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Academic Writing Cloud

A tag cloud (or text cloud) offers a visual sense of the key terms in a piece of writing at a
glance. Each cloud visually represents the number of times a writer uses certain words in a
particular piece of text. The words are listed alphabetically and weighted to allow easy
identification of the use frequency for each key word. The larger the font size, the more
frequent the key word. Wiktionary:Academic_word_list

Academic Writing

In academia, writing and publishing are conducted in a number of different genres and styles.

Typically, the academic writer will construct arguments, ideas, and points of view which are
based on closely-investigated knowledge, established evidence, and accepted facts. In doing
so, he or she should adopt an objective stance and avoid personal beliefs, opinions, and
emotional language. Strong papers are accurate and precise, not overly general, and correctly
use formal academic rhetoric such as technical and specialist words.

At this level, writing is serious and intended for a critical and informed audience. Although
writing of this nature usually circulates within the academic world, the academic writer may
also find a wider, more general audience via journalism, popular science writing, etc.

Furthermore, if the author’s reason for writing is to present research findings, the paper
should be organized with adequate detail so that other researchers can attempt to reproduce
the results.

2007-01-23: State of the Union Address

George W. Bush (2001-)

abandon accountable affordable afghanistan africa aided ally anbar armed army

baghdad bless challenges chamber chaos choices civilians coalition commanders

commitment confident confront congressman constitution corps debates deduction deficit

deliver democratic deploy dkembe diplomacy disruptions earmarks economy

einstein elections eliminates expand extremists failing faithful families freedom

fuel funding god haven • ideology immigration impose insurgents Iran iraq istarn
Julie Lebanon love madam marine math medcare moderation neighborhoods nuclear offensive
palestini an payroll province pursuing qaeda radical regimes resolve retreat Homan sacrifices
science sectarian senate september shia stays strength students succeed sunni tax
territories terrorists’ threats uphold victory violence violent war washington weapons

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