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Duties or Responsibilities

Directions: Read each scenario below and decide if what

happens is a duty or a responsibility.
1.When Mike turned 18, he registered with the selective
service. His friends tease him and told him he was a man
now. If drafted by the government, Mike must serve in the
armed services. Is this a duty or responsibility?
2.Maria loved to debate with her friends. She enjoyed
watching the news about the upcoming political election.
She was so excited about turning18 and being able to vote.
She could not wait to use her voice to vote. Is this a duty or
a responsibility?
3.Megan is Maria’s friend. She also likes politics. She
volunteers at the townhall in the mayor’s office. Is this a duty
or a responsibility?
4. Andre received a letter summoning him to show up to
court. He had to take a day off of work to go to the
courthouse. When his supervisor asked why he was taking
the day off, he told him he had jury duty. Is this a duty or a
5.Randy was tired of driving around the many potholes on
his street. He wrote a petition to the local government to
repair the street. He hopes his petition will convince the city
officials to repair the streets. Is this a duty or a
6.Keisha just got a new job. She was so excited. For two
weeks, she waited patiently for her paycheck. When she
picked up her check, there was money missing. She asked
her boss about the missing money. He told her the missing
money is where she paid taxes to the government. Is this a
duty or a responsibility?

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