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Anne Christine C. Dela Cruz Mr.

Robert Baguio
11 – Luna CN: 9 Critique Paper # 1

Sudden exposure to warm water causes instant behavioural

responses indicative of nociception or pain in Atlantic salmon
Nilsson, J., Moltumyr, L., Madaro, A., Kristiansen, T. S., Gasnes, S. K., Mejdell, C. M.
Gismervik, K., Stien, L. H. (2019)

A. Drivers and Thesis

The article describes how thermal delousing, the most used delousing method
used in delousing lice in salmonid aquaculture, harms the aquatic life, especially the
fishes. The researchers have stated that for the past years, thermal delousing has been
promoted and describe as an environmentally friendly method of delousing, since it only
uses heated water. But other researchers have also argued that using that method actually
harms the fishes. Certain temperature could cause death for some aquatic animals, if not,
it could cause some damaged with their tissues after treatments were practiced.

The study also explained if aquatic animals, specifically Atlantic salmons, could
feel pain. Further explaining that since fishes are included in the group of “animals” that
are rightfully protected under the law, fishes are entitled to not be harmed during and
after any treatment done by any institutions concerned in the field.

The study also concludes that after a lot of observations, fishes after such
treatments portrays and shows unusual behaviors, resulting to the researchers listed above
to investigate and question what is wrong with the current most popular delousing

The study was done in a systematic manner. The researchers have taken note of
the different temperatures the sample Atlantic salmons were, then observations and
contrasts were listed and interpreted.

B. Conceptual Framework

The article should be able to explain how using thermal delousing as a method of
delousing lice in aquaculture could possibly benefit or harm the Atlantic salmons. After
the said treatment was given, the researchers should be able to enumerate the behaviors
of the subjects. They should be also able to judge if thermal delousing causes unwanted
pain or nociception to these fishes and declare if thermal delousing is an environmentally
friendly method in aquaculture or if mechanical methods and chemical baths are better
and more beneficial.

behavior Atlantic salmon

Thermal delousing nociception/


C. Statements of the Problem

The general problem of this study is the effects of using thermal delousing as a
delousing method in aquaculture. The specific underlying problems are as follows: (1)
Does using heated water in aquaculture harms the life and growth of Atlantic salmon? (2)
How does varying temperature moves the result of the operations practiced? (3) Is
thermal delousing an effective and safe delousing method recommended for use in

D. Discussion of Results

The results show that when the chosen salmon fishes were transferred in the
experimental tanks, immediate results and observations were seen and observed. It was
stated that after they were transferred, fishes at higher temperatures showed bigger and
greater reactions with their unfamiliar surroundings.

Fishes at lower temperature were able to adjust with their new surroundings after
half a minute from transfer, while those at higher temperature tanks would swim
constantly at high speeds, show unusual behavior until come a time they would just stop

The results also discuss how fishes would show thermal tolerance. When they
were exposed to higher temperature suddenly, injury and death would come at faster rate.
But when temperature was adjusted or when heat was added gradually, better adjustment
and tolerance by the fishes could be observed. But still, the former statement only
continues until the fishes could tolerate and withstand such high temperatures, they were
exposed in.
E. Implication of Findings

Acknowledging the harm that using thermal delousing as a method of delousing

method in aquaculture could possibly prevent the damage and harm it could cause to
aquatic animals, specifically to the tested subjects, the Atlantic salmons.
This kind of salmons have lived in waters with cold temperature for almost all
their lives. Due to human introduction, many have adjusted in living in the Pacific Ocean.
Farming of these fishes is a common thing to do, especially in the location of the
investigation, Norway. The researchers have been concerned of the possible harm
thermal delousing could bring both the in environment and the health of an individual

Preventing such occasions and situations may limit the harm the salmons can
experience. By finding alternative methods in delousing and using limited thermal
delousing may help the growth and development of the Atlantic salmons, answering the
argument between how thermal delousing harms the aquatic animals or not.

F. Conclusions

The article concludes that using thermal delousing as a method in delousing to

remove lice in aquaculture may harm the life, health and growth of Atlantic salmon. The
conclusion was based and derived from the observations of the behaviors, activities and
reactions the subjected fishes showed after they were transferred in the experimental

The researchers have also stated that Atlantic salmons showed varying reactions
depending on the amount of heat they were exposed in. The former statement thus
conclude that fishes were harmed and could experienced death at certain temperatures
their body weir exposed in. Their thermal tolerance also depends on how they were
exposed to the higher temperatures; if suddenly, the chance of getting injured or
experiencing death is higher, if gradually, then some fishes could still adjust and show
thermal tolerance until they no longer can.

G. Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the effect of using thermal delousing, a method in delousing
to remove live in aquaculture, on the health and growth of Atlantic salmons. They have
specifically enumerated the harms and possible behaviors the salmons would show if
exposed to heated waters and higher temperatures. They research have not further explore
the effect of using this method to other aquatic animals.
Besides that, the researchers have investigated on the Norwegian farms that grows
Atlantic salmons, salmons and fishes at other locations could possibly have different
reactions to thermal delousing and show different results.

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