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(i) The advice that was given by the poet to the parents earlier in the context was to stop their
children from wasting their time in front of the tube, and not to install the television at all.

(ii) The poet describes the television as an 'idiotic thing', saying that it is a device with no
benefits at all, and it only wastes our time, and money. He says that books are better than

(iii) The thing that the poet has observed in every house, is a television set, which he hates to see,
and does not understand why parents even install it for.According to the poet, the 'eyes' of the
children pop out when they keep watching the television for too long, and with no stopping. In
order words, he tries to say that their eyes are harmed.
(iv) In the last lines of this context, the poet is using metaphor when he is comparing the
children with a dozen eyeballs. He uses this figure of speech, to make the poem more amusing,
and interesting. (v) a-The two examples of repitation in the extract are: i)Is never, NEVER,
NEVER let; ii)They sit and stare and stare and sit.


(i) According to poet watching television for long time keeps the children still. The children
get hypnotised by watching televison and they spends all there days in front of televison.

(ii) The parents let their children watch television uninterrupted, since then their children do not
annoy or disturb them anymore, as their time is mostly spent in front of the television.

(iii) According to the poet, watching television makes the children dull, as they are only wasting
their time on the tube, instead of reading books, or play outside, which can provide actual benefit
for them.
(iv) The poet says that watching excess of television makes children dull, and dumb, and also
damages their thinking power, since the television only shows junk content which gives no
knowledge at all. (v)Yes, Dhal is critical of television in the lines above.
Because watchingexcess of television makes children dull, and dumb, and also damages their
thinking power.


(i) The poet is answering the question of bad effect of television.The poet's advice to
parents about their children watching television is that, if they remove the television set, there
will be no means for the children to entertain themselves with.
(ii) 'TELEVISION' s the monster refering in the extract. Before its invention when our paren
were children they entertain themself by reading book and playing in field but nowchildren spent
all their time in front of television.
(iii)The poet reminds the parents of how they used to entertain themselves, back in the day, when
they were children themselves, and tells them that they did so by reading books. The
exclamations, 'Great Scott' and 'Gadzooks' used by the poet in the extract, is used to express the
shock,surprise and annoyance.
(iv) The poet uses all capital letters in this line, so as to emphasis the point that when the
parents, and he were children, they spent their time by reading books. (v) The poet recommends
reading of books to the children, as he believes that books are the only source of knowledge, and
for the minds of children to be more creative.


(i)Synecdoche is the figure of speech used in given lines. Example of the rhyming scheme in the
extract is:
So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray;
(ii) The poet wants the children to read books, to make use of their time, and learn something,
instead of watching television, which only wastes time, and kills imagination.
(iii) The given line is importan because through this line the poet is able to tell parents about the
children living long ago use to read book to entertain themself.
(iv) The poet says that the reading of books is better than watching television by informing us
that when we read books, we learn something, and also get creative, which, watching the
television cannot do and by telling the children these we can save them from hypnotism. Yes, his
suggestion is practical.

(v) Televisin is nessesarry because in this period, there are many educational, business related,
etc, types of shows that can often educate us about the things, that we might not know. There are
also new channels that gives us the day to day general knowledge of what is happening around
the world. Since although books are the source of entertainment, and knowledge. We can never
know about the things happening all over the world without the news on TV. Books can not
update us with every day to day events just in minutes.


(i) The poet gives the advice to parents because he says that books can also entertain us, and
increases our creativity. He says that, we can also learn something from books.
(ii) The 'dirty looks' as said by the poet in the extract refers to the angry, and annoyed children,
who will give cold stern stares to their parents, when they un-install the TV set.

(iii) Despite children screaming, the parents are advised to 'fear not' and remove televison
because TV is making children dull, and unimaginative, and he wants to stop this from

(iv) If the youngsters start reading books, they would be actively engaged with the stories. They
would be thinking, and imagining the stories on their own, and thus, their brains would become

(v)I agree it for some distant but Since although books are the source of entertainment, and
knowledge. We can never know about the things happening all over the world without the news
on TV. Books can not update us with every day to day events just in minutes.

(i) 'They start' reading books. The poet uses the exclamation-'oh boy, oh boy', to express the
suprise, and amusement, which the parents are going to feel when they see their children reading

(ii) According to the poet, once the television set is removed, and they start reading books, they
will eventually forget about the TV set, and start on to enjoy themselves, even while reading

(iii) The poet on one hand asks the parents to throw away the "nauseating ,foul unclean,
repulsive television screen", on other he asks them to "install a lovely bookself on the wall".as
televison are idiotic and books are wondrous.
(iv)It will benefit the children as If the youngsters start reading books, they would be actively
engaged with the stories. They would be thinking, and imagining the stories on their own, and
thus, their brains would become sharper.
(v) According to the poet, television is making children unimaginative, because it contains no
knowledge at all, and only shows content which contains no educational value, thus, making
them unimaginative.

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