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Equity in Assessment

Please answer the following ques2ons as part of your SLO assessment project. The answers to these ques2ons can help
you have a conversa2on in your discipline or department about equity and assessment and can help you update your

1. Did you use mul2ple sources of evidence appropriate for the students being assessed and assessment effort?

Please list and describe those sources.

2. Have you included student perspec2ves about the assignment and taken ac2on based on perspec2ves? Please


3. Have you increased transparency in assessment results and ac2ons taken? Explain how.

4. Have you contacted the Office of Ins2tu2onal Research to collect your personal and/or your department’s

meaningfully disaggregated data? Have you had discussions about this data in discipline/department mee2ngs?

Please provide evidence.

5. How have you, or how do you plan to, make evidence-based changes that address issues of equity that are


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