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Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov

Baza Didactica Service

Str. Castelului, nr. 148, Brasov
LPS 3000 PKW
Vehicle type: p Diesel-Motor / Turbo charger (air-cooled)
License plate: Automatic transmission
diesel, auto, 002

Measurement date: 04.06.2020 (10:14) Page 1


P-wheel [kW]
P-drag [kW]
P-norm [kW]
MMorm [Nm]





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 50000

n [rpm]

Power data Ambient data

Corrected power 1) PNorm 87,2 kW / 118,6 BHP Ambient temperature TAmbient 21,2 °C
Engine power PEng 86,4 kW / 117,5 BHP Intake air temperature TIntake air 20,9 °C
Wheel power PWheel 63,5 kW / 86,4 BHP Relative humidity HAir 53,9 %
Drag power PDrag 22,9 kW / 31,1 BHP Air pressure pAir 936,5 hPa
Max. power at 3535 rpm / 179,6 km/h Steam pressure pSteam 13,6 hPa
Torque 1) MMorm 240,5 Nm Oil temperature TOil 89,0 °C
Max. Torque at 1835 rpm / 93,4 km/h Fuel temperature TFuel ----,- °C
Max. attained RPM 4150 rpm / 210,8 km/h
1) Correction acc. to ISO 1585 (fm = 0,30)
Correction factors: QV = 0,00 %, PVA = 0,00 kW

Slip Rotating mass

Speed no load vno load ----,- km/h Average delay run down 1 a1 ---,--- m/s2
RPM no load nno load ----- rpm Average Brake force run down 1 F1 -----,- N
Speed full load vfull load ----,- km/h Average delay run down 2 a2 ---,--- m/s2
RPM full load nfull load ----- rpm Average brake force run down 2 F2 -----,- N
Slip ---,-- % Force of the rotating mass Frot-total -----,- N
Rotating total mass mrot-total 310,0 kg
Rotating test stand mass mrot-dyno 250,0 kg
Rotating vehicle mass mrot-vehicle 60,0 kg
LPS 3000 PKW V 4.00.001 (27.07.2017) (100/000/0000/000/0000) LPS-EURO V1.37.010

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