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Guillermo Pérez Gómez

Tuesday 17th

Pag 57

Exercise 1)

1) Pone que no hay que escribirlo

2) Pone que no hay que escribirlo

Exercise 2)

1-If a dishonest person wants to commit a crime, he will do

2-If you know about crime and don´t do anything about it, you can also be held
responsable for the crime

3- For some people, the benefits of committing a crime are stronger than the risks.

Exercise 3)

Cartoon A-Caption 2

Cartoon B-Caption 1

Cartoon C-Caption 3

Exercise 4)

Statement 1- Cartoon C

Statement 2- Cartoon B

Statement 3- Cartoon A

Pag 58

Exercise 1)

Pone que no hay que hacerlo

Exercise 2)

Pone que no hay que hacerlo

Exercise 3)



Exercise 4)

1-true line 26

2-true line 28

3-false line 29

4-true line 51

Exercise 5)

1-They promise to met in the same place and at the same time in twenty years later .

2-That the time can change the personality of a person.

3- The policeman walked up to Bob at the beginning of the story because he was
Jimmy Wells, and he was going to meet his friend Bob as they had arranged twenty
years earlier.

4- He stopped indentifying himself when he saw the face of Bob and recognised him.

5-Because he couldn´t do it himself.

Exercise 6)


2-did well





Exercise 12)

a) The appointement twenty years later

b) Twenty years

c) The tall man and his mates

d) His work

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