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The rise of violence in Indonesia lately is a quite worrying nation problem.

This shows that

acts of violence are ingrained or entrenched in Indonesian society. As if all problems could
be resolved by means of violence, a little bit of hitting, vigilante, kroyokan, and other
"pretentious" actions. According to Michael Crosby, the cycle of violence is the fruit of any
coercion that causes injury. The coercion and injury can be physical or psychological,
personal or communal, and psychological or sociological.

As Indonesia ages, the culture of violence is increasingly prevalent in various aspects of the
nation's life. Starting from the social, political, economic, cultural, educational, even
religious aspects. In fact, information often circulates regarding various cases of violence in
the world of education, especially in semi-military schools. Ironically, recently, there have
been many cases of violence in the name (under the guise of) religion.

Three words, tragic and ironic. It is shameful that in this country which is said to love peace,
it is as if violence has become an infotainment that is presented by the media almost every
day in various attractive packages. Its attractive packaging seems to encourage people to
commit new acts of violence in more innovative forms. This culture of violence has now
manifested itself in various forms, ranging from brawls between students, brawls between
football supporters, clashes between villagers, to acts of terrorism that often impersonate
religion. Even recently, acts of violence began to boom by a young man against his lover.

The cases that have been mentioned above are not sufficient to describe how a culture of
violence has ensnared the joints of this nation's life. If we think abo

Violence against children is a phenomenon that has long been feared that it will damage the
individual's mentality. According to Riana, the Chairperson of KPAI, bullying (acts of
violence) have almost occurred in many schools for years. Suicide cases experienced by
some school students are partly due to bullying experienced by children. This fact is clearly
concerning because the impact is tremendous, especially for the victims
( In addition, violent behavior against children is behavior
that violates the standard of general values that apply in society, namely Law No. 23 of 2002
concerning Child Protection, Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning PKDRT, Law No. 21 of 2007
concerning Actions. Criminal Trafficking in Persons and the Convention on the Rights of the
Child so that it requires a solution. Education experts, community leaders, and the
government have stated that violence against children is a community disease that must be
eradicated because it can damage the joints of people's lives. The research results of Adi et
al. (2006) show that violence received by children can have a negative impact on children's
growth and development. Children who experience violence will get psychological disorders
such as children feeling afraid and anxious, becoming less confident, inferior or feeling
insignificant in their environment so that they are not motivated to realize their potential.
The research results of Adi et al. (2006) show that violence received by children can have a
negative impact on children's growth and development. Children who experience violence
will get psychological disorders such as children feeling afraid and anxious, becoming less
confident, inferior or feeling insignificant in their environment so that they are not
motivated to realize their potential. The research results of Adi et al. (2006) show that
violence received by children can have a negative impact on children's growth and
development. Children who experience violence will get psychological disorders such as
children feeling afraid and anxious, becoming less confident, inferior or feeling insignificant
in their environment so that they are not motivated to realize their potential.

Many cases have started with disagreements leading to acts of violence; see domestic
violence usually starts from disagreements. Likewise, a disagreement about a bill may have
the potential to become a riot between pro and contra groups, for example the RUU-APP.
Violence and / or physical conflict are felt to be very detrimental to one of the parties, even
both. Violence is not only considered unable to solve the problem properly and completely,
but also costs a lot of money that should have been used to improve the people's welfare
(see how much it cost the government to solve the Aceh conflict?).

The general public at large are no longer able to accept acts of violence that violate human
rights. In the life of social organizations, whether social, economic or political, efforts to
achieve goals by using force or based on mere muscle strength are out of date. Resolving a
difference / conflict requires dialogue and deliberation through lobbying and negotiation,
although sometimes it was tough and took a relatively long time (see the Aceh conflict
which lasted for decades).

Today the lobbying process is lobbying; both at the local, national and international levels,
which are all global, are becoming increasingly important, because the use of arbitrary
power or violence to obtain concessions or agreements can no longer be accepted or
considered legitimate. In this relationship, lobbying and negotiation can be a solution to
prevent the development of conflicts that occur in the life of society, nation and state,
including international relations in a global orbit.
B. Lobbying and Negotiation as a Concept

Lobbying and negotiating must be in accordance with the principles, strategies, techniques
and tactics, their essence and function, therefore it is called a concept. In order to
understand the concept in question, it is necessary to advance the understanding or
definition of lobbying and negotiation.

4. Lobbying as the beginning of the Negotiations

Today, lobbying efforts are no longer a monopoly in the world of politics and diplomacy, but
are also carried out by many business actors, celebrities and other parties including low-
level civil servants. The term lobby means a terrace or porch or a front room in a building or
hotels which is used as a seat for guests. While sitting and meeting casually, while chatting
to discuss things ranging from minor matters to domestic and even foreign political and
government issues, both in the context of the initial approach before the implementation of
negotiations or independently for lobbying itself.

Usually lobbying is carried out as an approach in order to design a negotiation. If the lobby
runs smoothly it is believed that it will result in successful negotiations.

5. Negotiation as a Function and Facility

The term Negotiation actually originates from the world of diplomacy, which is the world
that diplomats (ambassadors, ambassadors, business owners, consuls, etc.) are engaged in
carrying out activities according to the interests of their country in the country where they

So, negotiation is one of the main functions of Diplomats. Therefore, in international

relations almost every country places its diplomats in friendly countries. Although the term
and practice of negotiation originated in the world of diplomacy, nowadays it has become a
means of various aspects of life in society, nation and state, both in external and domestic
Negotiation Keywords; agreement acceptable to the parties ". These keywords apply to all
kinds of negotiations, such as:

a. Diplomatic negotiations

b. International trade negotiations (bilateral or multilateral)

c. Global negotiations (such as north - south dispute negotiations)

d. Negotiations between workers and employers

e. Negotiations between sellers and buyers

f. Negotiations between two corporations wishing to carry out a merger or strategic alliance.

g. Negotiating the formation of a joint venture

h. Negotiations regarding direct investment (direct investment)

i. Pilkada negotiations

j. Negotiations on winning tenders, and so on.

6. Principles, Strategies, Techniques, and Tactics of Lobbying and Negotiation

Lobbying has several characteristics, namely informal in various forms, the perpetrators are
also diverse, can involve third parties as intermediaries, flexible places and times with a one-
way approach by lobbyists.

There are several ways to lobby both legal and illegal, openly or privately, directly or
indirectly. For example: attempts at bribery can be categorized as direct, closed and illegal
lobbying. Lobbying like this clearly violates the law, but because it is closed / confidential, it
is rather difficult to prove it (for example: cases of lobbying for winning tenders using the
sugar / female approach, as is often reported in various mass media).

C. Capital and Negotiation Model

1. Negotiation Capital a. According to a number of social scientists, namely: French and
Roven, Baldridge and Kanter in Mufid A. Busyairi, (1997). There are several sources of
strength in conducting negotiations, namely:

1) authority,

2) information and expertise,

3) control over rewards,

4) coercive power by force,

5) alliances and networks,

6) access to and control of agendas,

7) controlling goals and symbols, and

8) personal power.

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