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International International Archives of Medicine 2016

Medical Society Section: Nursing Vol. 9 No. 274 ISSN: 1755-7682 doi: 10.3823/2145

Bibliotherapy in the Humanization

of Care: Contributions to Nursing Practice

Renata Carla Nencetti Pereira Rocha1, Eliane Ramos Pereira2,

Rose Mary Costa Rosa Andrade Silva3, Amelia Marina Morillas Bulnes4,
Alciléa Barbosa de Andrade Sora5, Silvia Helena Oliveira da Cunha6

1 Nurse. Student of Professional Master’s

Degree in Nursing Care. Nursing
Abstract School. Federal Fluminense University.
Niterói/Rio de Janeiro. Brasil.
2 Nurse. Psychologist. Associated Teacher
Bibliotherapy is a therapeutic method in which reading and dialogue
From Nursing School of the Federal
practice provide emotional and psycological growth to sick and helthy Fluminense University – EEAAC/UFF.
people by helping them solving their internal conflicts and conse- Coordinator of Postgraduate Program
quently improving their quality of life. The aim of this article to reflect Master’s Degree in Nursing Care -
MPEA. Federal Fluminense University.
upon about biblioterapy in a health and hospitalization context in Niterói/Rio de Janeiro. Brasil.
order to contribute to the nurse’s performance who seeks to provide 3 Nurse. Philosopher. Psychologist.
a humane, total and of quality care assistance. It is concluded that Associated Teacher From Nursing
School of the Federal Fluminense
bibliotherapy can be used as a strategy to humanize the hospital care University – EEAAC/UFF. Coordinator of
behold, because it provides moments of relax, pleasure and joy to Postgraduate Program Master’s Degree
patients and families when in hospital. It creates an opportunity to in Health Teaching (MPES/ EEAAC)/UFF.
Federal Fluminense University. Niterói/
approach people, and promotes a healthy environment where diffe- Rio de Janeiro. Brasil.
rent experiences are exchanged for the quality of care. 4 Nurse. Principal Teacher of the Nursing
National University of Trujillo. Director
of PosGraduate Nursing UNIT. Peru.
5 Nurse. Student of Professional Master’s
Keywords Degree in Nursing Care. Nursing
Biblioterapy; Hospitals; Nursing Care. School. Federal Fluminense University.
6 Nurse. Master in Nursing at Federal
Fluminense University. Niterói/Rio de
Janeiro. Brasil.

Background Contact information:

The “word” has an immeasurable power, and when associated with
Renata Carla Nencetti Pereira Rocha.
the art of care, provides positive results as it penetrates into the human
being causing interior and exterior changes. When combined with the Address: Avenida Paranapua 1401 House
33. Cep 21910253.
therapeutic universe, you can purchase a variety of applications as in
Tel: +55 21 987081208
literapy, the literature therapies and/or bibliotherapy; therapy of books
(use of books, pamphlets and other writings); or in logotherapy as
therapy words, when performed through the pronunciation of words 
using texts, poems and words which give a sense to life [1].

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International Archives of Medicine 2016
Section: Nursing Vol. 9 No. 274
ISSN: 1755-7682 doi: 10.3823/2145

In this sense, Bibliotherapy is a therapeutic Methods

method used by means of guided reading and dis-
cussion group that promotes interaction between Bibliotherapy: Theoretical Construct,
people leading them to express their feelings such History and its Applicability
as anxieties and fears. This exchange of experien- The term bibliotherapy comes from the Greek “Bi-
ces and values contributes to both emotional and blion”, which means any type of bibliographic rea-
psychological growth of the person, helping him ding material and Therapein that means treatment,
to solve his internal conflicts and consequently his cure or restoration [2]. Based on this, the care and
living conditions [2]. zeal for the human being, by means of reading re-
The central thesis of bibliotherapy is that the hu- sources, aims to restore health and well being in a
man being is in continuous creation and is in cons- holistic sense.
tant movement to find his strength in the narrative According to etymology, bibliotherapy means
and interpretive process of reading. When Reading, therapy through books in which the readings can be
the person identifies the situations experienced by based on poems, self help books, biblical passages,
each character, understands what is presented in and others that offer emotional and psychological
that history and then, he is able to understand his growth through the exchange of experiences, ideas,
own problems, creating links and features for him- values, opinions and feelings [3] .
self by means of the text. Thus, reflective thinking The theoretical construct of bibliotherapy was de-
provided by the reading acts as a springboard for veloped by some famous scholars. We can highlight
action, characterizing the goals of healing and pre- Shrodes, Quaknin and Caldin as some of them.
vention [3]. The first author, Shrodes conceptualized bibliothe-
By reading, the human being is capable of being rapy as a dynamic process of interaction between
valued in a global and humane way. Bibliotherapy, the reader’s personality and the imaginative literatu-
as a therapeutic resource, is able to improve the re, which can attract his own emotions and release
care provided by transforming care environments them to his conscious and productive use. Then, the
into enjoyable ones. It socializes people, offering reader identifies himself with the character and feels
moments of pleasure, relax and recreation. motivated to solve his problems [4].
After all that has been said, it´s justified the ne- Augmenting this concept and based on the hu-
cessity to innovate when talking about new and man being as a continuous creation in constant
humane practices to fulfill emotional and spiritual motion, the relationship established with the book,
demands of the patient. So, it is possible to mini- through the application of narrative-interpretive-
mize the suffering caused by in the health-illness dramatized process of reading, leads the reader to
process and hospitalization. Then, the focus is to imagine new meanings and expressions [3, 5-6].
reflect and furnish effective resources to promote Thus, bibliotherapy proposes reading practices
a better care. that provide text interpretation as a possible the-
This study aims to reflect upon the inclusion of rapy. Reading unfolds new dimensions of reality
bibliotherapy as a humanizing practice in the health when entering in the world of the text. It achieves
care context in the hospitalization process. So, it the imagination, producing a reading of new pos-
aims to contribute to provide a total and humane sibilities, knowledge, perceptions and expectations
care. [5].
Based on these studies, bibliotherapy admits the
possibility of therapy through literary texts, passing

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International Archives of Medicine 2016
Section: Nursing Vol. 9 No. 274
ISSN: 1755-7682 doi: 10.3823/2145

a reading anchored in narration and dramatization. fferent types of customers. This implies its use in
It is also considered, in addition, the comments from different locations such as hospitals, schools, day
reading, born from the experience of the listeners care centers, prisons, nursing homes, community
added to the words of the author prioritizing this centers and retirement homes, serving all genres
way, the new text created by everyone involved in and age groups [7].
the session reading, narration or interpretation [2, It´s importante to out that bibliotherapy can not
4]. be confused with psychotherapy, as the second sets
Thus, bibliotherapy promotes exchange of expe- with the encounter between patient and therapist,
riences through dialogue and at the same time con- while the first is the encounter between listener and
siders the individuality of each person [4]. The pre- reader where the text plays the role of therapist [2] .
ventive and therapeutic potential of language and That is, the text makes the therapist’s role while the
shared speech awakens dormant thoughts that take bibliotherapeutic is one who acts as a mediator en-
shape in words and allow the perception that we hancing the dialogue between author and reader. It
are not alone in the world around us and we have adds that its implementation can occur individually
the ability to overcome real or imagined obstacles or in groups, but the second option becomes of
since we have partners such coping [6]. greater value, since the comments, gestures, smiles
On the history of reading as a therapeutic goal, and meetings [as they are also therapeutic] provide
there is no definition of its exact beginning and assurance that we are not alone and that we are
the origin of its ownership. However, the intuition all alike.
therapeutic capacity of the book brings to mind It is evident that to its effective therapeutic effect,
the ancient Greek, Egyptian and Roman civilizations, it is important that biblioterapeutic job be pre-struc-
who considered their libraries a sacred place where tured and adapted to each specific situation and
the texts were stored and caused relief for stress, conditions [3]. It means that it´s necessary to make
suffering, disease, and also set the reading as “me- the right choice of techniques and materials suitable
dicine for the soul” [6]. to be used, considering the health status, level of
In Ancient Greece and India reading is displayed education, similarity of interests and suitable place
as part of medical treatment since the nineteenth for the development of the proposed activities.
century. In the United States reading has been used Some elements contribute to the person in a
in hospitals synergistically with the prescription in way that he may have a diferente opinion about
the patient’s recovery. From the twentieth century his problems. The bibliotherapeutic components
on (and not From the twentieth century,) with the are made of catharsis [peace, serenity and relief
precise definition of bibliotherapy, it has become of emotions], mood [ego rebellion against adver-
recognized and used as shared reading with sub- se circumstances turning into pleasure the pain
sequent group discussion where dialogue is the object], identification [the subject assimilates an
guiding principle of treatment [1, 6]. Since then, aspect, another attribute and becomes totally or
bibliotherapy has aroused interest and curiosity of partially, according to the model that other], intro-
professionals from the health area and the library jection [the subject transfers to himself qualitives
as a therapeutic ally. that belong to the orther in a fanciful way], projec-
Therefore, bibliotherapy is a field that can be ex- tion [transfer to the other ideas, feelings, expecta-
ploited by doctors, psychologists, nurses, librarians, tions and desires] and insight [allowing the subject
educators and other professionals who engaged in to reflect about his feelings and then change his
seeking to register the benefit when applied to di- actions] [2, 6].

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International Archives of Medicine 2016
Section: Nursing Vol. 9 No. 274
ISSN: 1755-7682 doi: 10.3823/2145

In other words, bibliotherapy is an imaginative rely the absence of diseases. But when installed,
reading therapy, where the reader or listener iden- both patient and family end up becoming prone
tifies himself with a character or situation presented to emotional problems and this health perspective
in the text. After the projection, he discerns the ends up being corrupted.
character’s connection with his case and by means Thus, bibliotherapy as a therapeutic resource for
of insight understands and educates his emotions. the sick person or not, is able to transform care
Finally comes the cathartic effect with the release of environments, to provide moments of pleasure and
feelings [fear] providing a sublimatic effect leading distraction to patients and their families, to assign a
him to peace and well-being. new meaning to care delivery, to promote outreach
So, beyond the pleasure of the text, both reader partnerships, to socialize people and so, to contri-
and listener and listener the ability to find emotio- bute to the humanization of care [1].
nal stability, the action to overcome difficulties, and
promotes catharsis of internal conflicts, feelings, Bibliotherapy from the perspective
love, hope too . of hospital humanization: Practical
It is worth mentioning, at present, that emotional implications
changes are constant in people’s lives, aggravated In search of an integral care to restore health and
by several factors such as stress of daily routine, to promote the humanization of care, health profes-
trauma, anxiety and depression in addition to the sionals are seeking tools to meet the expectations
implications of illness in the family, among others. and needs of the patient and his family that are
Therefore, it is possible to understand that these momentarily weakened by disease in perspective
emotional problems end up destabilizing the health to cover the problems that interfere health mental.
of the individual and his family. Although it is known that health care is not fo-
A controlled and randomized study developed in cused only at the hospital, it is in this space that
Thailand with 56 patients diagnosed with modera- fragility of the individual [patient / family] happens
te depression showed positive results regarding the caused by the disease process and is increased by
applicability of bibliotherapy. The group that received the lack of care humanization. As they are in a
the intervention of bibliotherapy was less resistant strange and impersonal environment in which their
to treatment, resilience as well as less psychologi- daily routines are modified and privacies shaken,
cal distress than the selected group which received many concerns arise and feelings are mentioned.
standard treatment only [8]. Another study deve- Anxiety, insecurity, stress, helplessness and fear are
loped made it clear that patients with depression some of them that can be explained [11-12]. Thus,
are likely to go on with bibliotherapy with reduced humanization presumes a caring environment whe-
psychological suffering [9]. re the sensitivity of health professionals superimpo-
These results show that bibliotherapy when se the technical and scientific knowledge in order
applied as an interventionist and complementary to value and respect human dignity [13].
strategy treatment, contributes significantly to the Concern about humanization care in health servi-
promotion and recovery of people with impaired ces has been constant. In Brazil, this reflection was
mental health and improves their emotional and intensified specifically from the National Humaniza-
spiritual status. tion of Hospital Care Program and proposed a set
According to the World Health Organization [10] of integrated actions with a view to change the user
health is defined as a state of complete physical, standard of care in public hospitals in order to im-
mental, social and spiritual well-being and not me- prove the quality and effectiveness of services pro-

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International Archives of Medicine 2016
Section: Nursing Vol. 9 No. 274
ISSN: 1755-7682 doi: 10.3823/2145

vided [14]. The main objective of this program was pital more human and less aggressive to people,
to improve the relationship between health profes- because it offers a mechanism of promotion of life,
sionals and users, different health professionals and and methodologically, it helps the finding of an-
from the hospital to the community, promoting a swers, even if they are provisional at the moment
human and subjective dimension and strengthening of confrontation, tension and human imprisonment
the humanization initiatives. [3, 12].
In 2004, the National Policy of Humanization In this light, to discuss the humanization of nur-
expanded the humanization of care perspective sing in hospital care interposes the understanding
through the promotion of concepts such as am- that this is a broader concept. You can go from
bience, embracement, amplified clinic, defence of knowing how to listen and talk to the patient/Family
the rights of users and others. In this sense, the as well as how to have a sensitive eye and empathy
ambience is made to be understood as the physi- to change the standard of care. The vision is to
cal space, propitiating the encounter between the treat the individual holistically and reorganize the
user and the professional and through interpersonal work process while respecting the individuality and
relations favors warm attention, human and termi- priorities of each one [11, 13].
nation [15]. From this perspective, the embracement So, in the professional nursing practice, bibliothe-
anchored to the practice of qualified listening, res- rapy can be used as an element of the humaniza-
pecting the uniqueness and the primacy of each tion of care. By means of bibliotherapy, patients/
being established with the supply of resources that families can receive skilled care so that they´ll feel
increase the effectiveness of health practices for the welcomed in a unique way. This special attention
sake of human dignity. will provide a better deal with the disease and
The practice of bibliotherapy as a humanization hospitalization.
proposal is being carried out in various hospitals in As we can see, bibliotherapy has an implicit inten-
Brazil. The reconstitution of a vitality space, balance tion of listening to the other, promoting moments
and reconstruction of mental health and better ac- of relax, observation, interaction, change in the pat-
ceptance of treatment at the hospital environment tern of behavior and encouraging dialogue [2, 3, 6].
are some of the proposed goals [12]. Consequently it can provide stress relief, balance of
Some of the successful projects developed feelings, psychological and emotional rescue, trust
through partnerships and solidarity actions at hospi- between patients, families, nurses and consequently
tal environments geared to different age audiences help in the process health-disease [14].
can be singled out. In Rio Grande do Sul, the “Li- Another fundamental aspect to be observed re-
ving Library Project” developed in several hospitals gards to how the practical biblioterapy should be
in the country; the “Children’s Literature Project and applied by nurses. First of all, he must nurture in-
Pediatric Medicine: an approach to human integra- terest in the human aspect of his profession since
tion” in the pediatric sector of the Hospital São nursing has in its specific essence the care to human
Lucas, the bibliotherapy at Bruno Born Hospital in beings and brings in its own concept the perspecti-
Lajeado, and bibliotherapy at Tacchini Hospital in ve of humanization [12, 16].
Bento Gonçalves. In São Paulo, the project “Daily Nurses can possibly anchieve humanization by
Dose by Lae de Souza” and the “spectacled owl means of reading. In this step, some prerequisites
Program, storyteller” at the hospital of Assis [1]. are indispensable for the application of bibliotherapy
Thus, among many activities and strategies deve- such as to demonstrate empathy, affectionate look,
loped in hospitals, bibliotherapy has made the hos- to have an interest and concern in the well-being

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International Archives of Medicine 2016
Section: Nursing Vol. 9 No. 274
ISSN: 1755-7682 doi: 10.3823/2145

and problems of the other, to have an attentive lis- and new thoughts arise, as well as feelings and
tening, be flexible in the activity program planned, perspectives to face experienced difficulties.
to have emotional control, to domain literary texts Thus, bibliotherapy can be applied as a huma-
and theoretical basis [6, 16]. nization techinique and it provides moments of
As a result of its essence, bibliotherapy promo- relax and leisure; creates opportunity to approach
tes the relief of dark feelings, stimulates creativity, people; values ​ the professional/user; promotes a
allows the individual to check his emotions in pa- healthy and less stressful environment; fosters the
rallel with the emotions of the others, grants expe- exchange of experiences; stimulates the host and
rience emotions and feelings safely, helps the fruit finally meets the needs of each human being and
use of vicarious experience, helps to deal with fee- all the quality of care.
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