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Database Management System (CS/IT 4th SEM) unit 8

Persons responsible for databases needed to be concerned with preserving the integrity and
security of the data.

Data integrity is concerned with ensuring the ACCURACY of the data. In particular, the
concern is with protecting the data from ACCIDENTAL inaccuracy, due to causes like:

1. Data entry errors

2. System crashes

3. Anomalies due to concurrent and/or distributed processing

Data security is concerned with ensuring only AUTHORIZED ACCESS to the data. In
particular, we don't want unauthorized persons to be able to read sensitive data, and we don't
want malicious persons to be able to damage the data by unauthorized insertions, deletions, or

User authentication is to make sure that the person accessing the database is who he claims to be.
Authentication can be done at the operating system level or even the database level itself. Many
authentication systems such as retina scanners or bio-metrics are used to make sure unauthorized
people cannot access the database.


Authorization is a privilege provided by the Database Administer. Users of the database can only
view the contents they are authorized to view. The rest of the database is out of bounds to them.

The different permissions for authorizations available are:

 Primary Permission - This is granted to users publicly and directly.

Database Management System (CS/IT 4th SEM) unit 8

 Secondary Permission - This is granted to groups and automatically awarded to a user if

he is a member of the group.
 Public Permission - This is publicly granted to all the users.
 Context sensitive permission - This is related to sensitive content and only granted to a
select users.

The categories of authorization that can be given to users are:

 System Administrator - This is the highest administrative authorization for a user. Users
with this authorization can also execute some database administrator commands such as
restore or upgrade a database.
 System Control - This is the highest control authorization for a user. This allows
maintenance operations on the database but not direct access to data.
 System Maintenance - This is the lower level of system control authority. It also allows
users to maintain the database but within a database manager instance.
 System Monitor - Using this authority, the user can monitor the database and take
snapshots of it.

Database Integrity
Data integrity in the database is the correctness, consistency and completeness of data. Data
integrity is enforced using the following three integrity constraints:

 Entity Integrity - This is related to the concept of primary keys. All tables should have
their own primary keys which should uniquely identify a row and not be NULL.
 Referential Integrity - This is related to the concept of foreign keys. A foreign key is a
key of a relation that is referred in another relation.
 Domain Integrity - This means that there should be a defined domain for all the columns
in a database.

Database Management System (CS/IT 4th SEM) unit 8

Any time information is transmitted over a communication link from one place to another, it is
vulnerable to being intercepted and even altered by unauthorized users.

Systems which can be accessed from remote sites are also potentially vulnerable to penetration
by unauthorized users, who may be able to then obtain unauthorized access to read or motify the
database by masquerading as a legitimate user.

Encryption can be used to reduce the risk of both types of unauthorized access.

a. Sensitive information being transmitted over a network should certainly be encrypted in some
suitable way.

b. Stored data may also be encrypted to prevent unauthorized users from understanding it if they
do obtain illicit access to it.

A DBMS can use encryption to protect information  in certain situations where the normal
security mechanisms of the DBMS are not adequate. For example, an intruder may steal tapes
containing some data or tap a communication line. By storing and transmitting data in an
encrypted form, the DBMS ensures that such stolen data is not intelligible to the intruder. Thus,
encryption is a technique to provide privacy of data.

In encryption, the message to be encrypted is known as plaintext. The plaintext is transformed by

a function that is parameterized by a key. The output of the encryption process is known as the
cipher text. Ciphertext is then transmitted over the network. The process of converting the
plaintext to ciphertext is called as Encryption and process of converting the ciphertext to

Database Management System (CS/IT 4th SEM) unit 8

plaintext is called as Decryption. Encryption is performed at the transmitting end and decryption
is performed at the receiving end. For encryption process we need the encryption key and for
decryption process we need decryption key as shown in figure. Without the knowledge of
decryption key intruder cannot break the ciphertext to plaintext. This process is also called as

The basic idea behind encryption is to apply an encryption algorithm, which may' be accessible
to the intruder, to the original data and a user-specified or DBA-specified encryption key, 'which
is kept secret. The output of the algorithm is the encrypted version of the data. There is also a
decryption algorithm, which takes the encrypted data and the decryption key as input and then
returns the original data. Without the correct decryption key, the decryption algorithm produces
gibberish. Encryption and decryption keys may be same or· different but there must be relation
between the both which must me secret.

Techniques used for Encryption

There are following techniques used for encryption process:

• Substitution Ciphers

• Transposition Ciphers
 Substitution Ciphers: In a substitution cipher each letter or group of letters is replaced
by another letter or group of letters to mask them For example: a is replaced with D, b
with E, c with F and z with C. In this way attack becomes DWWDFN. The substitution
ciphers are not much secure because intruder can easily guess the substitution characters.
 Transposition Ciphers: Substitution ciphers preserve the order of the plaintext symbols
but mask them-;-The transposition cipher in contrast reorders the letters but do not mask
them. For this process a key is used. For example: iliveinqadian  may be coded
as divienaniqnli. The transposition ciphers are more secure as compared to substitution

Database Management System (CS/IT 4th SEM) unit 8

Disadvantages of encryption
There are following problems of Encryption:

 Key management (i.e. keeping keys secret) is a problem. Even in public-key encryption
the decryption key must be kept secret.
 Even in a system that supports encryption, data must often be processed in plaintext form.
Thus sensitive data may still be accessible to transaction programs.
 Encrypting data gives rise to serious technical problems at the level of physical storage
organization. For example indexing over data, which is stored in encrypted form, can be very

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