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Circular motion

1. In the following examples name the force that is providing the centripetal force and draw it
on the diagram.
(a) A runner running round a circular track.

(b) A car on a rollercoaster.

2. A 2kg mass travels in a circle of radius 50cm. If the time for one revolution is 2s calculate:
(a) The angular velocity of the mass

(b) The centripetal acceleration of the mass

(c) The centripetal force of the mass

3. A ball rolls around the inside of a vertical cylinder as shown. Indentify the force that stops it
from falling down.


© Chris Hamper, InThinking 1

Topic 6.1a Circular Motion Problems

Conceptual Questions
(These questions are not in an IB style but instead designed to check your understanding of the concept of this topic. You should
try your best to appropriately communicate your answer using prose)

1. Sometimes people say that water is removed from clothes in a spin-dryer by centrifugal force
throwing the water outward. What is wrong with this statement?

2. A girl is whirling a ball on a string around her head in a horizontal plane. She wants to let go at
precisely the right time so that the ball will hit a target on the other side of the yard. When should
she let go of the string?

3. A bucket of water can be whirled in a vertical circle without the water spilling out, even at the top
of the circle when the bucket is upside-down. Explain.

Topic 6.1a Circular Motion Problems

Calculation-based Questions
1. Calculate the centripetal acceleration of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun, and the net force
exerted on the Earth. What exerts this force on the Earth? Assume that the Earth’s orbit is a circle
of radius 1.5x1011m. You may need to look other constants up on the Internet or data booklet.
[3 marks]

2. A horizontal force of 210N is exerted on a 2.0kg discus as it rotates uniformly in a horizontal circle
(at arm’s length) of radius 0.90m. Calculate the speed of the discus.

[2 marks]

3. Suppose the space shuttle in orbit 400km from the Earth’s surface, and circles the Earth about once
every 90 minutes. Find the centripetal acceleration of the space shuttle in its orbit. Express your
answer in terms of g, the gravitational acceleration at the Earth’s surface. You may need to look up
some other constants on the Internet.

[3 marks]


4. A flat puck (mass M) is rotated in a circle on a frictionless air-hockey tabletop, and is held in its orbit
by a light cord connected to a dangling block (mass m) through a central hole as shown below.
Show that the speed of the puck is given by

[2 marks]

5. A 0.45kg ball, attached to the end of a horizontal cord, is rotated in a circle of radius 1.3m on a
frictionless horizontal surface. If the cord will break when the tension in it exceeds 75N, what is the
maximum speed the ball can have?
[2 marks]

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