case. Make a dialogue using conditional
sentence type 2 inside.

4. Pollution is a major problem happened in Jakarta. One of causes is coming from the increase of
private car users who are reluctant to use public transportation when they want to go to their offices.
Make a dialogue using conditional sentence type 3 inside.

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