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Does globalization increase cultural homogeneity or does it lead to greater

diversity and heterogeneity?

On my point of view, globalization increases the growth of cultural heterogeneity

instead of cultural homogeneity, because of the arguments given:
1. People of a certain country are drawn to western – based products, beliefs
and practices rather than patronizing their own, a focus on colonial mentality
and other western behavioral influence;
2. People would believe that western cultures and traditions are far more
superior than that of eastern and southern cultures;
3. Brought about by the influence of cultural globalization, terrorism and other
forms of anti-western group revolutions arises
For the first argument, people of a certain geographic area are very drawn to
western – based products, beliefs and practices rather than patronizing their own.
One of the most compelling evidences is the so-called ‘colonial mentality.’
According to David and Okazaki (2006), colonial mentality is defined as the
ethnic and cultural inferiority which takes form in valuing the attitudes, beliefs, and
behaviors of the dominant/colonizing culture over one’s indigenous culture. It is a form
of internalized racial oppression, where a person internally incorporates this idea that
they are less than another person or entity. On Filipinos, this involves an automatic and
uncritical rejection of anything Filipino and an automatic and uncritical preference for
anything American or white; it is further identified that there are at least five indicators of
colonial mentality among Filipinos: feelings of inferiority for being Filipino; feelings of
shame, embarrassment, resentment, or self-hate about being a person of Filipino
heritage; denigration of the Filipino body (regarding white physical characteristics as
more attractive, advantageous, and desirable than typical Filipino physical traits such as
brown skin and flat nose); discriminating against less-Westernized Filipinos (e.g.,
making fun of people from the provinces—“Promdi”—or indigenous peoples and
regarding them as “backward”); and tolerating or minimizing historical and
contemporary oppression of Filipinos (because such oppression is accepted as the
appropriate cost of civilization).
An application to this argument is that Filipinos tend to attract 'white' people.’
According to an article written by Jethro Aranas (2020), from his paper entitled, “The
Impacts and Influences of Western Thoughts to Filipinos,” Filipino Western girls prefer
to date white men only. Most of them do not like to date Filipino men who live in the
West. Another is, patronizing western-based food products such as spam, starbucks,
Vienna sausages and many more rather than using Filipino-made foods, or another is
the influence of Korean culture on food such as the well-known “Samgyeopsal” rather
than eating Filipino cuisines such as sinigang, adobo, lechon, kinilaw and many more.
The second argument implies that people would believe that western cultures
and traditions are far more superior than that of eastern and southern cultures;

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